Sunday, July 21, 2013

Twotter tundra release imminent!

FSX/P3D. Earlier today Mathijs announced the Twin Otter Extended: Tundra Version is offically complete and due for imminent release! The team is now progressing on the floater variant which is nearly complete. But the issue is, many updates are in the pipeline so should it be released now or together with the floater version to avoid users having to download all the updates separately?
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Unknown said...

I don't like this strategy one bit. One variation at a time, plus updates, blah blah. Software developers are lazy, they use their paying customers as the testers, and have to patch and patch and patch. This is industry wide, not just FSX of course. But this takes the cake. Inexcusable. You aren't ready to release the full plane, all variations???? Then don't! Darn I'm frustrated. Just my opinion, I do like Aerosoft. *not sure if this went through the first time*

cfit said...

I like their strategy. Gives me something more to look forward too after the initial purchase.

Bart said...

So speak with your wallet, don't buy. However, I agree with cfit. One thing,
Lumping all developers into one category. Ahhhh, no. Everyone who purchased the Twin Otter knew what they were getting up front when the question was asked in the forums. Your choice is purchase on those terms. It has nothing to do with being lazy, it has everything to do with everyone wanting the product now and we all know how demanding the simmers are.

Ipeefreely said...

Yep that is just *your* opinion.

I actually like it this way, and cant wait for the tundrawheel version

A gift that keeps on giving!

Btw Ray, maybe less caffeine before posting, because you sound like a little child having a tantrum, seriously

Captnoddy said...

Ray please do NOT buy it till its finished OK?

Yours sincerely,
The rest of us

Adam said...

I like the way they're doing it too. Gives me a chance to spend a little time with each new model as it's released and make sure i try them all out. Also how are they using customers as testers? I didn't experience any major issues with the Twin Otter at release that I would've gotten during testing....or that I got from other developers after releasing their full product. Aerosoft also offered the Twin Otter at a discount for anyone that purchsed it early and even more for previous me that more than makes up for any hassle of downloading additional models and packs.

Anonymizer said...

Look at it this way, for just over US$ 30 you get a great FSX/P3D compatible aircraft from Aerosoft with 11 model variations, of which 3 have been released so far, and many different liveries.

Compare this to Flight1's newly released King Air B200, where for just under US$ 60 you only get one model, no P3D compatibility, a G1000 with no TAWS or VNAV, only 4 liveries, silly simulated wear and tear stuff that nobody needs, plus sounds that are still severely broken a week after release.

Yet people here are complaining about this aircraft from Aerosoft. Seriously? Trust me, there are companies out there that really are still in the dark ages, Aerosoft is not one of them.

7700 said...

Really hope they patch this with an option to click the yokes off, looks stupid having your real yoke and their VC yoke in the same field of view

Unknown said...

I was just voicing my opinion. I stated on the post, that I do like Aerosoft. I have many of their products. I might be wrong, but I won't back down with my initial post. Slam me all you want. I just don't like the way they did this release. Thats it.

Unknown said...

Slam me all you want. I was just stating my opinion. Wow. Reads like a bunch of Aerosoft company types posting on here. I like Aerosoft, I have many of their products. I just don't like this release strategy. Thats it. Keep slamming me....Jeez.

Unknown said...

These developers are NOT above criticism of their products, btw.

Unknown said...

Ipeefreely, you really want to be taken serious with that nick? Please. I'm here with my REAL name, I have nothing to hide.

Ipeefreely said...

You sound like you need a hug Ray... :)

Thedude said...

Ray, with one sweeping backhand you dismissed the entire FSX developer group as "Lazy"

I'm surprised you got off this lightly to be honest

Aggressorblue said...

I could understand Rays attitude if the Twotter was a buggy, un-optomized mess of a product with poor documentation.

But it isn't.

In it's present form, it's a very complete aircraft, in that it's well optimized, feature rich, and very stable.

So long as developers are HONEST and advertise that the product is incomplete in someway, I'm willing to consider buying the product. If it's a alpha/beta product (Arma is a good example) tell me, and I'll decide was a buyer if I want to get a taste now and deal with some bugs, or wait till later. Likewise, AS was VERY clear the product is still be worked on, and based on the updates from AS, it's clear a good faith effort is in place to get the extended content to use in a timely manner.

That said, it has become all to common for software devs in general to launch products in an unfinished/tested state, but LABEL them as finished versions. This is lazy/underhanded development, and is worth trashing on.

Samuel Knight said...

Amazes me that anyone who has any kind of developer criticism in this flight sim community gets attacked by fellow simmers. Blows my mind. Consumers here give away their rights willingly. The Twotter was a mess. AP needed immediate patching. Livery Manager wasn't included in first version, and even now that it is most liveries are incompatible. There is no documentation for the livery editor, and there is also a severe lack of documentation for major aircraft systems such as GPS and how VOR tuning straight from the GPS works in conjunction with NAV radio. The fuel selector is reversed. AFT pump actually pulls fuel from FWD tank, its a confirmed bug that needs to be fixed. This bird was rushed to market. All you flight simmers who want to convince yourselves you like to pay for an unfinished product, go ahead, but don't attack somebody being honest with themselves and expressing their opinion.

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