Monday, June 17, 2013

Orbx FTX EU Scotland - Dundee Airport!!

FSX/P3D. Well, it looks like we may be in for a little bit of a surprise with the upcoming Orbx FTX EU Scotland region. Iain Emms has posted some preview captures from Dundee Airport and it sure looks good. Seems like perhaps a freebie payware quality (or at least pretty damn close to payware quality) Dundee Airport may be included with the package... Great stuff, nice to see these extras thrown in for smaller regions. See inside for more.


See the official preview thread for more - click here


mfahey said...

A new Orbix "Flow", PornFlow?

Unknown said...

Lol, yes, I noticed the pictures as well.

DAndre Newman said...

Would be nice to see Orbx do Isle of Man!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ALX WNT said...

I bet he asked wing flex

DAndre Newman said...

No. The trolling comment was boderline racist. And something that would likely start a flame war.

DAndre Newman said...

Yeah just what we need in FS. Naked people flow chicks with square butts and pentagon shaped boobs...

Chris J said...

Seems like they've done an airport and capital city for Scotland...wish they did the same for Wales with its capital city...the city and airport would have made such a tiny region worth it. Now there's London and Edinburgh and probably will be Belfast pretty photoreal...just no Cardiff. Seems a shame.

ALX WNT said...

LOL so they promoted racism now ? I really look forward post-anonymous era

Todd said...

I passed on Wales since it seemed to be a bit of price gouging, but might go for this if Dundee is included.

John Venema said...

Hi Todd,

We'll be running a "GB" launch promotion when SCO is released which offers discount incentives to purchase all three regions, plus discounts on all our UK airports.

I agree that Wales is overpriced for the land mass but we did invest quite some money into EGFF Cardiff which could have been released as a stand-alone airport at AU$32.95

The dilemna for us is if we reduce the price of Wales we are penalising everyone who purchased it from day one, something we are very mindful of these days. So we have to find the best way to offer savings which benefits day 1 buyers as well.

John Venema said...

Hi guys,

That is a development stand-in texture which will be replaced for release. Remember that beta shots don't always show final artwork and this one slipped through the cracked. Apologies if we offended anyone with the bikini image.

Anonymous said...

poor form including those.

AviatorMan said...

Belfast? ORBX Scotland is going to include N. Ireland?

John Venema said...

Thanks Anonymous, I guess my apology above was not sufficient for you? I'll remove the shots from our forum in any case.

Mason Dominique said...

A little remind from ADX
Anonymous posts will not be posted from July 1st.

Anonymous said...

No says "will be" before Belfast if you read it again...obviously implying when N. Ireland is eventually released. I think his point was about the Capitals of the UK nations ultimately to make such small regions as Wales worth the cost to have a full FTX UK. It does add up to a hell of a lot more than getting a full Australia or other such massive region in comparison. I'd rather have all or none too but each region then needs to have enough bang for buck depending on its size if they're all to be same price...that's just me though. Shots look nice otherwise.

DAndre Newman said...

Hey John, we are removing the shot, but I thought it was quite funny. And poked my own joke at it. Many dont have much of a since of humour these days. Must be the newer generations upon us...

Chris J said...

Hey John!

Upgrading Wales at some point to include a photoreal Cardiff would be a much better way to do that without affecting existing owners (rather than reducing the price), in my opinion. Its fair for all and makes the value of Wales stand up to Scotland and England too. Kills all birds with one stone and will probably sell better too.

Dilemma would be solved better and make the product far more attractive to purchase...or a Cardiff cityscape as an optional extra add-on for a medium-priced fee as another issue for Wales to be attractive for purchase is going to be its hard to find much in Wales, apart from lovely natural scenery, as addons anyway, apart from a couple of airfields/airports that you'll do. The guy doing Canberra could do it or if you want to test a new potential developer you're thinking of taking on. This would make it much more interesting and attractive to incentivise owning Wales and it does make sense for some to own all UK in FTX or none because of the switching thing. Only my $0.02.

Just trying to be helpful is would make the difference for me getting Wales and therefore rest of UK in Orbx, rather than sufficing with FTX Global for this region (as advantage of FTX Global as I understand is no switching for European flights and only worth taking this hassle in UK area if all small UK landmass, including Wales & N. Ireland is very interesting to own and explore VFR).


AviatorMan said...

Agree with Chris J: upgrade ORBX Wale to include Cardiff cityscape, provide the service pack for this upgrade at no cost to existing ORBX Wales purchasers.

Chris J said...

Thanks AviatorMan! I just really think this would be a very sensible and worthwhile decision...for the good of the developer and the consumer/end-user:

Win-wins are often very hard to find in this hobby so rather than criticism alone, we as potential customers and end-users can rarely find a small opportunities to help with trying to offer possible solutions/part-solutions and insights into how we all use products differently, that we can collaboratively (with developers) solve problems as well as make more sales for developers at the same time as getting the right products that are worth the money and right for broader-scopes of our various uses as simmers.

The 2 parameters are reciprocal and this approach can only lead to a 'positive-feedback cycle' in sales from both developer and user perspectives.

I am glad you also see this and that you see it as a much better overall possible solution than just price adjustment in the broader and more long-term sense.

Of course the decision is most respectfully for John and only trying to think out of the box a little in helping offer one consumer's perspective, just because John did rightly acknowledge this user issue as known and expressed it was a dilemma for them too.

Thanks AviatorMan and John. Perhaps others can also help offer ways to make FTX UK packages more attractive purchases worth installing over FTX Global too? The more ideas, the better, I guess. But there's two from AviatorMan and myself to start anyway. Thank you.

Todd said...

Thanks for the reply John. I already have England, so hope it's not a 'buy all three' discount. :) If you discount Wales I would certainly consider it. I would not feel slighted if you reduced England, but that's just me.

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