Thursday, December 6, 2012

San Diego Buildings Part 1 released!

FSX/P3D. Our friend Brian just released his San Diego Buildings project. This is only part 1 to be soon followed by part 2 which will cover the island of Coronado. We have a teaser of part 2 here as well. Part 1 of scenery is now available for download as freeware.

Now on under this file name:

 Coverage area

Part 2

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Anonymous said...

Has anyone installed this yet? Any good? Should I wait for US Cities X San Diego?

Anonymous said...

It's freeware, you can try it with nothing to lose and let us know. ;)

Anonymous said...

This is my first FS creation. As such theirs bound to be things that don't please everyone. That's why I made every building an individual BGL; so if you find a building you don't like, just delete it.

In fact, when I release Part 2, you'll have to delete the two carriers as I've upgraded them. I'm also repositioning KZNY to match Megascenery perfectly.

Anonymous said...

I'm a work and can't try it just yet. Was just curious as the download counter is already at 707 on

It certainly looks good in my opinion. I'll report back later today or tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

It certainly looks very good. Do you have plans to release other cities when San Diego is complete?

Anonymous said...

Yes, with every building I render (which is in the thousands now), I learn something new, something that makes each building better than the last. Upon completing San Diego, I intend to add night textures, an AI trolley system, then onto Phoenix, AZ. so as to complement Flightbeam's newest release.

Anonymous said...

as a San Diego resident, I was very pleased with the detail. I found my old condo unit and my favorite pizza place in Little Italy. The scenery is VERY heavvy however and ran my FSX out of memory.

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised to read that. Make sure you aren't switching back and forth between windowed mode and take a good look at your settings (graphic and sim) to allow your processor to take on more of the load.

Anonymous said...

Its probably me. I have hundreds of gigs going to photoreal sceneries so any extra like that taxes my system.

Anonymous said...

If you're getting an out of memory error, add the following to your fsx.cfg under [GRAPHICS]


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