Monday, December 10, 2012

Airbus is imminent

FSX. Following the chat on Aerosoft Xtended forum topic, it appears that all bugs found by the beta team are now solved. Although i was wrong to announce it too soon last month, this is it. In a few days. I am still astonished by what i read this morning :
Mathijs Kok about the Xtended Airbus smoothnest
"Always hard to give hard data but expect 50% less FPS loss compared to the PMDG NGX for example ".

More screenshots :


George G said...

FPS might be better due to the less in-depth systems of Airbus compared to the NGX.

CAT3Dual said...

"less in-depth systems of Airbus" > of this "Airbus".

An Airbus on NGX-level has far more advanced systems. ;)

Anonymous said...

I have heard here before its "imminent".... dont get my hopes up now!

Anonymous said...

Just in time for Christmas.

Generally if you're a developer you wouldn't want to finish later than now because it allows for sufficient time to create initial patches and hotfixes before the real holidays starts. I doubt any dev will want to work through their holidays or having to face grumpy customers if he/she decide to wait till after the new year for patches.

This also mean that if we don't see any more releases before the end of next week (e.g. Majestic/PMDG/FSLabs) those projects will likely be delayed till after the new year.

Anonymous said...

Wait! Did I read that correct '50% less FPS than the NGX?' I don't have time to read the Aerosoft forum at the moment so I could be jumping to conclusions here. 50&% less than the NGX! My FPS will be in the low teens! Why would I buy this? Please just tell me I'm reading this wrong!

Anonymous said...

OK, I'm telling you that you are reading the quote incorrectly. :)

Somehow you missed the word "loss". There is a "50% less loss of FPS than the NGX.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't read 50% less fps, it reads 50% less loss in fps.

Anonymous said...

50% **LESS** FPS loss compared to the PMDG NGX

Anonymous said...

You are reading it wrong. It says "50% less FPS loss".

Anonymous said...

50% **LESS** FPS **LOSS** compared to the PMDG NGX. So you will have LESS loss of FPS.. that means better FPS ;)

(sorry for my last comment, it was wrong)

Mason Dominique said...

LOOL. Like this mini quote war.

If i can add something, a lot of the FPS is in the texture resolution. On other words, the texture_max_load parameter. And, i imagine that Aerosoft has set some other parameters to set the gauges refreshment rate.
Frankly, i am not worried about the fps.
But i remember some odd discomfort (sounds, weak lights etc..) .
I hope this is definitely fixed in the Xtended version but i must admit i did not read the 500 pages of forum comments to check this...


Anonymous said...

Thanks all for pointing out my mistake. I will definitely buy this again. I just about crossed this off my list.

George G said...

Of course I refer to the Aerosoft Airbus and the PMDG NGX and not the real stuff.

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