Monday, July 29, 2013

ADX FirstLook: FTXGlobal!

FSX/P3D. Orbx has finally released the long awaited product that changes the way we see our FS world. FTXGlobal has hit the virtual shelves of The FlightSim Store and after short 4.18GB download period, you will be free to roam about the planet! This is the highest anticipated release of 2013 and now it's all yours. Whip out the credit cards and prepare to hide the bill from the wifie! Please post all FTXGlobal screenshot requests here. We will do our best to cover all of them for you. Cheers!
100 % done!
64 places visited  and more than 200 screnshots

Your screenshot requests!

I'll try to do as many as possible. Consider this the official ADX FirstLook thread for FTXGlobal.

These shots are raw, no editing, 3 shots per request.

1. Mexico City


2. Singapore

3. Recife


4. Las Vegas

5. Pheonix



6. Managua

7. Oakland

8. Guadeloupe and Martinique

9. St.Kitts and Nevis

10. Anguilla

11. St. Thomas and St. Croix


12. Trinidad and Tobago

13. Barbados

14. St. Lucia

Integration with Taxi2gate St-Lucia TLPC !

15. Grenada

16. San Juan

With Imagine Sim San Juan Munoz intl airport.

17. Madrid

19. Santiago

Santiago (Spain) is barely designed with FTXG. No signifant screenshot.

20. Moncton

21. Fredericton

22. Charlottetown

23. Dakar

24. Abidjan


25. Bamako



26. Nashville




27. Frankfurt



28. Hamburg

With Aerosoft Hambourg airport.




29. Munich

With Aerosoft Munich airport.


30. Fort Lauderdale

With FS Dreamteam Fort Lauderdale.

31. Lille

Integration with France VFR Lille Lesquin airport.

32. Barcelona


33. Reggio Calabria


34. Aarhus

35. Dubrovnik

36. Tokyo 


36 1/2 Kathmandu


37. Torino

38. Aosta
39. Milan


40. Genova

41. Budapest


42. Bandar Seri Tel Aviv


43. Antalya


44. Hong Kong 

44. 1/2 Brussels

Floating houses. Not good...


45. Bruges




46. Gaza City




47. Oviedo



48. Gothenburg 



49. Turin




50. Denver




51. Cape Town



52. Karachi



53. Islamabad



54. Kuwait


55. Bahrain

56. Dubai Fly Tampa Dubai includes a very large custom ground layer.Orbx FTXG will only add the desert textures around the city.


57. Dublin
58. Honolulu
With FS Dreamteam Honolulu intl airport.
59. Grand Canyon


60. Boston

With Fly Tampa Boston Intl.

61. Paris

Vector lights motorway combined with Aerosoft Paris CDG.

62. New York


With Aerosoft Manhattan X

63. Doha


64. Livingstone Victoria falls



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David Aquino said...

Ok im gonna be the first to request :D Mexico City please, have to see if it will pair up with my upcoming t2g MMMX, cheers

Albus Cai said...

Singapore please.

Chris Strobel said...

Southern California.

Unknown said...

Recife - Brasil Please!

Anonymous said...
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cloudswimmer said...

Anything in the desert southwest. Basically how will this stack up to MSE for areas like Vegas, Phoenix area, New Mexico, Barstow, Death Valley, Moab, Nevada, etc. I've used MSE before as pre-flight familiarization for real world flying into unfamiliar strips. Anxious to see how this pans out for these areas.

Phantom said...

I request Managua, Nicaragua (MNMG)

DAndre Newman said...

To anonymous who requested Oakland. This will not happen till you realize we don't allow anonymous comments on ADX.

DAndre Newman said...

Nope. Need a city.

Simeon said...

The Caribbean Islands
Guadeloupe and Martinique
St.Kitts & Nevis
St. Thomas and St. Croix
Trinidad & Tobago
St. Lucia
San Juan

Chris Strobel said...

Ok Oakland ;)

kernelPANIC said...

Madrid, Sydney or Santiago would be cool :D

Anonymous said...

Moncton, fredericton NB, charlottetown PEI, dakar, Abidjan, Bamako , Please.....

Unknown said...


Jens said...

Frankfurt, Hamburg, and Munich, please!

Sal Simulation said...

Oakland please, Thank You

DAndre Newman said...

#7 on the list.

wideloadwhitford said...


Ciki said...

May i request comparison screenshots of them mentioned above? It´d give us better idea how dramatic the change is.

JamesDT said...

Atlanta, Miami, Jacksonville, and Charlotte please

DMac10121 said...

Vancouver/Seattle (Without PNW Activated)

Sylvain said...

Lille ! LFQQ

Pirx said...

Barcelona (Spain) if you have time, please

Daniel said...

Would be nice to see a comparison of Hamburg (with German Airport Add On) with UTX and GEX to FTX Global

tassmaha said...

Reggio Calabria Italia Please...

Anonymous said...
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whisper said...

aarhus (EKAH) denmark

Daniel San said...

Miami, New York, Lima and Santiago de Chile please

Belisar said...

Dubrovnik, Croatia. I am really curious about that one.

Magnus said...

Kathmandu, Nepal!!! :)

Homer said...

Torino Italy, Aosta Italy, Milan Italy, Genova Italy

Anonymous said...

It's a shame DX10 mode is not supported and lights are showing as black box. I have to use UTX lights till they fix it.

jam321 said...

Bandar Seri Began in Brunei!

Chris said...

any chance to post some pics of tel aviv, please ?

JLSM511 said...

Miami, Washington DC (Dulles & Reagan), Tampa

Unknown said...

Budapest please!

Brad said...


Alicante - Spain
Malaga - Spain
Barcalona - Spain
Antalya - Turkey
Hong Kong - Hong Kong

Xavierp said...

Brussels ostend and brugge and charleroi
That d be great

Mach2.02 said...

Gaza City

jap said...

I would love Oviedo / Asturias, please

Unknown said...

Gothenburg, Sweden (ESGP)

Thank you =)

Merlin said...

New york!

Andrew said...

Azores, please!

DAndre Newman said...

Hey, you already have default. This is asking a bit much.

DAndre Newman said...

Not going to happen. Sorry. Too much to install/uninstall. Besides, I don't use those products in P3D anyway.

DAndre Newman said...

Okay, all of the above will be added to the list. Again, no promises that I will get to all of them today.

ALX WNT said...

I can help you with couple of these

Andrew said...

Thanks! But if you can not post all the sites today, is there any chance to do it tomorrow or later?

Sid said...

I'll be buying today anyway but any of the below would be interesting and varied locations to see various textures in the sim and highly appreciated DAndre, but please don't worry if you can't fit them in. Thank you very much!

You know, the best thing about today friends is that it is one of those rare and special days where our community is in celebration all over the world, like no other. No one can stop us all smiling all day long. This is our day...a Simmers' day, a real 'feel good day'. One very united, excited and happy community planet-wide. I just love that! The wait is over and we are all waking this morning to a new dawn and a new world for our exploration. How great! A new bar has been set forever :-)I feel like a kid on Christmas morning :-)
Here's some possible suggestions:

Chandigarh (near Himalayan foothills India),
Bangkok (Thailand),
Phang Nga (Thailand),
New Delhi (India)
Geneva (Switzerland),
Innsbruck (Austria),
Prague (Czech Republic),
Bali (Indonesia),
Maldives (Indian Ocean),
Amritsar (India),
Shimla (Lower Himalayas, India),
Nairobi (Kenya),
Masai Mara National park (East Africa),
Victoria Falls (East Africa),
Serengeti (East African Savannah),
Atacama Desert (Chile),
Casablanca (Morocco)
Falkland Islands (South Atlantic),
Reykjavik (Iceland),
Stockholm (Sweden),
Tibetan plateau,
Phuket (Thailand)

Happy flights to one and all in our fabulous community!

With thanks AirdailyX,

Ardix said...

Please some Italian City, like Turin or Milan. Would be nice to see also a Mountain area, so I ask for Aosta (LIMW) too. Thanks.

JS1 said...

+1 for Hong Kong

JS1 said...

According to JV a patch is on its way for DX10, so hang in there!

Todd said...

Denver. I'm away from my computer all week! Aaaaaaaah!

Adam Preston said...

Cape Town!

Zohaib said...



Anonymous said...

Please Poznan EPPO to see how it'll fit with DD's PAv3

Unknown said...

hey dándre, could you please post some shots of kuwait, bahrain , dubai etc... basically the middle section of the world !

Anonymous said...


Can you post one from Lisboa?



Delta Flier said...

Dublin, Ireland please.

Nothing to see here said...

Please have a look at the FSX default 'detailed' scenery areas.

1) Cairo (Check out the default Pyramids)
2) Beijing (The default Forbidden City)
3) Honolulu
4) Grand Canyon

Wintermute said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Barack Obama said...

Hello ADX,

I'm Barack Obama and I'm the president of the United States.

I would like to see the White House, Washington DC, USA.

Barack Obama

Wilton said...

please add Boston and Paris to the list.

Wilton said...

How are the frames with the NGX? Has anyone tested this yet?

Ellen DeGeneres said...

That post is going on my next show, Barack!

DAndre Newman said...

Sure :)

DAndre Newman said...

Hi Barack,

Sure but only if you cancel your stupid universal healthcare bill. My company provides a very superior health insurance coverage. But with your bill, they will likely drop to a shit form of medical coverage. Something many companies will start to do.

Anonymous said...

What happened to Drzewiecki Design New York X review? Your PC can't handle it?

Anonymous said...

Really cant wait....hope to get some feedback soon...

MeRsd said...

Tel Aviv - LLBG please :)

DAndre Newman said...

Gonna pass on that one DMac. This is a lot of work as it is. FTX will be in hybrid mode.

DAndre Newman said...

No anonymous comments.

wabbit said...

Wagina Saskatchewan

DAndre Newman said...

Damn Sid really? taking advantage a bit huh? pick 3.

nolatron said...

New Orleans, LA (KMSY)

DAndre Newman said...

If you learn how to search and read this blog, you will find your answer.

Rihards said...

Hello, can you please cover Faro (LPFR) and possibly Riga(EVRA)?


Unknown said...

Bangkok, Thailand

Anonymous said...

Yes I read the blog and you had OOM errors with P3D but also wrote that on thursday Dom will take a look so I thought that you forgot about it cause of FTX Global.

DAndre Newman said...

We are working on trying to get it working. Nothing else to report at this time.

Adam Preston said...

That sounds very rude Wabbit lol

DMac10121 said...

That makes perfect sense. I realize you are all swamped with requests!

automized said...

Every city in the world please !

JamesDT said...

I'm really not feeling that giddy. If someone wants me to plop down almost a C-note, they better show me more than I've seen so far. Now if PMDG would release .....

JamesDT said...

Gorilla Falls, Madagascar please

Luiz Henrique Machado said...



Unknown said...

Ocean side Delphia in Antarctica

How are the frames btw? Was there any improvement because of the optimized autogen models?

fridberg said...

Requesting Reykjavik or just Iceland.

Dave Boeing said...

FS9 any day doo da doo da. FS9 all the way oh doo da day!!!

Anders Halstæd said...

Forget FTX Global, forget Prepard3D v2, forget all that you have ever seen until you see this:

Make sure you watch it in HD!

I wonder if it will that amazing after the Beta phase is finished ;-)

DAndre Newman said...

Indeed! This was done during my flying time so I didn't get to fly today...

Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

Lisboa and Porto?


Mason Dominique said...

Don't worry ! It's coming today ! We are on it ! Just think that it's take 90 secondes to switch from a place to another :)


DAndre Newman said...

You may NOT comment as anonymous. Until your name is added. Your request is denied.

Andrew said...

Ponta Delgada (LPPD) ft Tropicalsim Scenario!

Mach2.02 said...

Fly with your mouse and get shot down with a bazooka! Whatever floats your boat ;)

Unknown said...

Goiania, Petrolina and Teresina, all in Brazil, please :)

Frederik Hagedorn said...

Sorry, but I'm not impressed at all by FTX Global. As usual a lot of hype and over-marketing. The reason we were never shown screenshots of Africa, like the Sahara, is that it looks horrible:

The above shot was taken over Mauritania, Western Sahara. And here is a region in Egypt, NW of Sharm el-Sheikh, again pretty horrible.

And now for the biggest disappointment, in DX10 mode the daytime light placement shows a black square, because someone at Orbx didn't do their work properly:

Both shots taken over Frankfurt, Germany. Sorry, but I expect no black squares from a product costing over US$ 90! And since more and more users are using the fixed DX10 mode, Orbx should do better than release something with such a severe problem!

Pirx said...

Great job, DAndre. Thanks,

About the images... Although this is an improve compared to the default landscape, I still want more.

Barcelona doesn't look as it is in real. Too much trees and houses; in reality there are more big buildings and very more cement. I don't like how buildings and roads step the images below.

Is it so difficult to buy the roads data from Garmin, Google or whatever?

In any case, sure there will be updates.

Frederik Hagedorn said...

Here is the other Frankfurt shot:

DAndre Newman said...

Thanks Pirx,

but don't give me all the credit. Dom kicked ass on some of these too! Otherwise it would have taken a week to fill all the requests.

As for FTXGlobal. Remember, these are only a nice texture replacement. There are many things already that I don't like about it personally which I will cover in an upcoming review. But it's far better than default and any other similar replacement product by way far.

Well, now that I think about it, in many respects, FranceVFR is much better and far more accurate. But as they are only doing photoreal without autogen, screw that.

So overall I am very happy with it.

But you must also keep in mind that Orbx will start to release Open LC regions between Q4 2013 and Q3 2014 (additional fees) that will basically bring FTXGlobal up to standards of the usual FTX regions like PNW, England etc. So that's what I am really waiting for.

So only FVFR can compete with Orbx but that's only if they apply their 3D Automation technology on a large scale otherwise, Orbx will quickly dominate the market. Not that I have an issue with that as long as the quality stay's good and the prices reasonable.

DAndre Newman said...

Hey Fred,

I do expect many updates to follow as more users start to report on these issues they discover such as yours. It's a new thing for Orbx, and I am confident they will refine it over time.

OmniAtlas said...

Where are the China shots? You know, the country with the most freaking people in the planet? :)

Jason Mableton said...

Perhaps John from Orbx could explain how he can justify a price of over US$ 90 for FTX Global. I've seen a lot of screenshots here and on other sites since the release, and I honestly do not feel that this product is worth spending so much money on.

Best Buy were selling FSX for US$ 49.99 and the deluxe version for US$ 69.99 back in October 2006. And now Orbx reckons that we should pay even more than the whole software package initially cost us, just to upgrade some autogen textures? To me that just doesn't seem right and I feel it is way overpriced.

DAndre Newman said...

Simmah down dude. Do you see any reader requests for Mainland China? Please try to read the post before you start shooting off.

It's not likely we will accept any requests from you with that attitude.

Unknown said...

Bratislava LZIB, please! Thank you! :)

Anonymizer said...

Breaking News:

Because of severe Global Warming from China, all the freaking people there have been resettled to the greater Norilsk area. Expect a patch from Aerosoft soon. ;-)

KLM737 said...

Amsterdam, with and without Mega Airport Amsterdam please :)

HighFlyer said...

DX10 users beware! Spending US$ 90 on FTX Global will totally ruin your flying experience, as the new 3D lights system that Orbx apparently "nailed" will actually "nail" your FSX installation and make it unusable in DX10. See below what Orbx has in store for you if you use DX10:

Orbx know full well that the only way to use some of their regions with complex add-on airports to avoid OOMs is to fly in DX10 mode. For Orbx to release a product that is as expensive as it is, and effectively release it in light of the fact that it totally breaks your DX10 installaion is just taken the piss!

Chris Strobel said...

Chris StrobelJuly 26, 2013 at 8:54 PM

Southern California.

DAndre NewmanJuly 26, 2013 at 9:21 PM

Nope. Need a city.

Never mind, Las Vegas and Phoenix screens prove FTX can't do our desert southwest. I've lived and flown here real world for 52 years, and so far what I've seen isn't even close. I'm sticking with MSE. Hopefully those in other parts of the world are seeing more believable renditions in ftx of their areas.

Anders Halstæd said...

Sorry I am very upset right now. In February 2013 John Venema made this statement when asked about FTX Global and DX10 compatibility:

Posted 14 February 2013 - 05:06 PM
Yes it will, as long as you apply some of the recent DX10 fixes discovered on various forums. It will present exactly the same DX10 compatibility as default FSX does.


Sorry, but this is a total lie! I installed FTX Global and I have black squares everywhere, just like Frederik and HighFlyer have reported.

Is this some kind of bad joke Orbx? I spent EUR 70 on a product that was promised with DX10 compatibility and now I have black squares everywhere in day and night!

Anonymous said...
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V1Rotate said...

Bad joke gets my vote

Luiz Henrique Machado said...

imagine in Brazil NE... only airport and desert (we don´t have full desert here) FTX make a strongest upgrade, of course, i guess that now, w/ less pressure, will develop patches to fix this. The major problem, today, for me, is the Landclass. coastal lines "broken", forget to try a VFR only w/ land remarks, specially following beaches and rivers (as old stilish). I agree, Chris. need some improvements, but now aim new and promissing horizons!

Luiz Henrique Machado said...

Unfortunatelly, i almost went to DX10 preview (read OOM in this forum).... now, can handle or OOM, or several mods.

Martin Sutherland said...

I'm so happy I didn't waste my money on this. I haven't seen any convincing user screenshots. The difference is there, but it's not worth spending that much money for what little difference there appears to be.

And the fact that it doesn't work in DX10 even though this was promised, it outrageous.

WeedCargoFlyer said...

Please did faster the screenshots i hate it to wait. From now i didnt buy it its not worth. The Anonymos Post was the best -i laughed sooo much. +1 for bad jokes get my vote thumbs up. And please dont delte postings, remember you cry about avsim and now you do the same.

DAndre Newman said...

I have said it before many times and i'll say it again, you don't like the way we do things? Feel free to go elsewhere.

We don't respond well to people telling us how to run this blog. Don't like it? make your own. You hate to wait? Then get off your lazy ass and buy the product and post your own shots.

We don't allow anonymous comments. Period. Clearly you were smart enough to at least figure that out.

You are not a customer here. You have no rights to anything here. You are getting a free service. Remember that.

And we don't cry about Avsim. We are both users of that site. Get your facts straight.

We do this work for the community and we work hard at it. It really pisses me off when ungrateful little trolls like you have the audacity to show up and complain about something you are getting for free.

Feel free not to return if this is the way you wish to say thanks for the work we do.

Adam Preston said...

38. Aosta Where is this place?? PA?

Are you guys kidding? The first result on Google is this:

It's the Italian Alps of course...geez!

Flying Squirrel said...

These two shots are my absolute favourite:

If anything can show what a total failure FTX Global is in my eyes, not to mention the whole DX10 compatibility lie, then it's these two shots. Looks like Hong Kong needs to be rearranged with some heavy duty bulldozers.

Darren Hamilton said...

D'Andre wrote,

Dom what city is this below?

Looks like Azzcrackistan after the UN rebuilt it :-)

Chris Strobel said...

Geez man, you and Rodney Dangerfield ;) I for one respect and appreciate you guys a lot. Ive been doing flight simulation seriously (both as a hobby and profession)for 2 decades, and ADX is now my #1 daily go to. DAndre if your ever down in Anaheim, stop by Flight Deck, and tell em I sent you. I built that whole place :)

DAndre Newman said...

Some areas suck and some areas are beyond perfect such as Europe!

DAndre Newman said...

I think the reason HKG is so bad is because most of us will cover it up with FlyTampa anyway...

DAndre Newman said...


Chris Strobel said...

Yep can't get no respect ;)lol

Ardix said...

Please note that TORINO and TURIN are the same City... Turin is just the "international" name.

About Aosta: it's a small town in the Italian Alps (near Mont Blanc). Search for LIMW airport and you will find the city west of it.

Anonymous said...
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DAndre Newman said...

First result in google earth was a small town in PA with the same name with like 5 houses.

Brad said...

I like the dessert dunes textures, very nice effect...Hong Kong does indeed like rather poor and to go on the basis that a user has Flytampa Kai Tak to hide its almost lack of attention is abit of a cheek. Barcelona as the majority of spain is very dry and yellow like from above, Barca needs a really good landclass upgrade and far drier texture base files, therhe screes too much green going on there via the screenshots. Also some or most of the Caribbean islands also look abit average...i do want to buy this but updates and improvements are important...Malaga, Barca (Spain as a whole needs some real work)

Brad said...

Also if i had Flight1 Ground Environment X Europe and North America...would i need to remove them both seeing as this (FTX Global)would overwrite those addons intentions in the first place?

DAndre Newman said...

Your request denied Mr anonymous. Shokran.

Commander-AUT said...

Sadly, Vatican City still missing! ;)

Wilton said...

I was really looking forward to this, however, I must say that I'm disappointed. I'm surprised to see very few palm trees and an overabundance of fir trees in the tropical regions. To me, its not a $100 upgrade. In fact, it looks the same a the default with more trees. ORBX's preview shots looked way better than the shots above. Did ORBX edit their preview shots?

Jens said...

Thank you so much for all the pictures! Nice work!

Sean McFadden said...

So where is John Venema from Orbx now to help explain why his new DX10 compatible product has effectively broken every DX10 installation out there?

It's all good and well to show up here and boast about how FTX Global will be a game changer, and now that tons of people have been conned into buying a product that doesn't live up to what it's meant to deliver, no word from Orbx?

John's "we nailed it" remark about the 3D lights system reminds me of the 2003 Mission Accomplished stunt George W. Bush pulled off on the USS Abraham Lincoln. Orbx have failed to deliver what they promised!

Kaspars said...


Wilton said...

Most likely John and Orbx are busy creating a DX10 patch which explains why he/they have been silent at least on ADX. I think we need to hold off on the Orbx bashing until we hear from them directly. They said it would be DX10 compatible so give them a chance to make it DX10 compatible. It's been 4 days since Orbx released FTX patient.

Orbx is one of the best and their customer support is excellent. I suggest posting your concerns on their support forums and see what they say.

I think this is all going to work out for everyone in the near future.

I'll hold my ground on the price...I still think its quite steep.

Unknown said...

I only can say the same! Thanks for all your hard work!

Mr. A said...

It's not that good, not that bad....

mleuck said...

Any reports on FPS hits?

Luiz Henrique Machado said...

no, just some FPS hit when has a lot of clouds, or Strong sceneries, as happens before FTXG. But FPS impact only FTXG and default sceneries w/out clouds, for me, didn´t happen.

Luiz Henrique Machado said...

no, only in stronger sceneries or ORBX areas, as happened before FTXG (its so light, according my tests)

Andreas said...

I am surprised , its amazing! I am sceptic on all new addons, especially on that prices, but that gives VFR a complete new kick !!! In addition with UTX, it changes everything. Phantastic, unbelieveble that this is just a texture replacement. Good work, guys !

Only one issue : there are too much trees on big cities areas, is there a trick to reduce no. of trees in big city areas only ?

Zohaib said...

thanks a lot for taking out time and posting the photos! :)

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