Friday, July 19, 2013

T2G TVSV imminent!

FSX. The Taxi2Gate team has announced their next project: E. T. Joshua Airport. This was one of the airports FlyTampa should have included in their FlyGrenadines package. By the way, if you haven't already, you MUST check out the latest release by this team: George Charles TLPC! We also have the projected release times for MMMX and KMCO!

"Just in before MMMX,we would like to announce that TVSV (E. T. Joshua Airport) in the Caribbean will be released first. MMMX in the upcoming month(August) and if everything goes as followed you can expect Orlando by September."

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Midnight Music said...

This will be perfect for when I am in a Grenadines mood!

Aeromaestro said...

OMG!!!! Cesar!! You listened!!! I am sooo happy right now I can cry!!!! Thank you!!!!

Aeromaestro said...

Thank you from SVG!!!

Unknown said...

Tears of Joy!

Bart said...

That's great news. Now to hurry up and wait.

Unknown said...

I wonder if Antigua and Barbuda will ever be considered? I know one was made, but so much around the airport was missing with the beautiful buildings, etc.

Unknown said...

Very nice indeed. I wonder if they will ever consider Antigua and Barbuda? I know Tropical Sim did a make over a few years ago, but around the airport is missing some of the beautiful surroundings. I think Saint Lucia's TLPL would be great also. In my opinion? I think developers making airports where a lot of the "virtual airline" pilots fly will be great. Just my opinion :-) Wonderful work overall though!!

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