Wednesday, July 11, 2012

P3D slowing down some heavy projects ?

P3D. Hush-hush from forums today. It appears that three or more important FSX developers are encountering serious issues in the development of their projects on P3D. There is an aircraft developer and two airports developers at least (and not the smallest ones).

I am not a developer but from discussions, it appears that there are some limits encountered on 3DS MAX 2008 and exporting functions with/from P3D. These limitations are generating massive memory leaks or very long times of loading datas, for instance
Sorry that's my brain own limitation. We welcome any comments and explanations here.

Here are two excerpts of recent discussions on P3D forums.

We think at Airdailyx that we must write about this since these difficulties can put in jeopardy some of our expected projects. Not to say the risk taken by developers themselves with all the time spent on these issues. Now it's important to tell that P3D is also a proven and reliable software on some others scenery developments.

Dom Mason


Anonymous said...

Any links to the discussions?

Mason Dominique said...

No, negative, considering how P3D is locking discussions and protecting its forum. Feel free to comment on Airdailyx. We are following this closely.

Anonymous said...

I think Dom means this..

P3D need to plug their finger out.
All there marketing images, both videos & screenshots uses scenery by these guys but yet they refuse to help them move forward.

What exactly have they done in the last year anyway? It still looks the same as FSX to me.

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