Monday, January 11, 2010

Interview Ariane design

Ariane Design / Date January 5,

Ariane Design, designer of the B-737 series, has fairly answered my questions yesterday. I am transcribing its content.

1) Airdailyx : I asked you about the navdata and your answer was ‘should be out in quarter 3, 2010”. You did not announce anything about it since.

Ariane Design : If you look on our forum we did. Its a running story between Navigraph* and us. We are hoping that Navigraph will create a cycle and if not that our tool will do it. Either away, we make Boeing 737 aircraft and Navigraph make data so best to fire this one at them.

2) Airdailyx : Can you confirm that you are indeed still working on such a navdata and what will be the release date ?

A.D. : Navigraph are working on the data side. Yes we are also finshing a tool to make data. We never release dates.

3) Ardailyx : Can you confirm that your new hubs products include full FMC support with all the waypoints and navaids ?

A.D. : "All" depends on your opinion and between it, there will likely be a huge assumption so be specific on what you expect and we will do what we can to confirm in more detail for you.

My last question was about the new hubs packages. As this product's conception seems to be totally original on the market, i was wondering if pre-formatted flight plans were including "all" realistic waypoints and navaids. Let's hope for an answer on Ariane Design's website. In the meantime, i must say that i really appreciated their fair play. * : There is also a running story with Mc Phat Studios.

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