Tuesday, September 4, 2012

ADX goes P3D

P3D. As a die-hard FS9 fan, I have made the decision to invest in Prepar3D to see if this is indeed a worthwhile platform and give more of an in-depth look for those who are very curious and interested if a switch is worthwhile. Now that Microsoft is in peril, it's time we examine available options. At the moment, we are not considering X-Plane. So P3D, it looks like you are on deck! Stay tuned!



Anonymous said...

I thought Prepar3D was for other than FS9?

DAndre Newman said...

We are looking into what the future may hold. At the moment there are only 2 flight simulation platforms being supported by their developers. That is P3D and X-Plane. Thus, we need to make a decision to follow one of them. Right now, we are not sure if either P3D or X-Plane is worthwhile. So we had to start somewhere. We are very much headstrong on FS9/FSX but we need to look into what the future holds.

Anonymous said...

Well at least with P3D you don't get a Beta update very second day that fixes 20 things and breaks another 10 in the process. X-Plane is also unable to deliver an appealing UI and has not been able to pull any noteworthy scenery designers on board.

Jet wise there currently is nothing as appealing as the 737 NGX running on P3D. I hope that PMDG will wake up and not only produce their aircraft for a dead platform (FSX) and support P3D in the future too, as many of their customers have made the switch to P3D.

TimH said...

I hope you liked the Bowerman scenery ;)

DAndre Newman said...

Please don't speak in past tense Tim. Not liked, LOVE! It's a very beautiful scenery! I have all sliders maxed but without any weather I got between 15 and 35 FPS flying around. You see, the thing I hate about ORBX is if I move a slider just a quarter of an inch to the left, I am not getting the full experience and that just drives me crazy!! I'm looking forward to reviewing some future ORBX P3D projects in the future. :)

Anonymous said...

Recently bought P3D myself. Overall, not bad, but not good enough to move off FSX yet, speaking for myself that is. Although I am excited to see future developments of the P3D platform and where those will take us. I do think P3D is the future, the question now is only a matter of time and development to get the community at large to find the platform appealing enough to move away from FSX.

DAndre Newman said...

What I will say, for the time being, I did discover a freeware app that allows you to install FSX addons to P3D. I will be talking about this app among other things soon. I am not fully preparing to buy a bunch of addons for it yet so I am relying on developers to shoot us press copies for product reviews.

Anonymous said...

I'm not really sure how much of the future P3D represents. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it's still based on the buggy FSX code so I imagine that there are still many of the limitations FSX developers talk about in every forum. However if I had to choose I'd also follow P3D instead of X-plane. On a second thought... I'll personally stick with FSX and use the money I've spent on addons for as long as I can, as AFAIK a brand new simulator is not foreseeable...

Anonymous said...

How can P3D be "not good enough"?

The current v1.4 is basically FSX SP6 and hence a huge improvement over FSX SP2!

Anonymous said...

One of the biggest problems with FSX is the massively slow load times when you have a lot of add-ons and the everpresent pauses as the program "thinks about it" when you select a different aircraft or scenery location.

P3D has new shaders and this alone is a lovely visual improvement over the old shaders still used by FSX.

Lockheed Martin are doing a great job of supporting P3D and it's exciting to be part of an evolving simulation platform being worked on by a legendary aerospace company such as Lockheed Martin - famous for their Skunkwords development programs that gave rise to the U-2, the SR-71 Blackbird, the F-117 Nighthawk, the F-22 Raptor, as well as the new F-35 Lightning II.

Anonymous said...

Pretty simple really, P3D doesn't have enough new features for me to drop FSX and migrate completely yet. I've got tweaked shaders for FSX, with those installed to FSX, there isn't much of an improvement, if any, to P3D's shaders. Again, P3D has potential, with V2 in the works, hopefully they can blow us away with it.

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