Saturday, October 6, 2012

First shots of Doncaster !

FS9/FSX. UK 2000 shows off the first pictures of Robin Hood Doncaster EGCN. Release planned at the end of October.


Kevin Firth said...

This is going to be a good one, I remember going to Doncaster Robin Hood when it was RAF Finningley back in the 80's for the air shows there :)

René said...

I my view, some of the 'high end' developers can't seem to keep up with the quality that is delivered by 'the new guys'.

Designers like Mir, Emillos, FSDT, George & Martin, 29Palms and A-Flight are way ahead of the others with all their revolutionary technology. Even freeware is sometimes ahead of payware.

Gary used to be on the frontier of scenery development but in my opinion, he can't seem to keep up with the rest. For example, I see a lot blurry textures on objects.

Another example is Cornel from DreamFactory Studio, he has been working on Rome for more than a year now but judging from what has been shown, his style and technique hasn't really evolved.

Even Simwings or GAP Team, who used to be the very best, are falling behind. Judging from the ground textures of Düsseldorf, they do not look very high end.

The only one from the 'respected big guys' who seems to innovate its tech, is Orbx.

Are the respected designers losing their edge? Or are the new kids on the block just way ahead of them?

That is one of the reason I admire those newcomers who present us with something new and revolutionary.

Dom & D'Andre, what is your view on this? Could you maybe bring this up in a future interview with a developer?

Marco said...

You are completely right. All those who were really good in the past are loosing much much faster their quality whilst others innovate and bring new things. Mykonos, Yekaterinburg, all those chinese airports by SkySoft, FranceVFR,.. are all getting better and better whilst those old guys of the scene like Sim-wings, UK2000, Peter Werlitz, Cornel and Oliver Pabst also are going backwards. No new features, no new techniques for shadows, higher resolution on buildings, etc.. Personally I really await DUS but what I have seen now is really thinking me about to get the freeware version of DUS as this one was really great for the price and in my opinion nicer to look at. Sadly this comes. I wished simwings and all those "old" scenery builders/tool creators would get the curve and come back to where they are from: the pure power of development and the love to do it instead of doing that "I-wanna-gain-money"-tip money. Hope they read this at least and that they make something out of it (we do not ask new CreatureFlow, NatureFlow,... but only to put techniques of today in those sceneries instead of using the old methods)
regards Marco

Anonymous said...

I agree somewhat. Some of the new features are just pointless gimmicks. Like FSDT's shiny bumpy taxiways. They made out that was going to be big great feature but after I tried it,ugh, it was a big let down. It just doesn't look right.

I love airports that just look real from a far & up close. I think only a few devs can do that well. Flytampa, 29 palms, Orbx come to mind. These guys make the best airports & they actually RUN WELL too, unlike a certain recent Aerosoft let down.

PS. my first post here. I love AirdailyX.

Anonymous said...

There is only one thing about Gary Summons' UK airports that really bothers me and that is the annoying 2D figures standing around... Apart from that I find them more than adequate.


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