Friday, July 19, 2013

SkySoft Haikou Meilan released!

FSX. Skysoft has released it's first native airport for FSX. This is a talented developer and the sole developer focusing on Mainland China. Get your copy now at Simmarket!
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Albus Cai said...

ADX, what is your first look comments?


DAndre Newman said...

Dom might buy it for a FirstLook when he is back from vacation. I don't have the time at the moment. Sorry... But if the developer sends us a copy, i'll do my best to work it in.

Sid said...

Cool! Hard to tell if its worth 19 EUR from the shots on Simmarket so keen to know what you guys think on how its quality/performance stands up too, being its their first native FSX airport. Holding off for now as there's already quite a bit on the "to buy" list. Lol :-)But hope to consider later, if its reasonably decent...

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