Friday, August 2, 2013

PMDG-777 is finally....!!

FSX/P3D. So you all thought it would be released today? HAHA! Nope! However, Rob Randazzo has strongly hinted at what this release date will be. And it will be this month. But the question is what date? Now I have copied Rob's entire statement from Avsim since there are so many banned Avsim members who are potential customers of PMDG products. But if we get a removal request from the PMDG staff, then this post will be removed so read now while you can. Hopefully some of you can do some math and dig out a release date from this post. THX D-Mac!


Late each year, our friends at Boeing send out a bunch of calendars featuring various themes based around (shockingly enough) their product lines.

This year they sent a wall calendar (which Ryan made off with) and a petit desktop calendar that resides next to the phone here in my office.

Yesterday morning I sat down to go through the daily plan, and out of habit turned the calendar from July to August- and this is what I found:


Now- I KNOW how this forum loves a good conspiracy theory...   Remember the folks predicting the release date based on the barometric pressure selected in one of the previous preview images?  Or how about the time I mentioned Mother's day in a random post and suddenly the folks at Tin Foil Hat Virtual Airlines started screaming that May 12 was definitely the release date?


Strap on an extra layer of tinfoil everyone- because this one actually means something.

I mean- do you know how hard we had to work to reach the marketing planner who was responsible for signing off on a Boeing Company corporate calendar featuring watercolor paintings of Boeing airplanes over scenic venues?  And does anyone appreciate how expensive it was to buy off said marketing manager to shuffle the deck of cards so that the 777 would magically appear during the month in which we expect to release the 777?

Oh if only it were true...  :ph34r:

Wait... which part of the above is untrue?  The fact that we would go out of our way to bribe a low level manager responsible for the creation of logo-branded Boeing Swag?  or the fact that we are planning to release the 777 this month?


Well- if it is another clue for you- the PMDG 777-200LR/F Base Package has been under some absolutely brutal testing at the hands of some extremely talented 777 flight crews and technicians for months...

And yesterday, 01AUG13, about 2hrs after I turned my calendar over- we pushed the airplane out to our Wide Beta team- and started evaluating it for release fitness....

So...  Yes...  You caught us.  We bribed that guy in the swag office at Boeing..."

****DISCLAIMER:  Everything in this email is subject to change at our whim without explanaition or justification.  (And half of this disclaimer might be true too...)

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James said...

Also the NDA's have been removed so all BETA testers can post comments/videos/photos/reviews of the 777!!! At the moment there are a few videos going round and a few new photos! Check out Frooglesims facebook page for all the details.

iFlysimX said...

The calendar stops at 8/3 so I think this is when it will be released :)

Greg Pitts said...

pff, they could choke with their 777. condescending developers will not get my money.

Aaron Graham said...

I am guessing the 4th August as that will be 2yrs since the 737NGX launch.

Balan22 said...

Has anyone noticed the calendar's bottom right corner? B777-300ER is this a hint about 300ER coming too in this month

iFlysimX said...

It must be so fun on PMDG's end to watch everyone go crazy about the release date lol.

mleuck said...

Quit playing games and release the d--- thing!

Mason Dominique said...

Of course it's this month !
Everybody is on holidays waiting for this.
Releasing it in September would be a commercial failure.

Balan22 said...

I thought so when I looked where the calendar ends. Still hoping in this...despite someone is talking about a September release.

Damien A. said...
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Wilton said...

I say either the 3rd or the 4th based on the calendar picture.

This is great news even if its released on August 31st. I thought PMDG was months away.

automized said...

lol no one is asking for ur money in the first place XD

DMac10121 said...

Sorry - just to clarify, by "confirmed" you mean that you've confirmed it's in August, right?

Just wanted to make sure you didn't know the release date before us...:)

adi518 said...

right.. it's freeware.. i forgot.

7700 said...

August 2013, 2014, or 2015?

PMDG said...

We need every time permission from Robert or Ryan to put something online, so dont wrote dump stuff folks... PMDG Beta Teseter

Nothing to see here said...

I still think the release won't be in August. When you introduce beta software to a wider test audience you'll ALWAYS find more bugs.

October would be my best guess.

ScudRunner said...

"so dont wrote dump stuff folks"


Ryan said...

Meh, it will be great but so over hyped.

Unknown said...

Fantastic! Looks like we'll be in T7 heaven pretty soon.

Unknown said...

Seems legit...

Unknown said...

Seems legit...

Mach2.02 said...

Dear PMDG. When I pay you, I won't pay you directly. I'll go all around-the-house with a riddle here, a screenshot there. My money will be ready when it's ready.

Wilton said...


Sid said...

There had damn well better be! LOL!

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