Monday, May 21, 2012


As we continue to improve the blog and ourselves as we progress forward, I wanted to take yet another moment to thank you!! Our readers!!
We don't talk openly about the traffic we get at AirDailyX but I will say it numbers in high double digit thousands every week. We may be small but this is big to us. Today we surpassed another major milestone that has been our goal for the first half of 2012. Whereas I won't disclose just how big this milestone is for us, I assure you, it's huge!! Thank you George and Martin, John Venema, Ricardo, and Stanislaw for your support as well! I'm not sure if other sim news sites and blogs take the time to thank their readers but we do!!

We have got some very good reviews coming which include, Miami City FSX, Lionheart Avelina, Polish Airports Vol.3, and now thanks to COO Steve Halpern of Flight1 who was most helpful in getting my BAE issues worked out, I'll get a very extensive impression of the new QualityWings toy!

Thanks again for sticking with us and don't forget we are also on Twitter and Facebook.

We aren't going anywhere!!!

Now back to the news!!


Dom & D'Andre!!

AirDailyX - The insolent European/American FS news breaker.

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