FSX. After the marvelous Vashon airfield, Orbx is working on another freeware for one of its north-west sceneries.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
A new flow is coming...
This is THE NEWS of the day. From John Venema' voice, we hear that Orbx is ready to disclose a new "Flow" technology after Object, People and falling leaves. Some simmers, among the venerables ones, are already guessing WaterFlow, which could enhance rivers and lakes. The final answer in a few days with a video.
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
Danish Airfields X : first previews !
Vidan Design has published his first preview of Danish Airfields X. We start with Herning EKHG in central Jutland....
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
1 comment:
A small video on de-icing feature in Simaddons
This short video edited by Airdailyx shows how works the de-icing in Simaddons canadian airports.
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
1 comment:
A great lost
It's a sad news in the flight sim world. Jean-Pierre Brisard has just passed away. With Premier Aircraft Design (PAD), which he joined in 2004, he built dozens of freeware aircrafts. I personally remember of the Socata and the Robin.
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
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Saturday, July 30, 2011
Aerosoft Keflavik : hot test
Keflavik Intl. BIKF
FS9 and FSX. The unavoidable airport to complete Iceland X. Special price applied. Lack of animations but great textures.
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
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France VFR and FSADDON+ on a closer cooperation
|BtoB] Announced yesterday, the french sceneries designer and the dutch distributor-editor will extend their partnership.../..
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
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Majestic and Samdim Bombardier Q400
FSX. More screenshots with australian regional Quantas Link.
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
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Cross fingers, a KSAN at last for FSX
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
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Friday, July 29, 2011
New Guess and Win at Wilco Publishing
Two new aircrafts will be unveiled in the coming weeks. Another contest after the Hawker Harrier...
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
1 comment:
Corfu X : another glimpse
FSX. Two gorgeous screens of Corfu X. Coming in august. Developed by L.I.F. with Aerosoft support.
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
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La Paz MMLP, Bajasim : first serious preview
FSX and FS9. While some people are still exploring San Jose del Cabo, the mexican team Bajasim is already working on La Paz MMLP (La Paz SLLP is from Latin VFR). This time, the team will finish FSX version before FS9. Logical as 3/4 of developers are doing so...
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
1 comment:
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Simaddons Halifax under scrutiny
FSX. Halifax is not new but it has been updated several times. More informations on Simaddons and this canadian airport.
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
1 comment:
Back on the tracks of SkyDesigners
The french young team who developed Tours and Salon de Provence, two military airfields, are now updating their works on Blogger. Douchambe UTDD and Dijon are finished and icing on the cake, there is a french aircraft carrier for free.
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
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Another preview of... BEIJING
FS9 and FSX. The enormous Beijing project is not finished. The developer behind it tries to reach payware standards. Until new updates on this, Beijing 2008 might be freeware and will include the airport and dozens of landmarks. Unfortunately, news are erratic and the team doesn't have a page on internet.
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
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Wednesday, July 27, 2011
PMDG Prices and packages...
PMDG 737NGX Base Package: 69.99 $* ETA: On/Before 04AUG11
Contains the 737-800/800WL (winglets), 737-900/900WL
(*) until release of the first expansion pack.
Contains the 737-800/800WL (winglets), 737-900/900WL
(*) until release of the first expansion pack.
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
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iFLY B737 NG : 19 new liveries in two days
FS9 and FSX. Flight1 server has just updated iFLY X with 12 more liveries from all around the world. 7 more for iFLY FS9.
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
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Another preview of Fall City
FSX. Just a few pictures of Orbx Fall city. This will be a technical jump with falling leaves and the new LeavesFlow feature but too bad this airfield is rather tiny...
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
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MCP Combo II : between hopes and regrets...
FS9 and FSX. The korean high tech company, VR Insight, is ready to deliver the new generation MCP Combo II for Boeing and Airbus. Two specific modules for each aircraft technology. But../..
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Diamond point : our own screenshots
Screen taken with the E.R.S. Enstrom 280FX
FSX. Some new screenshots made this evening from Orbx Diamond Point pre-paid product.
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
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337 C Super Skymaster : new livery
FSX. Carenado, the chilian team, has silently added a new livery yesterday. The australian Westpac airlines.
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
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Bajasim next airport already started
FS9 and FSX. The young mexican team, Bajasim, is working on his second project, La Paz Gen Marquez airport MMLP, in Bajasim California Sur. This airport is 65 nm north of San Jose del Cabo and its size, a little bit smaller than the previous one.
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
1 comment:
Monday, July 25, 2011
Project Airbus : a new glimpe of the VC
FS9. Two new screenshots of the virtual cockpit during a night flight.
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
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Sunday, July 24, 2011
Hawaï Vol. 2 : our own original shots
FS9 and FSX. Here are a few pictures of FSDreamteam Hawai 2, including Kona Keahole and Kahului, 70 nautical miles away. It's not a "hot test" since we just posted the C-17 Globemaster and Orbx CRM. Maybe later.
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
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PMDG : an interesting thread on the vertical display
New explanations of the vertical display on PMDG's forum :
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
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When the leaves come falling down
FSX. I missed the thing the first time, but this morning, taking a look again at this picture, i got it. This is the very first screenshot of leaves falling down from a tree in FSX... in flight sim history. A small foot for man but..
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
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Saturday, July 23, 2011
Polish airports vol. 3 : first previews
FS9 and FSX. A first screenshot of Wroclaw Nicolas Copernic airport, in the south west of Poland.
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
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Nick's video on PMDG 737 NGX
A few days ahead of NGX release, an amazing and very detailed video on the virtual cockpit, from Flyaoamedia.com (Angle of attack).
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
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Friday, July 22, 2011
CLS working on the B747-200/300 V.1.5
FS9 and FSX. After the lite version 1, Commercial level Simulations is cooking the extensive version 1.5 with additional systems. First screenshots today from Albert Bouwman. Will be announced in a few days...
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
1 comment:
Dash 8 Q400 : incoming liveries
FSX. Majestic software and Sandim design are now working on liveries. After Air Berlin and Lufthansa Regional, Austrian Airlines and soon, Quantas airlink and Air Canada Express. Aother screen of ..../.
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
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Who works where ? Update
Our database of Fight Sim market developers, artists and publishers has been updated : full Orbx staff available now.
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
Antartica X project : new previews
FSX. Antartica X from LimeSim, published by Aerosoft. New previews of the south african polar station Sanae IV
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
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Flightbeam KSFO-X version 2
FSX (and FS9 soon). Amir unveils new screens of the final terminal 2 at San Francisco. The terminal has been remodeled, refurbished and will have jetways. The release, free for KSFO owners, shall coincide with AES update...
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
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Thursday, July 21, 2011
C-17 Globemaster : hot test
FS9 and FSX. Area51 is a young designer from Hong-Kong, in China. The team already developed the C-5M Super Galaxy and other military aircrafts as the MH-47 and the spy aircraft U-2S.
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
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Tonga, second step
FSX. Pacific Islands Sim. shown off some previews of Niuatoputapu NFTP, the second island of Tonga after Tongatapu and Fua'amotu airport.
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
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Wednesday, July 20, 2011
The long wait for Cracovia Balice
The polish team, Drzewiecki Design, is posting some pictures of Cracovia surroundings. But the airport will not be available soon. We might expect it this winter, for FS9/FSX.
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
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Orbx Essendon now in mid-beta
FSX. Essendon YMEN, a mid-size airport in Melbourne has reached beta stage. The main developer, Martin Henare, has set 7 cm/pixel imagery. Around this urban airport will be shown a freeway and commercial buildings.
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
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Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Enigma Sim, out of hibernation !
FS9 and FSX. Ron Waite himself has just posted an update on the B-737 project, explaining that the team worked a long time to practice FSX modeling and texturing. Here is a fully optimized FSX paint. "../.. Initial release within the next ../..."
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
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Carenado Centurion : the golden aircraft
FSX. Like it or not, the new Carenado Cessna turbocharged Centurion is sold at 29 euros at Simmarket and this is probably as much expensive as in dollars. The reason is simple. The Chile currency, the Peso, is rising and rising against euro and dollar for a few months...If this go's on, Carenado's aircrafts will transform themselves in... gold.
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
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Central Rockies : hot test
FSX. Unlimited flights in wonderful places. C.R.M. is a huge area, one of the largest ever made by Orbx, with same qualities than NA BLUE sceneries. But what's bad ? What's good ?
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
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About AES bottleneck (part 2)
Here are multiple comments about my AES post. I tend to agree. Aerosoft should support the product with one or more developers.
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
Monday, July 18, 2011
Is AES a bottleneck ?
Flightbeam, Drzewiecki Design, Fly Tampa, etc... What's the common point between these developers ? They usually need (or asked for) the AES well known enhancement. But the more they develop new airports, the more they have to wait for AES materials. So is there a bottleneck ?
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
Lhsimulation ready to release Debrecen LHDC
FSX. After FS9, the hungarian team has almost finished his Debrecen airport (LHDC). A work of quality that remind us Drzewiecki Design at their young age...
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
1 comment:
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Hawaï VOL.2 : Kona International
FS9 and FSX. A preview can hide another one... Too focused on KLAX, i forgot to check on Hawaï vol.2 previews. Here they are, Kona PHKO new pictures, thanks to "Simbio", one of FSDT developers.
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
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Copenhagen update
FSX. Claus Kludder is still working to update Copenhagen EKCH. New screens have been posted and show some improvements in road traffic. In the meantime, Aerosoft has not released new previews of his own EKCH.
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
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Tunis X : new previews
Tunis Carthage DTTA
FSX. New screenshots from Frederic Kabalu, who is developing Tunis airport in Tunisia. This project has been initiated by our special operation TUNIS FREEDROM AIRPORT with our partner, FSADDON+.
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
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Saturday, July 16, 2011
Imagine Sim. Denver : hot test
A new heavy airport for FSX. An update for old FS9 version. In term of quality, something halfway from Blueprint and FSDreamteam. An amazingly large airport located in the center of USA.
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
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Friday, July 15, 2011
FSDreamteam : another (an last ?) preview !
Los Angeles KLAX
FSX. Umberto Colapicchioni and team have just posted a dozen new shots from Los Angeles.
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
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Mega Airport Dusseldorf !
FS9 and FSX. Mathijs Kok, Marketing and product manager (Aerosoft), has confirmed the Mega Dusseldorf and released previews...
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
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Do you know this airport ?
FS9 and FSX. This is most probably the next Bajasim airport, after San Jose del Cabo. Possibly an airport in Baja California Sur, possibly not.../.
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
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AVSIM FANCON event cancelled !
We have just heard that AVSIM is cancelling his FANCON at Washington Dulles. "Registrations and number of vendors committing to attend are disappointingly few.../.", says Tom Allensworth, AVSIm's publisher.
Among possible explanations are the choice of the date, of the location (Washington) and insufficient level of business in flight Sim market. Airdailyx officialy regrets this decision and will support any new initiative of this kind.
Among possible explanations are the choice of the date, of the location (Washington) and insufficient level of business in flight Sim market. Airdailyx officialy regrets this decision and will support any new initiative of this kind.
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
1 comment:
Corfu X : new previews
FSX. Emilios, leader of greek team Live in FSX ("LIF"), has jus posted two new pictures of Corfu X airport LGKR, the terminal and an amazing aerial view. To be released in (early ?) august by Aerosoft.
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
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Skymaster : some progress !
FSX. After the white GMAX screens, Carenado unveils previews of the 337C Cessna twin-engine Skymaster. Flying in FSX environment, this time.
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
1 comment:
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Pacific Islands Sim working on Fua'amotu V1.1
FSX. The Version 1.1 will include a few more buildings and more custom 3D vegetation.
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
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Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Anchorage delayed...
Thorsten Reichert has published more screens of Anchorage PANC. The heavy alaskan airport, for FS9 and FSX. is delayed. Among the reasons, the developer is (was) also working on Keflavik and Copenhagen.
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
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McPhat Studios : First livery in action
FSX. The very first PMDG 747 Ultra high definition livery from Terrence Klaverweide.
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
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East Ireland in photoreal quality
FSX. Thanks to Terry Smith (Eiresim), we hear that PlaySims (a new publisher), has released Ireland East VFR Photographic. This is the volume 9 of the well known Horizon Simulation.
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
1 comment:
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
An indigestion of Keflavik...
FS9 and FSX. Another flood of screens from Keflavik's project...
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
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Project Airbus releases more screens
FS9 (and possibly FSX later). Project Airbus A-380 freeware aircraft is still at work. The team is now working on gauges. Will include a virtual cockpit as shown.
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
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Blue Sky Scenery : Grand Canyon almost finished
FS9 and FSX. The Grand Canyon photoreal scenery will include ultimately at least four quarters of five download areas of approximately 50 mb each. The third part, Havasupai area, has been released a few days ago.
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
New russian airport for Aerosoft !
FSX and FS9. The german designer has just announced a new project : Yekaterinburg airport (SVX/USSS), in Russia, about 1200 nm east of Moscow. A heavy airport that will allow connections from Europe to Asia.
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
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Monday, July 11, 2011
Protection island, some details
FSX. A few days from release. Here are some details of Protection island, part of Diamond Point scenery, in NA Blue PNW.
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
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Antartica X : more astonishing views
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
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Page updated "Who works Where ?"
"Who works Where" now counts more than 250 names. Added, Milviz, X-Scena, Pacific Islands Sim, FSDreamteam, GAP, Orientalsim and many independants developers.
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
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No more news from the front
Airports and aircrafts payware projects that we don't hear about anymore. But we have a right of information.
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Aerosoft Keflavik on final approach
FS9 and FSX. More winter screenshots - and probably the last ones - from Thorsten Reichert. possible release in a week or so (grounds and buildings done).
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
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San Jose del Cabo FSX : hot test
FSX. Bajasim's first scenery for FSX. This mexican team is specially skilled when its about textures. San Jose del Cabo is one of the best mexican airport ever designed for FSX.
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
Progress on Liverpool surroundings
FSX. Kevin Firth is back. The british developer is planning to design UK 2000 Liverpool airport surroundings, district after district. Speke first custom textures have been launched.
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
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Saturday, July 9, 2011
PMDG 737 NGX : final approach
New message today from Robert Randazzo. Now on pre-release testing. Build 82.2732 has been sent to tech team and to "wide" beta team. "We have a 'nearly release ready' airplane that is not going to require a significant amount of tuning to reach release".
ADX Editor:
Mason Dominique
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