Saturday, April 7, 2012

Is it the dusk of Flight1 ?

FS9/FSX. Since Airdailyx was found a year ago, the whole idea was to offer new critizism and "analyses" of the FS market. Who am i to judge about a work started by people 10 or 15 years ago. Steven Halpern is one of these pionneers and he kindly answered to my interview request. But the more i follow Flight1, the more i ask questions. ../..

iFly launched a very good B737 NG aircraft, Ultimate terrains, Ground Environnments have brought us a formidable enhancement and i can mention Level-D as well etc. But what now ? What are Flight1 projects ? What is the road map ?

A Level D B-757 ? There is no more tangible proof of such development.
A new aircraft from iFly ? No project so far.
What's up in the tube ? New general aviation aircrafts ? Time of developments are very long... There is the C177 Cardinal project but that's all to my knowledge. I am not talking of some partners projects of course. New utilities ? Bat-X ? Simstop ? I am not hearing a lot of comments from simmers.

One the last product : another "sequel" of Ground Environment X for Atlantic and Pacific tropics.

Maybe, Flight1 should support new airports and sceneries projects. Diversify, extend the portfolio, launch more scenery projects and don't capitalize too much on old titles. Oh i am already receiving some comments "how dare you ?", "'infamous !", ....
I want Flight1 to live and produce more than that, I want Flight1 to be back.
A year ago, Flight1 was supporting at least 5 or 6 large projects (BN-Islander, iFly NG, Ultimate Terrain, Ground Environnement updates...)
We are far from this time. 



Anonymous said...

To get them back on the map they should release a 757 ! its been 6 or 7years now. QUITE A LOT OF TIME EVEN FOR SOME PART TIME DEVELOPPERS. Something is clearly not going well.

Anonymous said...

I like your honesty. After all, spending money on something we love so much can be expensive and addicting. Keep up the great work.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget to mention the fantastic Cessna 182 T, Mustang, 162 Skycatcher and programs like Instant Scenery. There is so much wonderful software from Flight 1.

Anonymous said...

Flight1 is pretty much irrelevant these days, UTX is lackluster, GEX is...out of date with todays standards

Can you handle the truth Dom? OK then:

It comes down to the percentage taken by the store, its too much, Flight1 became to greedy, in todays flightsim world there are not many punters to go round, if the store (in this case Flight1) asks for too much it simply becomes not worth it for the developer, I cant tell you exactly how much percentage is taken but its more than enough to be called 'greedy'


René said...

Flight1 is a joke these days.

Remember the Fokker 70/100 from Digital Aviation and their 'VC', these were preview shots but it was never released. But the customers have paid for a VC, it is stated like that on the product page: "Up to today we were unable to provide a version with virtual cockpit. We can confirm that we intend to deliver and the VC designer continues to work on it. But no release date can be given at the current circumstances."

The iFly is also a joke, it does not meet the standards for such an aircraft addon, they only have a market share in the FS9 market. The FSX market it completly taken over by the NGX.

The only project that is worth it, it EZCA Camera Addon. The genius Russian guy who is working on, apparently has some health problems. So, the promised version 2 of this already revolutionary utility is not yet on the horizon.

I wish Flight1 all the luck they need with their bankruptcy ;)

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