FSX. Frankly, i am puzzled each time i discover this kind of **** on a simshop. So, you are invited to spend 35 euros / 40 dollars for a 32 MB file, including the city of Macau and a library of approaches. According to the description, FlightSoft's Fly to Macau is "the first comprehensive commercial scenery of Macau". Really ? I have bought Thai Creations Macau airport and city for a much better price, 6 months ago. The scenery density of Thai Creations Macau is way beyond this one...
Flightsoft has received an award from Avsim.
Simmarket is distributing these products.
Also read this aghasting review of awards and all the "would soon"....
On my point of view, the only good reason for buying Flightsoft Fly to Macau is the library of approaches but there are not much explanations on this feature.
By comparison, here are some screenshots of Thai Creation's Macau scenery for FSX, developed by Tic Jtanabodee.
Under my own responsability,
Dom Mason
It's a crime that companies can take money for this sort of crap. Warsaw City 2013 X is even cheaper and looks stunning. So do alot of freeware I have tested too, inter alia SunSkyJet Philadelphia X!
AFAIK This looks like a repackaged Samsoft Macau for FS9, very old stuff. Flightsoft is old as well, which you can tell from their website design. Their last product was like 7-8 years ago and I'm believe that they're just moving their old stuff to Simmarket.
About 10 years ago they released their Kai Tak scenery for FS2002 and that was an amazing payware scenery during the time, mind you this was way before 9Dragons or Flytampa. You can still read the old review from Flightsim.com below. (Note the date)
Unfortunately everything else they've released were utterly forgettable.
Take a look at their Singapore scenery. Extremely bad based on the pictures on simmarket. There is better freeware
Personally I think that looks incredible. On-par if not better than PMDG or A2A!
Really? You bought this? Their awards page is soooo dated. The only AVSIM award I see was for FS 98. Their website seems to be more propaganda that useful marketing information. It actually reminds me a bit of techniques used by the flightgear scammers proflightsimulator - (just the website look and feel only of course - comparison stops there). If your point is how can various sim shops can sell low quality work for high prices... I would imagine the argument would simply be that they are the middle layer and do not set the prices... If I had a sim shop, and it helped to generate revenue and keep me in business, I would sell it. I don't believe that the addon market is so lucrative that merchants can be so choosy.
I have to say that one think I do like about s#m%arket is the comments section. If others thought a product is junk - someone most likely expressed their opinion and it can be rated right there on the product page. Influences my decisions.
Absolutely, worthy of the PCPilot Platinum reward!
Anything for a quick dollar it seems...
What are you talking about?? PMDG and A2A are not scenery designers, they sell airplanes, not sceneries. And it looks like you didn't read the post, the screens are from Thai Creation's Macau, not Flightsoft.
It's OK.
And people complain that 40bucks is too much for an Orbx region?
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