Thursday, February 28, 2013

Another glimpse of South Alaska

FSX/P3D. Tim Harris (Orbx) has posted a few shots of South Alaska, on Pacifica coast. A few airports are going to be crucial to explore this large area : Juneau of course, and Augustus. I will be glad to see some specific previews on this airport !

Eagle Rotorcraft Bell 222 "Hours Away"

FS9/FSX. Eagle Rotorcraft Simulations has stated that release of their freeware Bell 222 is only hours away! The project looks very promising although time constraints have prevented the team from implementing all the bells and whistles originally planned, future updates and expansion are expected. Years in the making and it's almost here, check out some final shots prior to release.

SimWings La Palma!

FS9/FSX. After that huge announcement regarding Heathrow, Simwings has released another announcement. This time however, they did it a lot quiter... So quiet in fact, we were not even aware about it. This is one of those moments when we say we love our loyal readers who continue to look out for us. This moment is brought to you by Sonny Alblas! Thanks Sonny! So far these are very early alpha, but you get the picture!

Ask 21 : another glimpse

FSX. Joachim Schweigler has just posted another hint on his next glider, the ASK 21 (Distributor Aerosoft). Nice textures and modeling !

Upcoming Lionheart weekend sale and update!

FSX/P3D. Can't decide on the Aerosoft or Lionheart Robin? Consider this: Lionheart's Robin DR400 is getting some enhancements this weekebd to Build 2.0. They rebuilt the airfile which will improve the top end speed and roll rate. The return-to-neutral will be more pronounced as well due to the Robins unique wing design. Taxi power will be reduced along with the ground effect during takeoff's and landings. They also added the Female pilot models to the main Installer with Build 2.0. The tachometer has also been reworked so it will be able to reach the full 3500 RPM. As a plus, in an effort further enhance the Build 2.0 event, they are holding a sale on the Robin this weekend @ 30% off! So... On Friday Evening, be ready!

Note to IE users

If you are using Internet Explorer and you don't see our banner, don't worry. Nothing is wrong with your computer. It's working in all other browsers but IE. That's the nature of Microsoft. I am still working on the code and we'll get it working for IE users soon.

Update on EU WLS (Wales)

FSX/P3D. 29Palms Scenery Design has posted another fantastic shot of EU WLS (Wales). The detail in this screenshot is amazing!

Can You Guess the Aircraft?

FSX. Wilco Publishing has released some work in progress shots of their next title...the catch is, you've got to guess the aircraft... Those who guess correctly could win a copy of the release! Here's a couple hints, it is a single engine turboprop, the fastest of its kind, and features a Garmin G1000 avionics suite. Take a look at some more shots and enter Wilco's "Guess & Win" contest, read more.

Virtavia Hind released!

FSX/P3D. Incoming enemy Hind! Reminds me of MW2 when the enemy Hinds would hover overhead shooting everyone in sight. Luckily enough, my little brother always had a handy rocket launcher with him! If the Hind was on your team, then good for you as it always took out at least 5 people before being taken down. Anyway, Virtavia has just released it's version for FSX and it's now available! Sorry, simulation flights only with this one!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Orbx Airdrie part 2: Our own screenshots!

P3D. As P3D and I try to make friends, and work together with my system, you all will start to see more life flourish from the platform on ADX. No other news sites are really committed to P3D and the FS people need a place they can count on. So bear with me, I am still working on things and these shots are not the best but i'm getting there. Have a lot of work to do with REX too as you can see... In the mean time, check out part 2 of Airdrie in P3D! It's just a wonderful work and so damn realistic. Have a look! Kudos to Vlad! You rock dude! Now that we have 2 Canadians working for ADX maybe one of them will head over to the park and take comparesions. Hint, hint: Mark, get your ass down there!

London Heathrow X + Orbx England Blending!

FSX/P3D. Aerosoft has addressed concerns over compatibility between the recently announced "New" London Heathrow X and Orbx England. Several screenshots posted today illustrate the blend between the two products and it is very good! Take a look.

Performance addressed!

FS9/FSX/P3D. Just a note folks, most major developers follow AirDailyX and they do read and take note of the concerns our readers express here. The most recent example was regarding the Orbx Cardiff scenery and it's ground textures now being enhanced. Now, as we all are aware and excited about Drzewiecki's New York Airports and Manhattan X sceneries, there has been major concerns regarding the overall performance. Well today, CEO Stanislaw Drzewiecki responds to your concerns and gives us more previews too! Here's what he said...

*** News of the world ***

[FS Market]. Many screenshots taken from different editors today. Wilco Pub / Orbx / France VFR / Flyaoamedia.

New shots of Bangkok VTBS

FSX. Tic Jtanabodee (ASA / Samui, Phuket, Bangkok VTBS V.1.0...) is now upgrading the cargo area at Suvarnabhumi, still working on this new version. Much more complex 3D models.

Orbx Cardiff! Looking great!

FSX/P3D. Orbx is once again returning to medium commercial sized airports and the latest renders of Cardiff is impressive to say the least. Thanks to 29Palms, massive upgrades to the ground textures are in progress and it looks like release may be coming within the next couple weeks. But will it have AES? That's a deal breaker for many...


FSX. I have long been an avid fsx.cfg tweaker, perhaps to excess at times. Almost every tweak in the book has gone through my cfg file, however, most haven’t lasted long. Over the following months I will be dedicating a post to each tweak, and relaying my experiences. Now for the first installment, bufferpools, read on.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Orbx Airdrie part 1 : Our own screenshots

FSX/P3D. I cannot resist showing you a few of my own Airdrie pictures. The scenery is not just including an airfield but many other details in the north of Calgary. Made my first flight from Airdrie (Alberta) to KSFF. Marvelous over the Rockies. I will be glad if Mark (who's living here around) or Tino can add their own screenshots.

Okay, looking good so far...

FS9/FSX/P3D. We all know Darren is talented. He has proven that in the past. With the current Luxembourg project at hand, we are more or less just waiting to see how far it goes. The updates are looking very good so far. Look forward to our upcoming Aviasim interview soon as we continue to look forward to more updates.

Orbx Queenstown (NZQN) - New Shots!

FSX/P3D. Orbx has finally posted some new preview captures from Queenstown (NZQN)! This area is truly spectacular in real life and a quality flightsim rendition is overdue. With a 5830 foot runway this airport should be "tubeliner" compatible as well. More shots inside!

Review in the works! (OpusFSX)

FSX. If any of you are like me, you will be determined to find the proper weather program which not only gives you fantastic results but also assists with en route forecasts

Captain Sim Boeing 777 Freighter Released

FSX. Captain Sim has released the Boeing 777 freighter expansion model - base 777-200 required. This expansion adds features such as real time cargo load calculations, animated cargo containers, loader control panels, and so on. Not owning the base pack myself I can't help but ask...have all of the outstanding issues with this aircraft been addressed?? More shots inside.

More Drzewiecki La Guardia!!

FS9/FSX/P3D. It's the most hyped set of projects this year and the response from the FS community on ADX has been overwhelming positive abate some concerns regarding FSX performance given the size and scale of all these projects. I am talking about the New York X project by Drzewiecki Design what will include La Guardia, Newark Liberty, JFK, and more! Coupled with the fact that the team is also modeling the most accurate Manhattan ever... yes this is huge! Here's the latest from La Guardia!


FS9/FSX/P3D. The boys at Drzewiecki Design are on a roll! And the quality just keeps getting better with each preview. 2013 is going to be the the largest year ever for the team who is on the right track. The company has been around for several years now and started off very, very small. Now with multiple projects going by different teams, they are in the big leagues! Check out the latest from Polish Airports Vol.1!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Mumbai : progression at 60 %

FSX. Thai Creations has posted a wide view of Mumbai Chhatrapati Shivaji VABB. Hundreds of hours of work to finish this giant piece.

Flournoy Valley, Riverview, Hilltop = Awesome!

FSX. Misha Cajic's upcoming package of three southern Oregon airstrips is looking awesome if I do say so myself! Full compatibility with Orbx PNW is planned and release is expected late March. The package includes Flournoy Valley, Riverview, and Hilltop airports as well as surrounding area enhancements. Take a look at some recent previews, you will be impressed...

Heck why not...

FSX/P3D. It's the aircraft AirDailyX is calling the most anticipated of 2013. Every time we catch another press release from Majestic it's like roulette. Yet again, it's just more screens this time. But as she is a very lovely looking bird, we'll take it. Heck, why not...

EDSB Baden Airpark X

FSX. Sierra.Foxtrot-Design has commenced on the beginning stages of Baden Airpark X. Not too much to show at this stage but based of the shots just released, it's already clear what will be in included.

Some More King Air You Say....

FSX/P3D. Flight One has released some more preview shots from their upcoming King Air B200. Remember, this version recreates the newer full glass panel variant whereas the Carenado version simulates the older less advanced cockpit. The current previews are looking good, lets hope Flight One can maintain reasonable performance given the complexity of the avionics. More previews inside.

New Staggerwing Pics - Perfect!

FSX/P3D. Alabeo has posted some new preview shots of their upcoming Beechcraft Staggerwing...all I can say is wow! The exterior is looking fantastic. Now lets hope for some interior and cockpit previews as well. What do you think thus far? Check out all the preview shots.

Orbx Wales on final

FSX/P3D. The second Orbx FTX European region is on final approach. Wales is about to be released next week-end. And including Cardiff airport. The airport has just been polished a last time (apron textures !).

Build Your *Own* Home in FS9/FSX???

FS9/FSX. Here's a novel idea..have your real life home modeled and accurately placed in flight simulator... Well, that's now possible thanks to AFDG (African Scenery Development Group). My only many times can you fly over your own house to make this worthwhile? Read more and check out some renders inside.

Fukushima New Shots!

FSX/P3D. Wings Creation has just posted more preview shots of Fukushima (RJSF) airport. This will be their first airport for FSX.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Active Sky 2012 New Beta Update Available

FSX. The newest beta update for Active Sky 2012 is now available for download. Per HiFi Technologies, "This newest build includes fixes to temperature spikes in DWC mode as well as fixes in graphics to prevent over-colorized sky colors in reduced visibility situations.". Check out the announcement and revision log.

Nagoya, at last !

FSX. It was a matter of time. Graham, founder of Pacsim, has finally posted more shots of Nagoya Chubu RJGG airport in  Japan. One of the largest he ever worked on.


FS9. As I continue to drive deeper into P3D I also continue to make time for FS9. I guess FS9 relives the stress I am getting from P3D... Heck, FS9 is just an all around good stress relief and has been for the last 13 years. So I am always thankful to see more quality products continue to make their way into my classic muscle car! Andrea is doing a terrific job and he is damn near covering the entire strip and more! Check it out!

Sierra.Foxtrot Announces New German Airport!

FSX. Sierra.Foxtrot-Design has posted the first preview from Baden Airpark (EDSB), located in Rheinmünster, Germany! This international airport is currently served by Air Berlin, InterSky, Ryanair, and Sky Airlines. The developers Facebook announcement states, "In the distant future I will be leaving my home construction area and rebuild an Airport outside of my region. A preview of the first tests you can see here.". Full size pic inside...

Orbx Airdrie Airpark...RELEASED!

FSX/P3D. Orbx has released Airdrie Airpark (CEF4)! The package includes the airport and surrounding area as well some enhancements to the city of Calgary, namely downtown, princess island park, and nose hill park. Living in the area myself I've been watching this project closely - any other Albertans on AirdailyX? Some more pics inside...

Black Box Simulations A330 Confirmed!

FSX. Black Box Simulations has just released many images of the next upcoming aircraft in the Airbus series! The A330!

Looks like the A330!

FSX. Black Box Simulations has shared #5 preview shot this morning.


FS9/FSX. Just a couple Sunday shots from Budapest. This scenery is getting more and more amazing by the moment! The team is showing major talent! After Budapest, the team is looking at airports both in and out of Europe. For now though, the project is progressing well. We are excited!

The impossible flight ?

[Cinema]. Yes, FLIGHT Bob Zemeckis movie is probably not the best tribute to real aviation. And this "inverted" position has raised many remarks and attacks. By if you have watched Mayday, you know that the technical issue has some good historical sources...

Saturday, February 23, 2013

New Orbx Preview (CEF4) - Looking Amazing!

FSX/P3D. Orbx has released some more shots from their upcoming Airdrie Airpark (CEF4) release - looking very nice! I am particularly excited for this release as it's very close to my real life home. Anyways, check out the shots, release is hinted as being very soon.

And where is Blueprint ?

FS9/FSX. B.P.S. Blueprint Simulations. Rings a bell ? This small team has released dozen of airports around North America, for years. We have sent them an email a few weeks ago. But the answer was... odd and laconic.

Airbus Heavy Metal?

FSX. Black Box Simulations has been teasing us with preview screenshots these past couple days.

LatinVFR KSAN - Review Teaser Shots

FS9/FSX. Well, I’m hard at work at my upcoming LatinVFR San Diego (KSAN) review for both FSX and FS9. As most of you know, reviews take a substantial time commitment and the final copy is still a ways away. However, as I know there is significant interest in this scenery I thought I’d post some review teaser captures. These shots are directly from my in progress review, unedited, and exactly what I’m seeing in the simulator. Check them out, and if you have any special requests for the review, speak now…

Fly to Macau and forget it...

FSX. Frankly, i am puzzled each time i discover this kind of **** on a simshop. So, you are invited to spend 35 euros / 40 dollars for a 32 MB file, including the city of Macau  and a library of approaches.  According to the description, FlightSoft's Fly to Macau is "the first comprehensive commercial scenery of Macau". Really ? I have bought Thai Creations Macau airport and city for a much better price, 6 months ago. The scenery density of Thai Creations Macau is way beyond this one...

Friday, February 22, 2013

CYUL in P3D!

FS9/P3D. Dom has already published his version of FlyTampa's CYUL. Sadly, I was not able to do my part as I was in the process of upgrading my system. With having spent about a grand on the parts and gone through the rigorgs of getting P3D set up, I can finally continue on with my work. So stay tuned for our first P3D review and yes, as always with me, the FS9 review is coming too!

Speaks for itself...

More Bell 407 Previews...Looking Fantastic

FSX. Milviz has released some very promising shots of its upcoming Bell 407 - specifically, some cabin and virtual cockpit night renders! The sheer number of projects these guys have on the go right now has become a somewhat hot topic these days... Nevertheless, this one is looking great and progressing well! Check out more previews inside.

Aerosoft Announces Schleicher ASK 21!

FSX/P3D. What is the Schleicher ASK 21 you ask? Well, it's a two seat mid wing sailplane and Aerosoft is on it! The developer has released some initial development shots. According to Mathijs over at Aerosoft, "it will be high end". Check out the early development shots of both the exterior and virtual cockpit. Any glider pilots out there on AirDailyX?