Monday, April 4, 2011

About the financial power of Virtuali

That was almost itching me talking of FS Dreamteam. Without any malice. And then, i remembered that Dallas Fort Worth KDFW has been released in august 2010 and then, Hawai vol 1 in october 2010. How come a designer can endure five months without any new release. Updated 04/05 ; two comments including one from Umberto Colapicchioni himself, administrator of FSDT.

Oh, of course, during this period, FSDT and Virtuali invoices went in regularly. But Five months ! Getting this power has nothing to do with magic.. First lesson : high quality products. Second lesson : a performing copy security system. Third lesson : a mature communication toward simmers. Fourth lesson : new projects (and yes, of course, firth lesson, a confident banker,obviously...)
This formidable combination, let's see how long it can last in the following weeks....

Umberto Colapicchioni comments :
We are not part-time developers... Virtuali also runs an online shop in Italy for Flgiht sim boxed products, but it's not really needed for FSDT to sustain itself: FSDT, like any good business, is kept afloat ONLY by the support given by their loyal customers that buys their products. Going to a bank in Italy stating you want a mortgage to finance development of addon products for a flight simulator game, would probably result in a good laugh... regards, Umberto Colapicchioni

By UmbC. on About the financial power of Virtuali at 1:39 PM

Another comment (anonymous) posted prior to U.C. reply.
I think they are part-time developers. Thus this is like their second job and they earn money from their day job.


Anonymous said...

I think they are part-time developers. Thus this is like their second job and they earn money from their day job.

Umberto Colapicchioni said...

We are not part-time developers...

Virtuali also runs an online shop in Italy for Flgiht sim boxed products, but it's not really needed for FSDT to sustain itself: FSDT, like any good business, is kept afloat ONLY by the support given by their loyal customers that buys their products.

Going to a bank in Italy stating you want a mortgage to finance development of addon products for a flight simulator game, would probably result in a good laugh...

Umberto Colapicchioni

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