Thursday, December 13, 2012

Status update from Majestic

FSX. Majestic Software has posted a situation update about its Bombardier Dash 8 Q400 project.

Communique :

" We are entered beta phase almost two months ago. You may be intrested what has been done during this time and why we still don't have the release date.
No worries, everything goes smoothly. No major bugs or bad surprises have been arrised so far, it's mostly about cosmetic changes - but you may know that this kind of work takes a huge amount of time.
As we said before, beta phase for us is the state of the product where all the final functionnalities are implemented (so the beta test team can actually start exhaustive testing). This doesn't include some other work that also takes time like writing the documentation, that we want to be complete and comprehensive - so it's not just copy/paste from official pilots' manuals. The doc for PILOT version will include everything you need to know to make a normal flight. In PRO version, it will be completed with abnormal procedures.
The visual model has been improved in many ways, althought the changes are not spectacular. It received new specular maps, icing simulation has been visually improved, the external lighting has been deeply remade. Many details have been added in the cockpit, especially behind the seats. All the bugs found in visual part have been corrected.
As for systems, the majority of bugs from our bugzilla are fixed, some of them not yet. The plane is now a real pleasure to handle - easy to taxi, smooth to fly, precise to land. No crashes to desktop or sim freezes to report. It also has been successfully tested in vatsim.
Few days ago, the Beta-2 was sent to the test team. Now we're waiting for new bug reports (hoping there are few), and we still have to correct some glitches. We are also working on a new website for this product.
It is almost sure now that we won't have enought time to finish everything before Christmas. We are all intrested to finish the work as soon as possible and hope to announce the release in the very beginning of the next year ".

More on this project :


Anonymous said...

That all sounds good!!


Anonymous said...

Bummmer! I was really hoping this would be released before Christmas. I have been waiting for this add-on for years now.

Can you believe the quality of aircraft add-ons that will be hitting the markets in the next few months: Majestic Q400, Airbus X Extended, FS Labs Airbus, PMDG 777 (maybe?...hopefully?). Flight Simulator has really come a long way.

Anonymous said...

They should indeed work with their website :)

Anonymous said...

I would say February at the earliest. The first few weeks after a major holiday period generally aren't the most productive.

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