FSX. Well, maybe. Doing my best to not take anything out of context, Mathijs Kok of Aerosoft said it is a possibility but not to be disappointed if it doesn't happen and from what I gather it is not a specific target date. The point is, however, it is getting close to release now whether it makes it out by Christmas or not. The long awaited and much anticipated Digital Aviation CRJ has been in development for years now but with the way DA has gone it is amazing that this project is still alive...
Hans of DA has soldiered on with the systems coding alone, and in his spare time too if I am not mistaken, and is near the end of what has to be a monumental task. Think of how many engineers design and work out the systems on the real aircraft and he has the task of recreating it by himself. I for one commend him greatly for his efforts no matter how long it has taken. We as consumer should never forget that we are entitled to any thing we haven't yet paid for!
Well, being a new editor here at ADX, I am not sure if these have been shown here or not so my apologies if these are redundant. None the less, some very nice looking shots from the beta in case you missed them!
Well, just like D'Andre, being a one man show is hard, and sometimes these people get criticize unjustly for their work, by people that won't lift a finger to help. I'm glad to see D'Andre has got new help.Keep it up Ian.
I'm fine with my FeelThere CRJ...but its a pain to paint. I have done some good ones though.
If this is easier to paint, I will buy it. :)
Actually, the FeelThere CRJ nextgen has many issues, not solved. So thanks for this update. I like the plane. Its fun to land this at Castlegar BC !
So many of us have been waiting for this for a very long time. I'd love to to see this released by Christmas.
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