P3D. The Polish wizards have finally returned to the motherland to put some focus on a few of those many amazing airports in development across the Polish countryside! This time the team has returned to the roods of the Polish Airports vol.1 and brought the package up to 2013 standards. Now as it's getting late here and I don't want to rush or do a half-assed job, I decided last minute to break up the airports so at the very least, I could bring one or two airports for now, and the rest tomorrow. So with that said, let's check out Gdansk first!
So for those of you who bought V1 and see no reason to drop an extra 10 bucks, this new terminal is addition is worth the $15 just on it's own. Not to mention the other airport enhancements in this package.
My only gripe here is the glass reflections. What is that mountain and those trees making up the reflection? I think the work will look better in FS9 where I will be enjoying this package when it's released.
Lots of nicely detailed static ramp objects and static aircraft.
The terminal modeling is superb!
And nearby buildings added as well! I really like the architecture!

Great night lighting as well!
I would like to think these shots speak for themselves. If you already bought the older V.1, you may have this at a serious discount. otherwise, it's very reasonably priced for 4 airports!
According to the Simmarket product page: If you previously purchased DRZEWIECKI DESIGN - POLISH AIRPORTS VOL. 1 FSX or DRZEWIECKI DESIGN - POLISH AIRPORTS VOL1 V2 FSX at simMarket, you are entitled to the special upgrade price of EUR 10.51 (+VAT where applicable) only. NOTE: The special upgrade price will be awarded automatically, therefore you must be logged into your same account used to purchase the previous version! If in doubt contact simMarket support first! NO REFUNDS GIVEN!
Get yours today and enjoy!
The next airport in this package will be covered shortly!
Happy Flighting!
AirDailyX -We do things differently!
Dammit D'Andre, you're pushing me off the fence! ;)
Oh yeah! I'm gonna throw you off after the next articles!
Great job with the glass!
I'm looking forward to FS9 version. Gdańsk is my hometown, so majority of my flights are from GDN
So what about other airports guys?
Relax. They are coming. Did you read the opening paragraph?
Okay, too many Todds here. This last one was NOT me, the one being pushed off the fence...you guys really need to think about a log-in.
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