Monday, September 9, 2013

This blog is a trashy tabloid.

For those of you who feel this blog is trash and think I am doing a bad job, there is yet another bash ADX thread on Avsim this makes what? 5 already? I love threads like this.


fridberg said...

My opinion is that ADX is to good to be true

Anonymous said...

I would have loved to have read this post, but since I cannot access the site, i will take your word for it. I think you do a great job despite the fact that I have only just recently discovered your site. The people over at "the site that shall not be named" are a weird bunch, to say the least.

Unknown said...

I don't understand the thinking behind it at all, particularly coming from a pmdg support person too. That's why I sent it over as I thought there must have been some reason for the sudden attack. Especially as it's a bit out of the blue in a simple 727 v2 release date thread. Not sure I get this flight sim community sometimes, a lot of bitterness

Fabo said...

Well, sorry, but what would you expect?

I mean, it is good having this kind of blog, but the quality of journalism does leave a lot to be desired. This page really needs more than 1 person.

DAndre Newman said...

Can you be more specific?

Unknown said...

I got over there mate and stuck up for ya. I like what you do. Thanks.

DAndre Newman said...

I mean, dont get me wrong. Im not a journalist and im not trying to be. I simply try to offer more than just saying "Orbx release more screenshots of xxxx" but how could it be better? Many believe it was better when Dom ran things on his own. What could be done differently? Better? Getting a second person willing to really dedicate the time needed every day is extremely difficult. Including Dom, 6 people have quit. Not exactly relyable track record recuiting.

Unknown said...

Fabo, you need to wake up mate, this is a blog, not the New York Times online newspaper!

D'Andre you're doing a great job!

Marcus Nyberg said...

You are doing a fantastic job, can't believe you manage all this on your own.

Anonymous said...

If it helps, this is the first place I got to every morning to see what's updated, coming out...the comments section I know was something that was hard to keep up with. I was a bit surprised you brought it back.

DAndre Newman said...

Honestly, its just time management. About an hour a day broken into 4 15 min timeslots unless a reader gives me a heads up on news then I try to jump in right away. Besides that, you can add 2 more hours at night when im actually flying. Once im at cruise, i check my ETE then let the AP do the work while I work on the reviews and FirstLooks. So like with Juneau firstlook, I fly around, take my shots, then upload BOB to walk around for the closeups. Then i fly out of there and while im flying, im doing the firstlook. But last night I was busy listening to Froofle spin the A2A cessna.

DAndre Newman said...

I mean Froogle

DAndre Newman said...

I had to Jim. So many developers got on my back about killing the comments. Even some developers I had not previously spoken to before. I had no idea just how much they rely on comments from you guys. But sorry you have to log in. This does help though.

DAndre Newman said...

Thanks Dave. The only reason why I pointed it out was for people to see just how negative folks spread their negaivity. This community is too small for that. But ill admit, im very surprised it was a PMDG emolyee.

Unknown said...

Your welcome mate. Keep up the good work.

Unknown said...

Such a comment by Tabs is very unprofessional, I am deeply disappointed in him. It is very insulting, considering how much time you put into ADX. Tabs should know better, the right thing to do is apologise...

Like you and Dom stated before: our world is to small to such rivalry.

D'Andre, I do have some small tips to improve ADX a bit. I hope you would take a moment to look at them:

- Eliminate grammatical errors in posts.
- Keep things objective.
- Put your time in your 'core business' and into side projects like ADXLive.

ADX is still a daily stop for me and it will continue to be so! Good luck!

DAndre Newman said...

The below comment was emailed to me from a reader stating he is unable to log in and asked me to post it on his behalf.


Francis Odonnovan:

D'Andre, I really love your work here and I really love what you are doing here, but to be honest this actually IS (sorry to say) a tabloid. The site is patched with too much pictures and text on the left and the right. Also the adverts are becoming more and more and to be honest it looks like you were looking all the time to gain money from the ads. The review area could be done like a database for example how it is handled on Mutley's Hangar. The Blogspot software could be replaced by a WordPress feature since this is much nicer and it also offers a forum plus it is completely free. With the money you gain from the ads this could have been done already a long time ago. Then your writing style is really worse since you just always find in every post: "can't wait", "imminent", "awesome", "amazing",... a little variation would be nice. Also I cannot imagine that a pilot (which you stated you are) has this shortened language. In addition to that pages like the "Barometer" are completely crap! PMDG is posting on regular basis? sorry to say but in which world do you live??? And do you honestly think that just out of their posts you can say that a company is reliable? The developers list could be done with comboboxes to see it much more comfortable instead of having a list reaching to China...

SF said...

DAndre, keep your blog alive. ADX is very good.

SF said...

ADX, keep it up! You are doing a great job.

Karl Varga said...

Perhaps it the comic posted at one point on this site that in a way was jabbing at PMDG and their close relationship with Avsim. I too am a bit surprised by the comment from a PMDG representative

SF said...

Francis Odonnovan, I think that you could be more constructive in your appraisal. Suggestions are always welcome, but the tone of your messsage is a little bit rough for my taste..

I don't know D'Andre, but I see the passion he puts in ADX is admirable.

It is very easy to critize Mr. Francis, so I would suggest if you want to help D'Andre is to make constructive points.

The FSX world is so full of arrogancy...

Fabo said...

Anders, I understand that. That is why I read it as I read it. Well basically take a look at the lead picture, and see articles of personal interest (lately Prague, Budapest).

DAndre: It is your choice. As well as it is the choice of publisher of The Sun to publish The Sun - I am not commenting that.

As for how it would be better - for me, personally, fact checking and proofreading goes a fair way. Things like the way out of whack Billboard estimate for the 747, misnaming Captain Seven's Flightsim Destinations (now corrected, thanks), misinforming about XHT developing for XPL, while Aerosoft shall convert to FSX (XHT are developing for FSX in-house, and for X-Plane guys... they will deliver with quite a bang.)

That said, I understand this is not achievable for a one man shop. I will just continue to not read most of ADX, and point out inaccuracies here and there (where I read it.)

Karl Varga said...

Perhaps the animosity from PMDG may be due to the comic once published on this site satirizing the relationship between Avsim and PMDG. But regardless I like AirDailyX and the information it provides. it another avenue for us bitter men to bicker with each other.

DAndre Newman said...

My reply to Francis:

Francis: D'Andre, I really love your work here and I really love what you are doing here

D'Andre: Thanks!

Francis: to be honest this actually IS (sorry to say) a tabloid. The site is patched with too much pictures and text on the left and the right. Also the adverts are becoming more and more and to be honest it looks like you were looking all the time to gain money from the ads.

D'Andre: We'll Francis, we have always been open with the funds we gain from advertising. The go towards the purchase of products for purposes of reviews. Usually, we bought products we did not want but by the requests by readers. So believe me, I am not getting rich off ads that are basically 30 bucks a month. It's all for you guys. And the ad's are flight sim developer ads. These are people you should be supporting anyway. I could have plastered this blog with google toothpaste ads a very long time ago. And we have also turned down advertising from companies because their products were not directly FS related. So money is by all means is not a motivation here.

As for the text on the left and right, it's nice to know all you see is text rathar than the resources we have worked so hard on and made them easy to find on a blog with nearly 5,000 posts in it.

Francis: The review area could be done like a database for example how it is handled on Mutley's Hangar. The Blogspot software could be replaced by a WordPress feature since this is much nicer and it also offers a forum plus it is completely free. With the money you gain from the ads this could have been done already a long time ago.

D'Andre: Let me be clear, this is not Mutley's Hangar, this is not Avsim, this is not Aerosoft News or another company. It's a blog and it is arranged as best as it can be. If you prefer the way Mutely decorates their website, feel free to stay there. As for wordpress, I have not a clue how to use that, but I have been reading up on it. There was a plan to launch a website and do things properly when I had partners. But as a lone ranger, these plans are on hold.

Francis: Then your writing style is really worse since you just always find in every post: "can't wait", "imminent", "awesome", "amazing",... a little variation would be nice. Also I cannot imagine that a pilot (which you stated you are) has this shortened language.

D'Andre: Well the pupose of ADX is to have opinion and to NOT be objective of everything. If you want objective, read the New York Times. This is a FS opinion blog. It always has been. And as a fan of FS products, I give my honest thoughts. If you want plain news reporting there are too many FS sites in the world to mention that create their posts in that manner. And where can you show me that I EVER said I was a pilot. Weather I am or not is besides the point. Show me where I said that? You will not find it because I never said I was.

Francis: In addition to that pages like the "Barometer" are completely crap! PMDG is posting on regular basis? sorry to say but in which world do you live??? And do you honestly think that just out of their posts you can say that a company is reliable? The developers list could be done with comboboxes to see it much more comfortable instead of having a list reaching to China...

D'Andre: The Barometer will likely go away. I personally see no need for it and I personally never updated that page. That research was a product of my previous partner and founder of this blog. Honestly, I personally dont care which developer gives the fastest service as long as they all give the customer support the customers deserve. So the barometer is likely going to dissappear soon.

Lastly, thanks for your comments, clearly, you are a fan and you are very passionate about ADX. But you are always welcome to to better if you can. This work is not as easy as it seems to look. But thanks for your feedback!


DAndre Newman said...

I'll be honest Karl, I personally never approved of that comic. It went over the line and it was not funny. That's why I pulled the original. My partner wished the comic to remain so he changed it and reposted it. I respect what both Rob and Tom do for the community and now that you have brought it up. I think I will remove it again now that I am the sole person this blog reflects upon.

DAndre Newman said...

See my above comment ^^^

SF said...

Fabo, this is a Blog and not the Journal of Science. The guy is doing a good job.

And the fact that is a one man show is admirable. Let's a little bit more grateful.

DAndre Newman said...

Hey Fabo,

My report on XHT was accurate. It is in developemt for X-Plane and FSDG was the team that would convert and release for FS9/FSX. But due to an internal conflict, I was told the Aerosoft internal development team would perform the conversion.

Yes their will be some mistakes but you guys can't nickpick that shit. Look at all the posts of news you get. So instead of telling me to proofread, like I am a freaking idiot, give me some credit and just help out by correcting me. Even with proofreading things get through. That's where you do your part in helping me out.

As for the Billboard, it's still off in many places and I am working on it. But please, please, please for the love of God read the damn disclaimer!!!!!

Cheers! Fabo

Dave W said...

I have found this blog to be a very useful "one stop shop" to find out about the latest product releases and rather than go to several developer's sites to check on each product I can come here because DAndre's done the hard work for me. For that reason alone I will continue to visit this site on a daily basis.

Most recent purchase being Orbx EGHI

There does seem to be a trend of knocking Developers and Bloggers alike of late on the web - I find this a worrying and somewhat sad development...

Why can't we all just get along?

Keep up the great work DAndre

Regards from Dave from the UK (nr EGHI!)

x-wind said...

Trashy tabloid? Salacious gossip and raunchy photos dont come to mind when I think of airdailyx. Sure....the site is sensational....but never does it sensationalize. Plus, you've made it clear from the beginning that the site is subjective - ripe with opinion and colorful commentary - any moron who reads the masthead knows this. The fact is you are doing an excellent job. With that being said, you don't need to query your readers for kudos. Sure...we are here to support you - but we do it in silent as a statistic. And based on the number of site visits you have had, your analytics should bury the hullabaloo coming from your harshest critics.

Unknown said...

Don't worry, at least you're better at updating the FS community with information and (estimated) release dates than them.

Anonymous said...

Ok, honesty up front, I'm here purely for the Aircraft and Airport porn and AirDailyX does it right. D'Andre, you are human and are prone to mistakes. If these people will get off their high horse and look at this blog objectively, you are doing well.

Nick said...

Come on D'Andre get real. Did you honestly think ADX was going to get away with posting comics of Robert Randazzo with his hand up Tom Allensworth's backside and nobody involved was going to make any derogatory comment about ADX? Take a look back at ADX articles over this year and you'll see plenty of comments posted here on ADX saying very unflattering things about Avsim and Tom Allensworth. Did you think it was all just going to be one way traffic? Are you really surprised at this?

Having said that I think Ryan's comments are unhelpful.

ADX is far and away the best place to visit if you want the latest FS news collated and presented in one place. ADX puts the likes of Avsim and Flightsim to shame in this regard. It's an asset to the community and I hope it continues to be so.

D'Andre, please, just stick to what you do best - NEWS. Forget everything else. Especially forget advertising. Do you *really* need to have paid for ads on ADX? It's a VERY slippery slope.

If you are going to continue running ADX, do so because you want to genuinely provide a service to the community. Don't do it for advertising revenue, the pursuit of fame and fortune or to cultivate an ego. Don't let ADX get sucked into the same black hole as some other very big sites have, and don't disappear up your own arsehole like some other site owners and moderators have.

DAndre Newman said...

Nick you are totally right here. I never supported that comic as I said above and I will be removing it. It was one of those things I relented on having other partners.

As for advertising revenue, as I also stated above, the funds go towards the purchase of products for reviews etc. And it's not a slippery slope at all. Clearly developers support ADX and I support them as I do for all of you. Everyone knows what ADX is before choosing to advertise.

The bottom line here, is no matter what I do it will bother someone. I have no clue how many visit this site, but I imagine its quite a bit of people. No way I can make everyone happy.

But as blogs go, I blog. People have to stop aligning ADX with their expectations of other websites and services.

Just trying to provide a free service to the community. I am a happy simmer and I am trying to spread that and wish the negativity in this hobby would really chill down.

Thanks for your thoughts.

DAndre Newman said...

And also, when providing feedback, please find a better way to get your point across. Some of your wording was very colorful and distasteful. D'

Unknown said...

While I understand the negativity around the post at AVSIM, I would think most people could possibly be hitting the bookmark button after actually seeing the website. :)

Fabo said...

No, your report on XHT was not accurate. Well partially it was - FSDG is indeed out of the game. I have no idea who told you Aerosoft would convert the product internally, but I can quite confidently tell you XHT labs, X-Plane guys though they are, are indeed making the FSX version.

This, the recent thing with Mathijs, wrong names... That is what makes this blog a tabloid. Look - I am helping you when I can be bothered to (I simply don't care about, say ORBX - won't go there) AND when I can - comments have been off for a while.

As for billboard - well apparently people don't read the disclaimer...

Unknown said...

Criticism just means you're now a big fish! This is the only place I come to for news and previews these days. Is there room for improvement? Of course, but I'm in the online marketing/publishing world so I'm just always looking for ways to improve user experience.

Let me know if I can help. Either way, you're providing a fantastic recourse for everyone and we should all be grateful. It is a shame a small community like ours can't all get along. I expect to see airdailyx in the flight levels before too long.

Best regards.

Fabo said...

Sounds like a plan.

DAndre Newman said...

I like that!

DAndre Newman said...

I'll get the link to there I saw that XHT thing. And what thing with Mathijs?

mfahey said...

The discussion over a AVSIM really cracked me up! Some people take life too seriously don't they! I love AirDailyX, its one of the first blogs I read each day, I can quickly have a bite of FS news and then the day takes it path. DAndre you are doing a fantastic job and I'm glad you have a supportive wife interested in your project as well - best of luck, keep the news coming!

Flyinglive64 said...

Keep up the amazing job that you do with ADX blog. It’s a great place to capture upcoming projects as well as follow ups with released items. Besides me the person whom turned me onto ADX years ago is a very well-known scenery designer that follows you daily and he respects your blog and information. It’s obvious that FS community is behind you and your BLOG. Do what you do best and thank you for your continued dedication.

J.B. said...

I appreciate your blog. Please continue this excellent service. Perhaps it isn't perfect, but as others point out, it provides good insight as to what is upcoming and newly released in a way that is superior to most other presentations out there.

Unknown said...

Last night I ate a red candle

Unknown said...

Your blog is updated all the time and full of both interesting news and your insightful comments. Avsim pales in comparison, so please ignore any bashing from there. They hardly even have news anymore.

Please keep up the good work, it is really appreciated!

Unknown said...

This blog is by far the best source of news for flight simming. Keep up the good work, it is really appreciated!

belisarivs said...

You keep doing what you are doing. This is where I come everyday to stay tuned. It is a very reputable source of information. You have shown time after time that you are able to handle these situations in a mature and professional manner. I thank you for the effort and time you put into this. I was also surprised by the fact the comment was made by a PMDG employee in the PMDG official forum, which qualifies in my view as a PMDG statement. It was not an ADX bashing thread though. Ryan made the statement and there were two reactions: Either sugarcoating what was obviously inappropriate to even the most avid PMDG fan, or members voicing their not very pleasant surprise at the statement. However, let's not make this a lot more than it is. Ryan is very good at what he does and has been extremely helpful and fast in helping me out with support issues etc. I bet these have been stressful times for him, too. Not an excuse but in the end behind every screen name there is a real person. I agree on the metaphorical hand shake. Here goes my first comment since the comment ban was lifted :).

Unknown said...

This is just too much! Wake up, people, we are a community! This "fanboy" story should stop as soon as possible because it's only destroying that hobby. Personally i love ADX, the same way i love Avsim and PMDG, the same way i love iFly, etc., etc. I think that people working in FS world should be respected. And more than them, people doing it for free deserve the double size respect (because using their free time for us, simmers).
I'm amazed how the harsh in our hobby is developing in the last months. I've always been a "silent" simmer, but now in our hobby there is some type of "lobby" around.
I understand that one can have his/her preferences, but bashing around others is disrespectful for the work of the people. Personally i used dozens of addons and i continue to fly my FS9 everytime i can. This does not change the fact that we get here to read the last news (almost daily) or go to avsim just to check out the last released freewares. Said that, it's just time to relax a bit because the day simming will die it was just because of us and this useless bashing. Good luck, guys, and keep up the great work you're doing here with the news.

Unknown said...

ADX...the BEST BLOG EVER on the www, when it comes to FS NEWS etc, i love the straight talk = no BS, humor, and the NOT journalistic/acedemic view - keep up the good work Dandre, you're awesome - and keep ADX as the # 1 FS BLOG in the universe forever ;-)

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