With its montains and coastline, Corsica island has becomen a first choice for visual flights in France and Mediterranean sea. Its not astonishing if three french designers are developing sceneries of the so-called "french beauty". France VFR, the forerunner, launched a Corsica VFR for FS9 with a LOD10 mesh in 2005. This scenery was completed by several personal works, like Tony Agramont's autogen.
Back in 2011, three different products are about to be available AT the same time. France Touristique Scenery completely overturned this market last year with its Corsica North, designed from a 50 cm/pixel resolution (maximum resolution offered by IGN french cartographer). Then came SceneryBox with a full range of departments sceneries. Now, the commercial fight is to reach its height with two imminent release : France VFR new generation Corsica and France Touristique scenery South. In the upper right of this post, a table shows and compare these products. I will just add two things : first, mind the weight of the files (the higher the quality, the heaviest the file) and second, we must ask ourself ; what is my style ? VFR or IFR ? Scenery beauty or detailed airports ?
nb : France Touristique Scenery will release Corsica South between mi-february and march. France VFR is preparing several regions. Rhone-alpes shall come first, folllowed by Corsica in spring.SIRX project was also about to release photoreal "tiles" of Corsica but they dont communicate any more.
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