Saturday, April 6, 2013

More CLS Boeing 747 Classic V1.5!

FSX. Commercial Level Simulations has posted some new shots of their upcoming Boeing 747-200/300 Version 1.5! Everything is looking good so far, FSX is due for a good 747 classic. Take a look inside for more pics.

See the developers Facebook page for more - click here


Anonymous said...

Before anyone makes any comments, I suggest you check out the original CLS 747 preview shots from 2008 here:

Then return here and tell me if you can spot any real differences. In my PERSONAL opinion, I think it's good they've decided to update it a little bit, but I had to fetch my glasses to actually see much of a difference between this and the original.

Anonymous said...

They look the same.The only difference is the in the VC imo.CLS simply added the isgsim gauges to the VC and voilĂ  a new 747 version

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