P3D. Yep! That's right! I am still enjoying this wonderful aircraft! As I have already provided a FirstLook of the Twotter Extended cargo version. I included the passenger version with the Tundra wheels in this version. I didn't have time to look for a proper livery for this region so the one provided will have to do. It looks good too! I can keep going on and on about how great this product is, but I would rather let these shots do the talking! Here is my flight this evening from Lugano to Courchevel over FTXGobal! Enjoy!
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
ADX FirstLook: New Plymouth Airport!
P3D. Every now and then there comes a freeware scenery that is so good, it amazes me that it's free at all. We have had many extremely highly detailed freeware works in the past that have reviled many payware developers. The most recent was Pecs Pogany which was so good, it led to my very first product review here on ADX. This time however, I am heading South and taking you with me! Let's check the latest awesome freeware: New Plymouth!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
Razbam EMB-120: new renders.
FSX/P3D. Just a couple more renders of the EMB120 from Razbam. Hopefully we will see this aircraft released by Q4. We have been lacking a proper E120 since the early days of FS9. Anyone remember the old Eric Cantu model? We are looking forward to the first VC shots!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
Tundra released!
FSX/P3D. Aerosoft just released the latest build 1.03 of the Twotter Extended. This version contains the tundra wheel model, tweaks to some autopilot files as well as the addition of the livery manager. Get yours now and go off-road! I myself performed a flight to Courchevel last night in the Twin Otter. What a perfect aircraft! The Twin Otter can get you into and out of just about anywhere!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
Nemeth Hind incoming!
FSX/P3D. Woah these Nemeth guys have been a bit quiet lately. Next out of the ND hangar and in beta status is the legendary Hind! Didn't another developer release one just a few months back? We'll no worry, Nemeth is among the elite development companies when it comes to helicopter developments! So i'm quite sure this is the Hind you're looking for.
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
Another preview of NY airports
FS9/FSX. Drzewiecki Design is also progressing on the N-Y airports package. New models developed for KJFK.
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Razbam Metroliner: New externals!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
FlightBeam Denver. On site!
FSX/P3D. Mir of FlightBeam Studios has touched ground at KDEN. The photo shoot has begun! I really admire developers that actually go on location shoots. This is how there is no doubt we will get the most accurate and realistic rendition possible. Besides, realism and accuracy is what FlightBeam is all about! Stay tuned to your local ADX stations for all the latest info as it happens on this project!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
1 comment:
Y'all ready for the Traumashock?!
FSX/P3D. That's right! I'm talking Tomahawk! I have been really looking forward to this baby! Even my wife jokes it's the only way to say "sit and spin" and not be a sexual sounding term... Hey, Alabeo is doing a great job so far and I am really looking forward to this one. My guess? Release by the weekend unless Alabeo tries to troll me again and releases it on Monday or Tuesday...
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
Drzewiecki Design still on Polish Airports
FS9/FSX. The Polish team is still working on Polish Airports vol.1 Version 3 improvements. Świdnik will be included with now, it's newest concrete runway. See the difference, from Google Earth to D.D. latest screenshot.
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
Monday, July 29, 2013
Funny thing happened to me today...
[My Summer] So as some of you know, I am in France for the 2013 Tour de France (now ended) and my favorite stages are always the mountain stages. A friend of mine owns a Cessna 172 and we flew down from Shoreham to see the race. I stayed up here in the French Alps for a couple weeks which is how I was able to keep the blog running while Dom was out on the Beach 200 miles away with the Supermodels. Anyway, on the way flying back to England, we ran low on fuel so we popped into Annecy to refuel when we realized there was a mechanical issue with the engine. Now stranded, we were trying to figure what to do when something big approached the airport!
Just Updated with a link you need to see!
Just Updated with a link you need to see!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
JustFlight DC-8 external!
FSX. Now correct me if i'm wrong but... The last time we saw a payware DC-8 I believe it was the old FS9 AeroSim model. Damn that was a very long time ago! Their is a DC-8 project taking place on the FSDeveloper forums over the last couple years, but I don't know if that thing will ever get completed. JustFlight has just unleashed the first external shot of their aircraft. This one looks nice so far, but I am really hoping for the stretched cargo variant with the CFM engines!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
Posting comments on ADX
[Reader Comments] Many of you have been leaving comments and either they were not posted or deleted. We do not allow user comments using the anonymous comment option. Need to add a screen name to your comment? Please read these instructions. It's simple and does not require you to log in!Re-posted for new readers!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
ADX FirstLook: Skysoft Haikou Meilan!
FSX. The very first FSX payware from Skysoft reaches a very good standard of quality. We did not see any bug and most of all, every model and texture is clean and properly designed. Haikou Meilan ZJHK is also interesting for connections to Bangkok, Ventiane, Xiamen, Hong-Kong and Macao airports. Congratulations to Skysoft !
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
Is it real? Or is it MilViz?
FSX/P3D. The MilViz/ERS 407 is coming along very nicely. I don't think I have ever seen night textures that good! I really love the light colours and how they seem to splash about the cabin. Clearly this is some seriously talented work by the texture artist. I am really looking forward to taking this bird for a whirl!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
Iris Jabiru J160C/D textured!
FSX/P3D. Wow this little baby is coming along rather quickly! Just less than a couple weeks ago, we were barely looking at the real world scout shots. A week ago, the 3DS renders. Today, an in-sim textured shot. At this pace, we may very well just be looking at release within a month. Looking forward to this!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
No comments:
ADX FirstLook: FTXGlobal!
FSX/P3D. Orbx has finally released the long awaited product that changes the way we see our FS world. FTXGlobal has hit the virtual shelves of The FlightSim Store and after short 4.18GB download period, you will be free to roam about the planet! This is the highest anticipated release of 2013 and now it's all yours. Whip out the credit cards and prepare to hide the bill from the wifie! Please post all FTXGlobal screenshot requests here. We will do our best to cover all of them for you. Cheers!
100 % done!
64 places visited and more than 200 screnshots
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
3-Dev is alive !!
FSX. Apparently we were wrong about 3-Dev. The Facebook page is still updated and new shots have been posted a few hours ago.. Apologies !
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
Moheli bandar es Eslam ? Wow !
FSX. "Stew" is working on Mohéli Bandar es Eslam FMCI in Mwali island in Comoros Union near Madagascar. Payware standard quality ?!
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
1 comment:
Sunday, July 28, 2013
What is / isn't FTX Global ?
Rob Newman (Orbx team), has published a very interesting post on FTX Global, using schematics. Simple, clear. And it will help some of us to better understand FSX.
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
LLH4 Megève! New for 2013!
FSX/P3D. LLH Creations has very little interest in developing airports outside of the Northern French Alps region. But that's totally okay with me! The developer has taken to updating his older projects and I just love the exciting yet challenging approaches of the LLH airports. And yes, confirmed by ME last night, all LLH sceneries work perfectly with FTX Global! Scenery now in beta!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
JustFlight is working on...
FSX. After their L-1011 release, JustFlight is remaining in the past with their next project. Here is the very first shot of the upcoming ____________. If you are a fan of the classic steam gauge tube liners, (I am) than this will surely fill the void! We will continue to follow progress! Hint: Note the throttle quadrant!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
Kuala Lumpur: The latest!
FS9/FSX/P3D. This developer got his start more or less on improving the developments of other developers. But these days, A_A Sceneries is really making the mark on developing mega airports from scratch! The next on deck is Kuala Lumpur and the first development renders already showing how promising this project is!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
Thai Creation next project !
FS 2004. After Mumbai, here is.... Bandaranaike International Airport, Colombo (VCBI). The team is reaching the first stage : satellite imagery.
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
Akesoft La Cerdanya : New screenshots!
FSX. Glad to see that Akesoft is still alive. La Cerdanya LECD (Spain) is still beeing tested and the first night lights shots have just been posted.
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
No comments:
Saturday, July 27, 2013
FTXGlobal Download times...
For those of you who have purchased FTXGlobal, please give us an idea of your download time. For me at 59.4 mbps it's taking 3 hours just to get to 14%. Starting to think the server we are downloading from has a bandwidth limit. At this rate, it doesn't look like i'll be able to fulfill requests any time soon.
EDIT: The issue was the press copy server which is extremely poor at over 12 hours download time even having been downloading over night. So now my DL time is 30 min. And we bought it for all of you and your bloody requests! Cheers!
EDIT: The issue was the press copy server which is extremely poor at over 12 hours download time even having been downloading over night. So now my DL time is 30 min. And we bought it for all of you and your bloody requests! Cheers!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
NY Fixes to try.
FSX/P3D. Just because NYX has been released doesn't mean updates aren't coming. For now though, here are some temp fixes that should get you going. I am trying these myself and recommend you try them out as well. Designed to kick the OOM's... Full installers included.
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
Tomahawk cockpit shots! Yeah!
FSX/P3D. With each and every product they announce, my admiration for Alabeo grows more and more. The quality and realism in Alabeo's VFR aircraft are second to none. I hope this company will never allow themselves to become defined by a certain type of product. But rather from a wide variety of products from the crop dusters to helicopters to business jets and beyond. I really believe Alabeo is the next big thing in FS. Here is the latest of the trauma bird and the panel shots look great!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
Alliance between 2 aircraft designers
[FS News]. Iris Simulation and Area51 Sim are announcing a major partnership. Interest ? To develop enhanced aircrafts with new features and systems. Both teams have experienced skills on military aircrafts
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
Taxi2gate E.T. Joshua : First Look
FSX. While working on Orlando and Mexico airport V.2, the futur cornerstone of Taxi2gate, Cesar keeps designing new Caribbean airports. After St-Lucia, here is E.T. Joshua. Despite the small size of the airport, buildings and terminal are carefully designed with colorful textures. E.T Joshua is a great place for islands hoping along the western Caribbeans or... medium-hauls toward Caracas, Princess Juliana or Puerto Rico.
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
Normandy 1944 released
FSX. FSADDON+ and France VFR have just released Normandy44, a historical based scenery located in Normandy and using France VFR photoreal winter textures. We did not test it yet, but screenshots look interesting. 4 aircrafts and many effects are included, like field artillery.
Apparently, several add-ons will complete this basepack in the future.
Apparently, several add-ons will complete this basepack in the future.
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
Friday, July 26, 2013
PA-46 Mirage: Damn nice!
FSX/P3D. Oh, you can bet, this baby is deff going into my collection! Carenado is doing another fine job as usual on these badass aircraft! I will be waiting eagerly for this release! is 2013 a great year for releases or what?? Oh yeah! She is getting ready! Check out these great shots!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
Taxi2gate Joshua TVSV released !
FSX. Taxi2gate has just released its latest Caribbean airport, E.T. Joshua TVSV, in Saint-Vincent and Grenadines. Liners welcome ! Another marvel for Caribbean flyers !
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
Kuala Lumpur : back to work
FSX. Tic, founder of Asean Scenery Airports, has resumed his work on Kuala Lumpur. This will be the very first version of KLIA for FSX. New screenshots.
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
ADX Exclusive: T2G TVSV P2!
FSX/P3D. And coming at ya is the next set of exclusives of TVSV from Taxi2Gate. This team has come a very long way and the quality just keeps getting better and better! H am very hopeful the team will stick around the Caribbean for a bit longer in an effort to get more airports covered in the area. FYI, yes I did add P3D this time. I have been chatting with the team and George Charles (TLPC) is now 95% working in P3D. minus a couple hiccups. Ill provide shots of both airports in my FirstLook right after release! Happy Friday!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
Sialkot: getting closer!
FSX. MSK has upload a few more shots of their Sialkot airport in progress. This now takes the number of Pakistan to 4! With each release the developer is striving to improve his techniques and quality and we really admire that! Nice ramp texture work!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
No comments:
Aerosoft F-14 Tomcat X!
FSX/P3D. For all the jetheadz, there is a very awesome toy coming your way! It's fast, loud, and wreak total havoc on the enemy! It's Aerosoft's F-14 Tomcat X and it means business! But don't take my word for it! These latest shots will do the talking!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
1 comment:
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Iris Jabiru J160C/D!
FSX/P3D. I am super excited about the upcoming Jabiru J160C/D from Iris Simulations. I can remember back in the day when I would have never even looked twice at an aircraft like this. It was all about high and fast. But P3D has really taught me that little birds like this can be equally as fun and challenging if you know where to fly!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
No comments:
Night lighting done right!
FSX/P3D. One word: Superb! But not only are these lights brighter, deeper, and more vibrant, but guess what? You will not need to use the FTX Day and FTX Night apps to disable the lights during the day when using FTXGlobal! That's one less thing to forget to do before you fire up the sim! Lookin' great!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
The latest on the Metroliner!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
ThaiCreation Mumbai released!
FSX/P3D. Mumbai has finally made it's way into FSX. It's been a long road coming but it's finally here! The FS9 version is absolutely superb and you are sure to love this one! Besides, it's a very good sortie in your brand new Emirates PMDG 777 from Dubai! But that ain't out yet...
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
ADX Exclusive: T2G TVSV!
FSX. The guys and gals of Taxi2Gate have returned to the Caribbean once again to deliver the missing puzzle piece in FT's St. Vincent & Grenadines package. Now if you have purchased the George Charles airport from this team, you already know just how good the quality is and if fact, fits perfectly with FlyTampa sceneries. This one is right around the corner so have a look at the latest exclusives! Lookin good!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
As promised, a few photos from various spotting locations around Nice airport. On Wednesday July 24th, the tower switched the trafic several times between runways 04/R/L and 022/R/L. Besides the usual Air France and EasyJet shuttles to Paris, a few interesting airlines from Europe and Russia.
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
No comments:
Sorry guys.
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
ADX FirstLook: JetStream Marseilles!
FSX/P3D. Always remember you read it here first: JetStream Designs is the next big developer to enter the FS market! I'll be honest, I was quite skeptical this project would reach fruition when we published the first renders. Many products that debut on FSDeveloper rarely endure the long road to completion. But, I can honestly say that I am very impressed and when you get this scenery, so will you! Let's head to the South of France where the wine flows like well.. wine! It's time to visit Marseilles!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
CT206H G1000 extension pack released!
FSX/P3D. Just as the title says! Head over to Carenado now and get it! No need attacking Carenado. The horse is beaten on this Garmin issue...
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
Email hacked.
Hey folks. Somehow my personal email was hacked today and sent out a super blast of spam email to over a hundred contacts including the CEO of the company I work for, X girlfriends, developers, family, etc. If you got one of these emails, please delete it and don't click the contained links. Many of you saw a post here on ADX as well, that was an email link we set up a while back as part of my personal email. So don't worry, ADX itself was not hacked. Hopefully my efforts have corrected the issue. Okay, I am now testing D.Design NY and JetStream Marseilles. Stay tuned for those first looks!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
TropicalSim São Paulo released!
FS9/FSX/P3D. TropicalSim is back with their latest release: São Paulo! Totally reworked from the ground up, this is a completely new rendition of the airport updated for 2013! Get yours now at Simmarket.
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
No comments:
NewYork City X released!
FS9/FSX/P3D. Drzewiecki has finally released their long awaited New York City X scenery. This is by far the most advanced city scenery project ever created on any simulation platform ever! Now even you, yes YOU good sir, can enjoy this amazing scenery! Stand by for our ADX FirstLook later today as we explore every inch of the product! Awesome!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
Another update from Charleroi
FSX. Dear readers, dear friends, i am still enjoying my vacation on the french Riviera. And... spotting at Nice airport from various locations. In the meantime, I really want to congratulate D'Andre for the great job. Our traffic is booming ! Here is an interesting update from Charleroi EBCI. Thanks to Manuel, this airport might very well be released soon...
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
No comments:
JetStream Designs Marseille released!
FSX/P3D. Here is the first scenery project from JetStream Designs! Not bad at all for a first project too! We haven't had a decent Marseille project since the Simwings version released years ago for FS9. Now we all can once again return to this lovely destination! Now available on Simmarket!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
A Visit to Diamond Point Airport (2WA1)
[EDITORIAL] As we always say, we love our readers. We are currently making efforts to encourage our readers to write with us and have opportunity to have their opinions, ideas, and experiences heard. Our first ADX writers day earlier this month brought us some very talented and interesting articles. Today, another of of our loyal readers and friend: Jerome Zimmermann has submitted a very fascinating article about Diamond Point Airstrip and his airfield experiences in both real world and in FSX. So just how good is Orbx? How amazing is 2WA1 in real life? Grab a cup of tea and join us for a nice ADX editorial!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
Hehe.. Look at this.
[FS Software] Um.. okay so yeah. This in-flight IFE sort of thing. I guess you pay like $10 bucks, and you get an actual IFE for your flight with updated movies, live radio and such. Yeah. I don't really know how to present this to you guys so here is the link for you to have a look. It's now available BTW. So are they paying licenses for the material or what? I don't get it. Oh wait. I see now, you subscribe to this monthly. Screw that. I got Netflix. Cute idea though. But now that I think about it further, that call crew button should really like call some hot chick somewhere. Now THAT'S worth a subscription!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman
Stanly Co WIP
FSX/P3D. Nice little freeware in the works from Those Airport Dudes formally known as The Airport Guys. It's a very nice work so far. Check it out. And while you are there, check out their other products too! Really good stuff!
ADX Editor:
DAndre Newman