Sunday, December 16, 2012

Felts Field Airport released!

FSX/P3D. Happy Sunday! Orbx latest FS scenery masterpiece has just been released and is now available at the Flight Sim Store! Go and get yours now and stay tuned for MY review!

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Anonymous said...

Argh, not sure i have anymore money left to buy this. Looks like a must have.

Anonymous said...

Hey DAndre, when are you going to be a full time FSX user. Come on! we are going to 2013 in a few days!!....

DAndre Newman said...

Well I will never be 100% FSX because FS9 holds such a special place in my heart and always will.

But in order to give FSX as much as I give FS9. I need a system that I am fully happy with and today that custom built system would cost roughly $3,000. Perhaps by this time next year.

I don't spent money on something unless I know it will deliver the results I want. I am considering Jetline though.

Anonymous said...

With so many great addons, FS9 is lagging behind, the NGX and next the 777, there won't be too many reasons.

DAndre Newman said...

Well the main reason is $$ so I don't care how many new FSX addons we get. I am not prepared to spend any money on a new rig anytime soon. But when I do, there will be a flood of products waiting for me :)

Anonymous said...

It looks amazing. Is it as good as it looks?

Anonymous said...

I still don't have the NGX and probably never will. Orbx has transformed FSX into something I can use for years to come.

DAndre Newman said...

I really like to keep the VFR flying to FSX anyway.

wideloadwhitford said...

Jetline is a joke imo.

I believe you can start building your custom rig by buying parts from newegg or tigerdirect. My rig cost me 1200 together.

DAndre Newman said...

You know what Whitford. The thing is, I am no computer whiz. I am far better off than the average person and I know exactly what I want. I could go to Fry's in Manhattan Beach today and get everything I need but I have this fear that something just won't work out right. And if that somehow becomes the case then I am screwed no warranty, nothing. Thus I need a licensed professional service to build it and as I will need to pay labor anyway, might as well go with a trusted company. So whereas I could save heaps, I also assume a greater risk.

DAndre Newman said...

I decided I will do a review on this scenery myself. Just because my FSX is not as good as FS9 performance wise doesn't meant it is not good. So I am going to dish out my very first fully FSX review. It will be a fun read!

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