[P3D FirstLook] Well here we go again! All these releases lately is really putting us to work! Obviously, we strive to get you these consumer perspectives as quickly as possible after release. So I had to take a break from Milford Sound and hop a flight to NSN>AKL>LAX>LHR>ATH>RHO>KZS whew! So finally i'm here in Kastellorizo! What can I say, Emilios and the guys at FSDG have done it again! It's a small island, but without a doubt, it's likely the most exciting approach in the region, so exciting in fact, if you are not spot on the center-line, you will scrape the wings! Come check out our next ADX FirstLook at Kastellorizo!
It's a FirstLook so i'll keep it short and sweet. I have been accused of covering too much in these things in the past leaving little for our readers to explore on their own...
As I said, it's small! If you are looking for another Skiathos let me be upfront with you now: this place is no Skiathos. It's mostly desert, barren, and mostly void of vegetation. At least, the version in the sim is. In real life, the island actually looks more like Skiathos vegetation wise. Here though, it's just the photo-terrain image that depicts vegetation. This is the one area that in my opinion should have not been overlooked. With that said though, it's the only thing negative I have to say about the scenery.
The town of Kastellorizo looks beautiful and is represented in a very realistic fashion. As this is one of the few places I have never actually visited, I had to compare with photos found on the internet. As I said, realistic! Animated birds, boats and sounds add to the immersion factor. Well done.
Oh how I would love to have that staircase! Great workout! We have one near my house in Culver City. But not as good as the one here!
Moving away from the town, we get a look at the desolate areas of the island. Again, you should not find many if any houses here bit there really should be vegetation. It just seems a bit bare...
Not that it doesn't look good though. Obviously, it looks great.. The screenshots speak for themselves!
Love the terminal. Can I call it that? Feels very real! And I like the shadow work. The place just feels real somehow...
Moving to the darker end of the day, the town's nightlife... lights up nicely!
The airport light's up nicely too but I would be very mindful of my arrival time! You still want some daylight on that approach!
There are some issues I discovered during my tests such as some minor waterwalls on the steep coastlines, and some floating trees. But the team is already aware of this and are already working on an update to correct these issues.
So for $20 bucks, which is in my opinion a very reasonable price, you get a very good looking and exciting destination. Besides this, you also get yet another destination in the Greek Mediterranean to pare with Skiathos, Mykonos, Rhodes, Heraklion... You get the picture. Without a doubt you will enjoy Kastellorizo! And besides, with the great performance here, even if you do try to jam that NGX in there, frames won't be the reason why you will bollocks it up...
Any questions, please ask.

Nice review! Will buy this as soon as I can allocate some funds for it (holiday is right around the corner and the kids expect to have their daily icecream, LOL).
On your way back, you might consider going east-bound rather than back via LHR and LAX. It will save you one stop.
Hey DAndre!
Thanks for the review man! Great read. Still smiling at the thoughts of Dom and his NGX capers.
Its good to see this team's looking at getting it just right. Would be good if, whilst they did the update they also added in the odd bit of sparse vegetation just to make the whole island a pleasure for GA flights, as its so small. Hope they, at least consider it: For me I definitely think I'll be getting it to add to the Greek Mediterranean island hopping beauty, as you say, but I think for many, it'll be worthwhile for the purposes of GA flight to have it done more in the way 29 palms covered the larger Skiathos. But that's a decision for the team.
I just had one question...As I say, I personally am going to go for it, after reading your first look...The airport itself looks very realistic...they really got the look of that cutaway limestone next to the runway...says Greece all over it and makes it look very immersive in your shots...not to mention the building work, night lighting, town etc. My question is if you have any idea if this kind of update would be likely to be done very quickly (perhaps a few days to a week) because I may as well wait and buy the updated version (makes it easier for any future re-installs etc.). But if not, I really wouldn't want to wait too long and may as well by this today, or perhaps tomorrow at the latest. Just wondering if you had a better insight on this?
Thanks so much, again for giving us a simmer's look at this mate! All I could want now is a bit of updating the older Rhodes project to incentivise the great back and forth real-world style hopping between the two neighbouring islands.
Nice flight route getting here from Milford Sound by the way...Heading back the same way...or you could go KZS>RHO>ATH>DUB>AUK>NSN>Milford Sound. You'll have done a world tour. We'll pick you up on that end with your review either ways. Cheers DAndre! This is for me.
Please test it, if possible, with a mesh addon such as FS Global 2010.
Some previous FSDG work, such as Heraklion, has very serious performance issues (fps) with addon mesh, because (I guess) it was never tested for performance under these conditions.
Thank you.
Lol...I just suggested a similar thing below :-) But I'd personally use the route you've just suggested Frank. Just love the 5 star experience at Changi Airport in Singapore! Nice one! Hopefully, he'll do it and complete the world tour. I'm guessing your holiday is in Rhodes or that part of the Turkish coastline...its lovely and warm already...just came back from Rhodes and the icecream was already melting quickly so you want to take a couple of extra T-shirts for the kids (LOL). Good choice of route buddy! Enjoy the hols...weather's gorgeous right now.
Nice review! Where's this $20 by the way? Only find it for 18 Euros on Aerosoft's store, which is too much if whole islands not autogened vegetation-wise.
Great review,
yes i am all swamped in the water, with a part of... what was probably a NGX yoke in the hand...
But this city is so realistic, i will get a Majestic Dash Q400...
LOL! Nice one Dom. Full marks for trying anyway. Just happy to hear you lived to tell the tale (LOL). You will let us know how you get on with the Q400 won't you. I think a few of us might seriously want to know if we can squeeze this into that airport.
Really? That's got me a little nervous now cos I'm using FS Global 2010 mesh too. Hope its possible to test compatibility & performance with mesh addon as I know these guys've hand-customed the mesh haven't they? I hadn't picked up on this issue. Thanks for bringing it up anon...I really want to add Heraklion too...is the fps flyable in Heraklion? Any chance of taking a quick look for at Kastellorizo with mesh addon for us DAndre or Dom? Would be really appreciated. Thanks in advance!
15EUR (VAT free) at the Aerosoft store, which translates to ~US$20
Or should I say cram it between a rock and a hard place? (lol)
Regarding vegetation. If you look through real images of the island you will immediately see why we have not fully covered this island with trees.
Because it doesn't have much. Kastellorizo island is literally 'dressed' with low bushes which we have included as autogen throughout.
The only tree-like vegetation is rather sparse in reality, mainly located at the little town and the base of the high mountain, just like you will see in our scenery.
Hey Emil,
That's what I was refering to. Not actual trees but the vegitation. Those desert bushes, brush, etc. the scenery still looks great not being fully covered by it. But its one element that would surely enhance it a great deal.
Honestly, when I have nothing negative to say, I try to come up with something I might have done differently.
Its a really fun scenery and you guys did a great job!
In the background is the turkish coastline. This island is very far south of Rhodes...
Thanks D'Andre, we appreciate this thorough look into things! The short bush-like vegetation is a rather tough nut to use as FS autogen, but I will see what we can do in our update about this.
Hey Emil,
I can confirm I read DAndre's meaning to be the very sparse shrub-like vegetation dotted here and there around the whole island...not a blanket of forests or anything of the sort.
The screenshots evidently show the place to have a very authentic and atmospheric feel and we wouldn't want you to make any major changes to threaten that at all mate.
I read DAndre's review to be a very positive one indeed...I didn't read this small point to be any negative criticism or certainly anything like a flaw in this package...Instead, I read it as showing such respect for your quality work (that I also share) in having to find even been able to find a single thing that might possibly enhance it even further from the beautiful place you seem to have created. Just the odd little desert bush or tuft of brush vegetation dotted really really sparsely just to give the remainder of the island that 3D yet same desertified barren appearance (maybe no more than 10 little appropriate bushes strategically placed to fit appropriately in all only) would just take it that final step to bliss and perfection. I'll still be buying it no matter what (even if you don't wish to)...its still looks really really awesome, as the review and screenies clearly show). I want to by it today...Right now even...I'm simply waiting to hear from you or anyone if I'll be fine using it with FSGlobal 2010. If so...I'll be flying in to a gorgeous Kastellorizo from Diagoras at dusk tonight.
Written in the utmost admiration and respect for your scenery and thanks for everything commented upon in DAndre's wonderful (and very positively critical) review. It served me perfectly as a customer in getting a fine-tooth-combed picture which is great to see in a review, where when a scenery has no negatives, any kind of thing for further enhancement to perfection-level is done. That's just great and only happens for the best developers in my book...to be only a tiny bush or two from a true masterpiece is pretty good going mate. Well done developer and reviewer in your respective responsibilities...I am grateful to you both and as a result, Kastellorizo should be permanently in 2 of my sims.
Kind regards,
Oh yes, I know DAndre, didn't mean to cause confusion. The islands only 2 kilometres south of the Turkish Antalyan coast but 125 km east-south-east of Rhodes...the climate's pretty much the same around here though. Just meant to say Rhodes is nearest point in Greece to here but not sure where exactly Frank's off on holidays to (Kas, Rhodes, Turkey). Kas actually forms part of the Rhodes Regional Unit. Hope that clears up my miscommunication. Wish I was having melty ice cream again now...its p..sing down where I am at this moment (LOL).
Hey Sid,
We have tested FSGlobal2008 on Kastellorizo without problems.
About the rest, many thanks! If we love one thing more than developing, that is happy users.
all the best
Hi Sid, Nope... destination isn't Rhodes or Turkey... Actually... it isn't even Europe :-)
Heading out in a couple of weeks to visit another area beautifully covered with scenery (by OrbX)... The PNW around Seattle and Vancouver...
I have LIGR and FSGlobal 2010 and never noticed any negative influence for the additional mesh...
BTW, does anyone know who makes that Dash that was used in the previews?
Oh! I seeeeee! Got myself completely confused with the context of you post...sorry mate! I get it now...Sounds perfect...Vancouver/Seattle at this time of year should be pretty melty ice cream too, eh?! Very nice places indeed...good choice. Hope to be able to visit an uncle in that part of gorgeous Orbx PNW Land some time in the not to distant future. Don't know when yet though. Thanks for clarifying. lol. Enjoy the hols Frank and family! All the best!
Perfect. That'll do me...cheers again Frank...made my day!
Thanks Emil. Means it should be just hunky dory then I guess. Think that means I'm gonna be a very happy user indeed this evening! Better go dig out that credit card.
Thank you so so much Emil for clearing that up...means I can simply get off the ground to Kastellorizo tonight while the odd bush is cultivated for the update later.
If there's one thing us happy users love more than the perfect scenery (don't worry, the Mrs isn't home...I can do this)...its an open-minded & helpful developer with talent. Nothing but praise Emil! Nothing but praise! Cheers! Just can't wait for Thessaloniki! Have friends in Halkidiki and always fly in through there (Great museum...don't forget the Alexander The Great statue by the sea...not that you would after seeing this little gem). Time for me to be a child in a sweet shop...ATH-RHO-KAS tonight :-)
All the best!
Suspect Jerdoo might...but unfortunately his video description just says "Majestic Q400 and more".
The dash 8-100 which is used in the video can be found on avsim as freeware ... do note that the plane has no VC which makes it a b*** to fly :)
Thanks Jerdoo! Sucks no VC...
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