Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Coolsky and a zest of pedagogy

I am more and more attracted by Coolsky.../.. Why ?
Espen Øijordsbakken, the developer, just published a post yesterday to explain his interest for the DC-9, his next aircraft project. Espen also explains how he works and increase his experience, aircraft after aircraft, from analog instruments to glass cockpits and vice-versa. Although i am still reluctant to fly on the Super 80/Pro as these are really hard core products, i must admit that this aircraft is indeed very pleasant (for instance, pilot must take greater care of the approach stage, speed reductions).
Besides, for an aircraft developer to explain how he is working, this is invaluable...

A DC-9-40 of Northwest Airlines.
Wikimedia commons / Dmitry Denisenkov (Canwolf), 2007

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