Sunday, December 9, 2012

Market status

A complete survey this morning shows that many FS developers are remaining silent. Not for the best of this market....

Last work shown :
Blueprint Simulations : August 2012.
Tropical Sim : Late October.
Pacsim : Late October.
Flight Sim  Labs : Late March.
Simaddons : September 2012.
Earth Sim : October 7th.
OryxSim : November 10th.
Feelthere / Wilcopub  : no product announced yet.
CLS : Early October ?
Captain Sim : October 19th.
Aerosim : June 12th.
And :
Touchdown Simdesign,


CAT3Dual said...

FSLabs' last update was 19th November on their facebook page saying "The first A320-X is in the paint shop...".

On 11th November they posted a picture of their A320 on ground in icing conditions, also on their FB-page.

me said...

Drzewiecki is still working over updates to Polish Airports vol 1.

Then New York, later maybe EPWA.

PMDG is working over 777, QW over 787, Majestic over their Dash. Somebody is making descent 737-200 and Enigma is working over 737classic. Situation is not so bad.

Probably there will be more news after New Year, when developers will be counting their X-mas profits.

Manuel said...

Not news about Toronto and Juneau ???

Anonymous said...

Tropicalsim is dead? they don't respond to the forum postings....

DAndre Newman said...

I'll email him.


Mason Dominique said...

Unfortunately, we can add to the list, many others:

Aviation Multimedias Studios (Cancun),
Boris Forrero,

Communication is imperative to attract new fans, new simmers, new customers.


Aeromaestro said...

There was a project I was following excitedly but then Poof! Nothing. The website is still operational which means somebody's paying to host it but it's just.....dead!

I love Dornier 228s but the developer(s) seem to have vanished. Not a word to the fans.

Aeromaestro said...

I was sooo excited about this project since I love the plane but the developers seem to have vanished. The site domain seems like it is still being paid for but no updates, no responses to queries...NOTHING!

Anonymous said...

Wheres my DC3? :)

Anonymous said...

They're remaining silent because they're worried that you'll put a review on it, and when they cancel it, you'll make a bad review of the company, it's not rocket science...

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