P3D. First the shadows, then the fog, and now the waves! You really have to catch this video! These are the most realistic waves I have seen yet. There is a reason we use the acronym AMSL. This is because the sea level changes constantly as the currents flow. And now in FS, we can actually see the flowing currents and changing levels in the water. 2.0 is going to be amazing. But please, see for yourself!
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Without PMDG's planes p3d is pointless.
Or is PMDG pointless without P3D?
but PMDG will make their products flyable for P3D for commercial users, meaning they're going to take a huge dump on their main customer base.
what a piece of shit company.
I hope they go bankrupt.
How is it pointless without PMDG....by what possible idiotic stretch of the imagination is this new platform pointless without PMDG addons...
....please do us a favor and smack your head of the nearest wall several times
If you bank everything on PMDG with so many other great developers out there then the suggestion made by Gordon H should be followed.
Please return to AVSIM where you will get a thousand pats on the back and a few hugs for your narrow minded comments.
If you are flying only PMDG surface scenery is not that important to you simply because you are too high to see it.
Me, I love flying Float Planes in Alaska and this development will be of major value to me.
Each of us has our own favorite thing so just because you don't like something doesn't mean it is of no value to someone else.
I don't like to drive buses but that doesn't mean that I think PMDG doesn't produce a great product.
I was banned from avsim.com because I mentioned this blog among other things, so please spare me your worthless judgement.
Pointless because clearly one would be completely unable to run FSX and P3D2.0 side by side - FSX for PMDG and P3D for everything else. Just way to radical of an idea... unheard of even! Can you imagine if people were running FS9 for heavies and FSX for VFR? Wait... they do.
Now that's AVSIM for you. Protected and Guarded. Careful, someone may have an opinion. I guess they want their Letterman sweater back Mike..........
I guess it's time for more PMDG-AVSIM sattire. Pretty please?
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