[Tutorial] What is sexy? Now if you are anything like me, from the day you discovered the wonderful world of Track IR, 2D cockpits became a thing of the past over night. No flight is of any fun without it. Besides, my helicopter handling skills shot up 50%. The advantages you get whilst using Track IR are simply too good not to use. It increases what you are capable of. But there is one major "flaw" or "problem" with it. But now, for the low price $5 bucks and a limitation of pride to venture down the ladies isle at the department store, there is a fix! And we are going to tell you how!
Now before I start, let me give credit where credit is due. This idea was the inception Eric Bakker an Aerosoft forum member. Thanks Eric for sharing your idea!
Now when I saw Eric's idea on the Aerosoft forum, I was rather skeptical as to weather or not this would actually work or how stupid it would look. But nonetheless, I figured, what the heck, why not. So I proceeded to do the "no no" and raided my wife's underwear drawer. Dejected and coming up with nothing, I politely asked her for a pair ladies pantyhose so I could better enjoy my flight simulation experience.
So, what the heck am I talking about?
Okay, i'll explain. Now, Track IR is the most popular flight simulation human user interface device that is not a direct flight control unit. As such, the majority of FS users have one. If you dont have one then I am very sorry for you. I have been an armchair pilot for over 10 years and only got Track IR last year. How I do hate myself for never getting one earlier and I should admit it was a birthday gift from my wife. She wanted it for me more then I wanted it for myself.
But the major problem with Track IR depends on the location of your computer and weather or not there is a high light source directly facing the motion sensor camera. If you are one of these people dealing with having an open window at your back, then you are very well aware what the Sun does to the Track IR's ability to track your movements.
Clearly several people have had this issue and one person apparently somehow used old camera film negatives (or positives) to detract the light emissions from the camera sensor unit.
You could try rubbing some SPF 100 sunblock on it (not recommended) or some baby sized sunglasses but I don't think either will work. Besides, in the year 2012, even Kodak no longer makes and sells camera film so the chances of one of having some around the house is not much likely. Besides, I can imagine this would not be very attractive ascetically.
So, Eric had this light-bulb idea to yank a pair of his wife's pantyhose in an effort to cure the problem of turning his well lit home into a bat cave in the middle of the day just to enjoy a flight. Why or how he got this idea is well beyond me and perhaps disturbing. But I must say... It works! And in a few easy steps, you will have your Track IR looking a little sexier too!
During the day when I have time to fly, my blinds are closed even further then you see here just to keep the light from disturbing the sensor camera and thus distorting my flying experience.Now my wife uses a more expensive brand of pantyhose thus as much as she loves me, I could't have them. Besides hers were a bit thicker than I would have wanted anyway. But, she did find me some el-cheapo hose that I could butcher to my hearts content.
So what you will need is:
1 pair of thin plain black pantyhose that completely cover the feet! The smaller size the better. You are free to try them on if you like to be sure.
Cut close to the edge of one of the legs. It should measure the same size of the sensor camera.
It should fit perfectly over the camera.Now it needs to be snug tight! Just like on a woman's legs.
In this case after completely covering the camera, I twisted the access material over and over till it was snug tight and binded it with a paperclip. Now you can find your own method as it might look a little tacky behind it but this imperfection is well hidden behind the unit.
The tighter the better. And the tighter the less the material is noticeable.
There is no issue with it's usual performance and it looks just a bit sexier!Thanks again to Eric for this very unusual discovery!
Give it a try!
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Best leg it to the store then :)
Best leg it to the store then :)
Eh...what can I say...re the first picture...nice flooring :P
So which of you two is the weekend crossdresser? lol
HAHA!! No comment!
Is this your wife n the first picture? :-)
No that's me! Duh! :)
Thanks for the nice story, and the credits :-)
Enjoyed that. Stan
Fantastic idea as I do suffer from this problem. Now its no more getting the sense of snapping my neck in the cockpit :)
hmm.. it doesn't hurt the heat spread? I noticed tir5 gets quite hot..
No doesn't bother it in the slightest bit. It's designed to keep a woman's legs cool and has pretty much the same effect here so the camera is still able to "breathe" okay.
Bought one didn't work, sent it back. Awful camera that doesn't fit onto monitor then terrible sensor that does not clip onto your headphones and apparently is prone to breaking very easily. So cannot comment on its ability as it didn't work. However, the hardware is of a very poor quality for the money.
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