FSX. Gardermoen is currently undergoing renovations and improvements expected to be completed in 2017. The great thing about FS is, you don't have to wait for the real world changes to be completed in order to enjoy them in the simulation. As such, joerlend, the mastermind behind Trondheim Værnes and the upcoming Værøy, has set out to deliver these updates ahead of time and in stunning quality! Have a look!
Saturday, August 31, 2013
What Differentiates Airport Sceneries?
[Editorial] I found this editorial burred deep in the recesses of our archives and was never published. This was written my Mark Hrycenko a few months back and it's a good read. Check it out!
Lately, I’ve been testing quite a few airport sceneries. Throughout this testing I’ve made some observations regarding which specific attributes differentiate average airport sceneries from something good or even great, at least to me. These days, buildings, structures, and static objects are almost always modeled well. In fact, I can’t remember the last time I tested an airport scenery and thought, wow, that building, hanger, or object is a complete mess.
ADX Editor:
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A note from the flight deck.
[Editors Note] I just wanted to take another moment to address the readers and fans of AirDailyX. The pouring of emails and messages on Facebook over the last week have been absolutely incredible! Many of you I have already replied to and many more I am still looking for the time. For the most part, I was honestly unsure how this blog would survive without Dom. Once I made the decision to pull the comments, pushed my feelings into further uncertainty. But you all have shown your support regardless whether it's the tips for news, offers of direct support, and the sheer encouragement. I just wanted to sincerely say thank you all!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
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Iain with a few of Juneau!
FSX/P3D. I have 3 airports high on my radar right now. They include Budapest from LHSimulations, Bonners Ferry from Orbx, and Juneau! Iain has uploaded a few of shots clearly displaying his impression of the scenery and what is clearly catching his eye, is a feature I am jaw dropping about as well. I am referring to that grass! Many Orbx sceneries tend to use the same grass libs. But I don't think I have seen this stuff before! Very nice!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
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Angle of Attack 777 showcase!
[FS Utilities] If you were following PMDG development a couple of years ago, you may recall a long video by Nick Collett of Angle of Attack showcasing the then upcoming PMDG 737NGX. Well Nick has done it again, this time for the PMDG 777! Stop by www.777training.com to see what Angle of Attack has to offer for the PDMG 777, and of course, check out Nick's new video!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
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Another Metro Update!
FSX. Razbam is still cracking away at the upcoming Metroliner. As an avid fan of prop-liners, this gem will make a lovely addition to my prop collection! It's still very much a work in progress and obviously there is still very much to do, but based on what i have seen thus far, the team is doing a terrific job. Here are the latest sots!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
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A2A Accu-sim C172 in DX10!
FSX/P3D. I have really been hearing positive feedback regarding the A2ASimulations Accu-sim C172 Trainer currently in development. The latest update displays Direct X10 mode shadows and the VC which is looking quite nice indeed! Once released, this will surely be the C172 of choice among many flight simmers including myself. keep up the good work team! Also don't forget to check out the latest videos!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
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LHSim Budapest: Next weekend!
FS9/FSX/XPL. It has truly been a long time waiting and I personally could not be more excited. This team made up of passionate developers across Hungary have banded together in a effort to deliver their common passion in the best possible way by combining all their collective skills into 1 major airport. They did not rush, they took their time and sought to get it right. Finally, the wait is nearing it's end and and you sir can finally enjoy all Budapest has to offer next weekend baring no issues during the final beta. Great job LHSim! Great job indeed!
ADX>>Billboard updated!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
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Friday, August 30, 2013
PMDG-777 release week update!
FSX. The 777 "release week" is no longer this week and is now set for next week according to PMDG CEO Rob Randazzo. He is citing an issue that occurred last minute and wheras the team did correct this issue, another week of testing is needed to ensure a smooth roll out. That's the gist of it but Rob has released an official statement which is enclosed and thoroughly explains the circumstances regarding the delay. So reset your clocks, let's do it again!
Release Delayed!
Release Delayed!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
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You ready for the Attack?
FSX. Angle of attack is gearing up hard for the release of the PMDG-777! What does this mean for average armchair pilots like you and me? We'll rather than having to pour through endless manuals trying desperately to get a Boeing-777 in the air and safely to it's destination, AoA delivers the tutorials in very simple step by step video tutorials. So you can whip out your iPads and follow along with the teacher! We know you are ready for the 777. But are you ready for the Angle of Attack?
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
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Carenado B1900D. Activate the drool!
FSX/P3D. Oh how I am excited for this lovely birdie! I remember my PMDG 1900D from back in the day and I still love that bird. Carnado is doing an amazing job and it is already obvious with these latest shots! So this begs the question: At some point will the team develop the 1900C as well? I would love to do some cargo runs as well! Have a look at the first exterior skin test materials shots!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
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Bonners Ferry. Getting worked out.
FSX/P3D. The talented Iain has brought us a few more very tasteful screenshots of the upcoming Orbx Bonners Ferry. The product is perhaps a bit delayed while Jim and Alex work out some issues discovered during the beta process. This team is doing a very impressive job and I personally am excited to finally get an airport in Northern Idaho. An area that is no stranger to me! Keep it going guys!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
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Iris Jabiru! This is MY little plane!
FSX. I am starting to think there is no one more excited for this little sport trainer than me. As a long time fan of Iris, I am very please to see the team moving in this direction of light sport aircraft and the Jabiru is coming along quite well indeed! Here is the latest on the VC!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
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ADX FirstLook: Orbx FTX NIR
FSX/P3D. Well, I suppose you can call me diplomatic if you must. But this time I chose to display all 3 flags that I believe represent the region of Northern Ireland in their various facets. Among all the places around the globe I have visited in my short lifetime, I reflect on my first visit to the city of Belfast at the age of 22 where I came across some of the most intuitive and insightful people I have ever had the opportunity to meet. Many of these people quite literally changed the way I see the world. And here, Orbx has changed the way we see this beautiful countryside in FS! So let's have a look at FTX NIR!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
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FSL A320 going strong!
FSX. FlightSimLabs has been quite the talk around ADX. In fact, if I remember correctly, this aircraft was the epicenter of the "wingflex" arguments that started here and then became a famous joke that has been circulating around the community. We'll the developers are still cracking away and thanks to an ADX reader for this tipoff, here is the latest statement from the team.
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
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Metroliner Payload Manager Video!
FSX. Razbam is working very diligently on the Metroliner and earlier today, the team released the very first video of the aircraft in action. Most importantly though, the video shows off the Payload Manager and included features. If this isn't enough, then I also have some fresh cabin photos for you! The fabric looks good!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
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Thursday, August 29, 2013
PMDG-777 Release Week: Deadline looming!
FSX. If you all haven't just been so patient for this release some of you may have likely tried to steal an actual real 777 by now! Rob Randazzo CEO of PMDG has just release an official statement regarding the PMDG-777 and the statement is overwhelming positive that the aircraft is finally on final approach and is slated to touch down before the end of the month! That marks 5 days left in August which makes this the PMDG -777 Release Week! See what Rob had to say and thanks to iFlySimX for the tipoff!
First Impressions Vid Enclosed!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
Majestic! What... You thought they were done?
FSX/P3D. Yes, that's correct! The team is alive and well! Did you forget? Majestic still has 2 more variants of the MJC-Q400 to release being the Pro and Training editions. I guess the Pilot version worked out so well, everyone got quiet about it! We'll Dimitri has released a statement this morning regarding their current progress and what you can expect from the team in the near future as they push closer to release including updates for the current Pilot version.
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
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Berlin Brandenburg. First steps!
FSX/P3D. When Lars disclosed to me he had started production on Berlin Brandenburg earlier this month, I had absolutely no idea he had progressed this far! Speaking of which, is this the single handedly busiest guy in the business or what? When he is not developing for himself, you will usually find him developing with the guys at Orbx. But when he is not there, Berlin, yeah, that's where he'll be! Didn't he work with FSDG in the past too? We'll now it's a partnership with LimeSim. I just love developers working together! Perhaps the contractors for Brandenburg should have gotten them to build the real airport. It would have been completed on time! Yeah, i'm sticking with that!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
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ADX Exclusive: LHSim Budapest!
FS9/FSX/XPL. This scenery is without a doubt a very long time coming. Initially set for a Q1-2013 release, the team has made it their mission to take their time in a effort to ensure a top quality and accurate product without performance issues. This is a team of developers that has banded together with one common goal: to create the legendary (and newly restyled) Budapest while also reflecting their passion for this hobby, their craft, and their country. Finally, I can say that the scenery is on stretch for beta! For now, look at these latest amazing shots! Say it ain't just beautiful! These guys are doing a great job!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
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Aerosoft Lisbon. Beautiful!
FSX/P3D. Many of you might remember when I first announced this back in February this year. The team has made some major progress and the results are simply stunning to say the least. There was always something about the current Aerosoft Lisbon that just rubbed me the wrong way for some reason. But this, yes this will do just fine. Check out these shots!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
1 comment:
Carenado PA46 Mirage. Our own screenshots!
P3D. Howdy people of ADX! I'm back yet again with yet another fascinating aircraft from the legendary Carenado! This time it's the venerable PA46 Malibu Mirage 350P and once again the Chilean masterminds bring an absolute fascinating aircraft to life in our virtual world. So hop along with me as I make my way from Eaglsbach to Győr-Pér. It's a beautiful aircraft, the frames are high and weather good to fly!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
1 comment:
Razbam PC-12! Wow!
FSX. If I didn't know any better, i'd start to think Razbam was following in parallel lines with MilViz. Both development companies made their FS debut's more or less on developing military based aircraft. But in recent days have seen a major shift to civil and commercial aircraft development. The current non military development list for Razbam is: Metroliner, then the Embraer-120, followed by the Saab3 40, to then be followed by the PC-12. Well, I have a word for actions like this and it's called: Damn good news!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
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Beetleprint Panama released!
FSX/P3D. Developer Beetleprint has just released their Panama X scenery which has been developed with the aim to bring a little reality to VFR flights in the region. Now, all we need is an updated Tocumen to go with this nice city scenery! Now available on Simmarket!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
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Wednesday, August 28, 2013
T2G Mexico City Xtreme!
FSX. For all of you that joined us this evening on Twitch for the FirstLook at PFPX with iFlySimX, we hope you all found it fun and informative. It's indeed by far the most advanced flight planning tool ever created for MSFS! Thanks again to Clement and iFlySimX! Now head over to the iFlySimX forums for an exclusive look at Mexico City Xtreme by Taxi2Gate due for release in a couple weeks. Part of the incoming MMMX product!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
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PFPX Live Firstlook tonight!
[Live Event] For those interested in the recently released Professional Flight Planner X, I have teamed up with iFlySimX to bring this edition of ADX FirstLook live on twitch TV! The features of this product will be fully covered so if you have just picked up your copy of PFPX or are about to, you absolutely don't want to miss this! We will go on live and start broadcasting at:
00:30GMT | 19:30EST | 16:30PST tonight! Come join us!
ADX>> Live event ended!
00:30GMT | 19:30EST | 16:30PST tonight! Come join us!
ADX>> Live event ended!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
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Twotters! They keep coming!
FSX/P3D. And the next Twotter to arrive on deck is the amphibian variant. No other aircraft has kept me busier on ADX or my sim than this bad boy! I am quite sure many of you have the Twotter Extended and understand why it's so difficult to keep your hands off it. For you others, you just have to join the club and see why this thing is just so good! The only thing that could make it better is the latest model with the advanced avionics. Could they be planning that? Hmmm...
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
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FTXGlobal uninstaller released!
FSX/P3D. Many might say this was one of the more controversial issues of the year. Many were not pleased that FTXGlobal arrived without an executable uninstaller protocol. Now, granted, for it's price and amazing features, it's doubtful anyone would ever want to uninstall the program. But the matter of principal does exist and as such you never know when you might need to use it. The Orbx team has listened to your concerns and has delivered.
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
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PFPX released!
[FS Utilities] The long awaited ultimate flight planning tool has finally arrived! This program helps to easily build flight plans in just a few steps. Howerer, it's advanced options (the options you folks have been waiting for) permits realistic flight planning with sophisticated features
like Long Range (EROPS) and Re-Dispatch Planning.
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
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AU Scene Adelaide X released!
FSX. AU Scene has finally released their Adelaide International X project ant it's available from PC Aviator Australia. Capable of handling large heavy jets, this International airport in the capital city of South Australia is perfect for your PMDG NGX, Dash 8 Q400, 747s, 777 heck you can just about jam any aircraft in there including your lighter jets and props too! Doing my best to get the ADX FirstLook cracking asap!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
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Juneau, Oh yeah!
FSX/P3D. My boy Russ is back! Back when I was running the show with Dom, he was usually the quick one to jump on the Orbx reviews. But when Elstree was released, I saw my chance and jumped at the opportunity having missed Shoreham and Felt's Field respectively. Russ White is among my favorite scenery developers and his talent always sings wonders. This time around, Juneau get's it's glory in the spotlight and I must say, It's looking damn beautiful! But please, by all means, don't take my word for it.
ADX>>Billboard updated!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
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Isle of Man! Awesome!
FSX/P3D. Isle of Man is important to me for 3 reasons. 1. No speed limits. 2. It's the home of Mark Cavendish. 3. It's the home of an airport UK2000 is taking absolutely forever to remake! But now, Gary may not have to because thanks to Kevin Firth for pointing this out, I just might have the EGNS I've been looking for! In FS9, Ronaldsway was a perfect stop over airport between Bristol and Aldergrove. But that UK2000 variant is outdated by years! I hope to bring you a review soon! Btw, it's not just the airport, it's the whole bloody island! Want! Oh yeah, it's Earth Simulations!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
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SimCheck! Broken arm, still alive!
FSX. That's right folks! I can't say this enough! I highly respect developers that continue to update and improve on their products long after they have been released. Thanks to ADX reader Lennart Faach, we now are aware that the team is on the latter stages of an complete FMS upgrade for the classic A300! I myself am no stranger to this aircraft. I used to jumpseat on these babies almost everywhere back during my FedEx days before 9/11. The main developer is recovering from a broken arm, band I am glad to see the project is alive and well. I wish a good recovery!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
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Tuesday, August 27, 2013
ADX FirstLook: MilViz Stuka!

ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
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AU Scene Adelaide X imminent!
FSX/P3D. Adelaide X is finally ready to make it's debut in FS! According to the team, barring no unforeseen issues release is expected within the next 24 hours! As always, I will be on the ground for my ADX FirstLook which brings us to 4 this week after I complete the Stuka, Carenado Mirage, and Orbx FTX NI. Busy week for me indeed! Stay tuned! And for the massive influx of supporting emails I received over the last 24 hours, thanks very much! Ill reply to you all shortly.
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
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Any drone pilots out there?
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
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McCool Fokker-50 update!
FSX. I got to wake up to a nice chuckle why doing the usual rounds for news before my coffee. McPhat Studios has released a statement detailing the current project status of the Fokker-50 in development. As I mentioned previously, the exterior looks phenomenal and if the CDU render is any indication of what the virtual cockpit will look like, this very will could be the next MJC-Q400 in terms of quality, systems, and performance! Check out what the team had to say:
ADX>>Billboard updated!
ADX>>Billboard updated!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
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A2A Accu-Sim C172. Check this out!
FSX. I have seen many hail A2A as one of the elite and very best when it comes to aircraft development. Well, if realism is the benchmark, this C172 is surely to stand out among all the C172's currently available on the FS market. A2A has posted the first of what will be 3 videos detailing the many pilot training features that will be available. Here is the first look at the new Accu-Sim C172 Trainer video! No word yet on P3D compatibility though... Thanks to Josh for the tip on this one!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
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WingCreation: Narita looking good!
FSX. Based on ADX reader feedback, WingCreation delayed the release of their Narita project in an effort to improve the level of quality and with the latest shot posted i'd say they are very much indeed getting there. Here is a shot of the Japan Airlines Hangar #1. If anyone know's their way around an aircraft hangar, it's me, I spend every day in one with either a 747 or A380. Keep up the good work WC!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
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T2G Mexico City. Another shot!
FSX. Sure, cities from above always look great! But depending on the developer or weather or not it's default can really vary. Here in Mexico City however, realistic is likely the best word I can use to describe just how well the city looks from ground level. Release is very close and I am really looking forward to visiting this unique city from a P3D perspective! Great job so far T2G guys, the detail is just amazing!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
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More Metrocabin!
FSX/P3D. Many of you will not admit to this but we all know this is true. With flight simulation's current limitations, we all add a bit of imagination to our flights. For example, as a child, I loved my Hot Wheels! I would imagine I was picking up my fictive supermodel girlfriend in my hot Corvette whilst pushing that thing about the sandbox. These days though, kids have the iPads and computers leaving little imagination with those things. But for FS, there still is. Sure, we imagine flying 747's with 400 people behind us or that we are actually a captain for that airline livery we are flying and etc. Well that's why I like the virtual cabin, it adds to that element that there is actually something else being me besides the couches of my den. The Metroliner's cabin is one nice example and it's coming along very nicely so far!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
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Monday, August 26, 2013
A note from me.
[Editors Note] After some consideration, I have decided to shut down the commenting options on ADX. The more popular ADX has become, the more people respected it for the ability to allow their voices to be heard. Dom, Mark, and myself were okay with this. But indeed, this has gotten out of hand. There are many very respectful folks out there who were very constructive in your comments and many others who just took advantage of it.
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
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Carenado Mirage released!
FSX/P3D. Many of us are waiting on that PMDG777 and many of us are also waiting for something a little smaller. For the latter, Carenado has just released the 350 horsepower Piper PA46 HD Malibu Mirage! It's sleek, luxurious, fast, and you can own it today! Head over to Carenado, pick one up, and stay tuned for the ADX Firstlook!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
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Polish Airports vol.1 FS9 released!
FS9. Anyone remember back in the day... I'm thinking 2008... When Drzewiecki Design was a small development team just making the little photoreal high quality airfields around Poland? Those were the days when the team was focusing on their skills. Now Drzewiecki Design is one of the biggest development companies in the industry and the work just keeps getting better. The best part? They are keeping the FS9 bunnies in mind! Get your Polish Airports vol.1 for FS9 now!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
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T2G MMMX closing in!
FSX. Here are your latest exclusive shots of Mexico City coming from Taxi2Gate! So far the feedback we have gotten based on every preview has been overwhelming positive! Not only will the airport be rendered in unprecedented detail from this team, but so will the entire city. Fascinating news indeed! Check out the latest!
Updated with higher res images!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
Lee On Solent. Very lovely!
FSX/P3D. Anyone up for a trip down to Hampshire? When this scenery is released i'll definitely be up for the trip. With FTXEngland just sitting on my drive, it's like a blank canvas just dying for some quality historic airfields. More good news is UK2000 is also returning to the VFR scene for England. So all we have to do is bide our time!If we wait, they will come! Check out these shots!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
Orbx FTXGlobal freeware airports!
FSX/P3D. How on Earth did I miss this post? Announced by Orbx a week ago! If you thought FTXGlobal could not get any better (besides V1.1 incoming) now you will also get some free upgraded stock airports too! According to Orbx, these are similar in quality to the "upgraded default" airports you generally find in FTX regions. The first batch are by Neil for North America, the second batch by Eddie for the Philippines. Here's a few shots of Eddie's upcoming work at RPLL Ninoy Aquno. Hey, it will hold you over till PacSim releases it and it's still better looking than Bluep.....
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Whoa that looks real!
FSX/P3D. Is McPhat a talented group or what? What lies before you here is the official render of the Fokker50 CDU in development by CoolSky and McPhat Studios! Also according to Terrence in a comment left last week, the F-50 VC is in full swing. So we know the exterior is spectacular, and if this shot is any proof of the interior, we are in for 1 heck of an aircraft! So the question is: NAV Aid to NAV Aid, or by FMC, what's your poison?
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
Johannesburg... Could it be?
FSX. I just learned about this development via iFlySimX and so far I like what I see! ASDG or African Scenery Design Group, recently known for their impressive Mohéli Bandar es Eslam scenery released earlier this month, is setting out to develop an airport that has been highly sought after since the early FS9 days. It's Johannesburg and as I said, so far I like what i see! All the best of luck to this team!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
A fun Sunday vid you need to see!
[RealWorld Aviation] I came across this video via our YouTube page this week and I have been totally hooked! American Airlines 757 Captain: Kent Wien loves to bring his camera on board his flights and he really enjoys giving viewers an inside look at his life between sorties. Here is a very funny video featuring the classic MD-80. Very personal to me as my very first flight was on-board an American MD-80 as a kid! Also thanks to our followers, our Facebook page is now nearly 700 likes as ADX pushes close to 4Million pageviews! Thanks for being a part of us every day! Happy Sunday!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
Video: F-14 Tomcat X ACLS!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman