AirDailyX is currently the fastest growing online flight simulation resource in the FS community. To date with over 3 years in operation, we have reached over 4 million page views. A number that continues to grow with a monthly average of over 400,000 visits and growing.
We offer more than just the usual daily dose of FS news and information. We offer in-depth reviews, interviews, comics, tutorials, and more! Our personality, style, and opinions set us apart from all other FS news sources and as a result we attract a very loyal and supportive audience. This offers advertisers an exceptional opportunity to connect to the unique audiences that visit us every day.
AirDailyX is also recognized as a serious flight simulation service by our current advertising partners:
LatinVFR, Drzewiecki Design, Taxi2Gate, Imagine Simulation, JetStream Designs, Airline2Sim, and MCA Designs.
Other industry developers and companies that have advertised, supported, or continue to work with us are:
Orbx, FlyTampa, FlightBeam, Aerosoft, FlightSimulationDesignGroup (FSDG), Carenado, TropicalSim, RemoteFlight, LHSimulations, 29Palms, MilViz, Alabeo, MCA Designs, FSPilot Magazine, OrientalSim, ASN, JustFlight, AWG Simulations, PCAviator Australia, Vidan Design, FS2Crew, Lionheart Creations, Simmarket, Richer Simulations, SibWings, and Voie Bleu.
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