Friday, September 30, 2011

Yangon VYYY for FSX : surprise !

FSX. Great news for FSX owners, Onet Valley has designed its first scenery for this plateform. As a result, this team has made a nice airport and shows some good skills already. With Samui from Asian Airport, south-east of Asia is now wide open.

Aerosoft 20th anniversary

Congratulations and best wishes from Airdailyx to the german editor, Aerosoft, who is celebrating 20 years of activity in simulation, creating wonderful airports and supporting young designers. Prima !

More from Anacortes...

Anacortes airfield, 74S.

FSX. Ian Emms, Orbx beta tester and fan, has posted more screenshots of Anacortes scenery in Washington State. As usual, NA BLUE PNW is required.

FSDreamteam KLAX for FS9.

First screenshot of Los Angeles KLAX version for FS9.

Akesoft Foronda released !

FS9 and FSX. The spanish team has just released their new scenery, Foronda LEVT. This new quality freeware weights 200 MB.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

More news about Merida MMMD

FS9 and FSX. Taxi2gate has released two more screenshots of the mexican airport, Manuel Crescencio Rejon, Merida MMMD. The team is still looking for some good photos materials but, apparently, the website is down...

LaPaz MMLP under night lights

LaPaz airport in Baja California Sur (south)

FSX and FS9. Bajasim has posted a dozen of night lights screenshots. The dynamic mexican team is trying to release the scenery (FSX version first) this week end.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Skagit KBVS : release this week end

FSX. Orbx will most probably release Skagit scenery this week end, ahead of Anacortes.

Skysoft Sim releases Hefei Luogang ZSOF

FS9. Skysoft, the chinese team, has just released Hefei Luogang in the district of  Baohe, 80 nm east of Nankin.

Aerosoft DA CRJ : Beta or nor Beta ?

FSX. Aerosoft has posted new screenshots of the virtual cockpit. The team is working on throttle animations, prouving that the project is not really in advanced beta.

Blueprint Sim announcing Buenos Aires

FS9 and FSX. Buenos Aires Ezeiza V.2. SAEZ, Argentina. Blueprint Sim will release this airport in a few days on its own website and on some simshops later. The version 1 was previously released in june 2008.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What's up ?

Airdailyx still there !  Waiting for good and real news !

Monday, September 26, 2011

AeroFiles Ottawa : new previews

An early preview of the main terminal.

FSX. Read my lips. I am writing something nice about AeroFiles. The danish designer has posted new screenshots yesterday and some comparisons are interesting.

Skagit Regional KBVS on advanced beta stage

FSX. After Anacortes, Skagit regional. This new airport is 10 nm away from Anacortes../..

[Dear readers. Sorry for the poor news but yesterday was very quite...]

Saturday, September 24, 2011

More previews of San Diego Lindbergh

FSX. DeVinci Design has posted new previews of San Diego KSAN airport. Maybe not the best screenshots to give us an idea of the progress. All terminals are finished already, though.

Bombardier Q400 : new liveries / external views

FSX. Majestic Software and Samdim Design are posting more screenshots of their high end Bombardier Q400. As usual, they will probably release 2 or 3 versions of the aircraft. The expensive high end version is dedicated to real airlines training.

Orbx New Zealand South : another texture set

FSX. Posted this morning, a dozen of textures previews from typical agricultural places. Find the sheeps !

Friday, September 23, 2011

FSDreamteam Los Angeles : our own screens

First L.A airport payware for FSX. One year project. Lights, textures, framerate beyond expectations.

New Japan airports ? Progress !

FSX. On its Facebook page, the japanese team Overland has posted two new screenshots. One on New Haneda (Tokyo) RJTT and a second on...  Mt Fuji Shizuoka. Arigato Yorihisa San* !
Yorihisa Kageyama is the CEO of Overland.

The instability of the Thai...

FS9 and FSX. I perfectly understand when a developer needs a break from a long term project, but here, i can't follow all these hops from a project to another../..

Thursday, September 22, 2011

KelownaX imminent

FSX. Florian Fermin is almost ready to release its own version of the canadian airport Kelowna, in British Columbia. Very fair price announced, more news very soon.

Kingdom of Tonga : release next week

FSX. Pacific Islands Simulation is about to release its Fua'amotu expansion : "Kingdom of Tonga :  domestic airports".

Anacortes : new screenshots

FSX. Jarrad Marshall from Orbx, has posted more screens of Anacortes scenery. Expected release in a few weeks. Anacortes, located in Washington State, is more than an airport, it's going to be large area in Washington State.

New pictures of the Piper 46-T Malibu

FSX. The Malibu Meridian, a turboprop, is now wearing its first livery. Posted yesterday, a bunch of screenshots from different angles. The Carenado Piper 46T will be part of the HD Series (high definition textures).

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

France VFR Rhône-Alpes... someday...

FSX (and FS9 ?). France VFR has posted new stunning screenshots of Rhone-Alpes scenery but is still hesitating about what shall be the final product. Just another PHOTO HD sequel or the real VFR scenery full package with autogen and some airfields... This product has been announced months ago already.

Anchorage X : Hot test

FSX. Sim-Wings has transformed a FPS hazard project into a pretty smooth scenery. A very special heavy airport partly dedicated to this small community of hard core cargo pilots.

Enigma Sim B737-300 : mid-november.

FS9 and FSX. According the last status, sounds, lights effects and FSX version are not ready. The team is working hard in order to release both versions in november.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

France VFR ready to disclose 3D automation

"3D automation", a sort of algorythmic 3D generation..?

FS9, FSX and any simulator. 2 months ago, the french designer, showed us some screens about some new autogen generator. In a few days or so, the team is likely to explain its new technology and its second part, the 3D automation.

Wilco Pub unveils first shots of the 737 evolution

FSX. Wilco Pub is showing some screenshots of its B737 -300/-400 and -500 Pilot in command new evolution version. To be included : weather radar, multiple 2D panels, VC, fire protection system etc.

ORBX ESSENDON : our own screenshots

FSX. Mid-size airport, Australia. Designed by Martin Henare himself. The scenery includes PeopleFlow and dozens of supermarkets, is surrounded by a detailed road traffic. Hot test will follow this week after Anchorage and L.A.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Drzewiecki Design : some glimpses

FS9 and FSX. Stanislaw Drzewiecki has unveiled new shots of Cracovia and Wroclaw, two major polish airports.

Corfux X : Hot test

FSX. A gorgeous laminated postcard, an exotic destination... Emilios Gemenetzidis has worked more than 8 months on this project. Corfu X is most probably the second best greek airport - ever - for FSX.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Exclusive for Airdailyx, an interview of...

... John Venema, Orbx Ceo and co-founder. Five questions on projects orientations, PeopleFlow, FSX, FLIGHT and X Plane.

Tunis Carthage X : New previews

Tunis Carthage DTTA, Tunisia capital's airport

FSX. Tunis X airport, the project launched by FSADDON+ and Airdailyx is on final approach. We are two weeks ahead of release. Fred Kabalu, in charge of development, has finished 80 % of the scenery, including the main terminal with its hexagonal modules.

A flyover video of Orbx Essendon airport

Orbx has posted a 4 mn corporate video (not a promo video with music). If you want to see more about the australian airport (YMEN) near Melbourne, this one is for you.

Boris Forero Quito V.2

Incoming Quito SEQU (here FS9 version)

FS9 and FSX. Boris is three weeks ahead of Quito release. Completely redesigned, the high altitude Intl. airport of Ecuador's capital is a challenge and  a good stop on the Bogota-Lima-La Paz route. Exclusive shots here :

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Area51 Simulations unveils...

Another warship from Area51, the team who delivers nice aircrafts without manuals. And the new project is....

Tame Virtual celebrates its 5 years

In these countries, aircraft is the best way to connect people. South America counts thousands of simmers, including in Ecuador. Here is a fresh report from Boris Forero himself on Tame Virtual birthday.

Coming soon in your (sim)shop

FSX ?/FS9 ?. European simmers know this airport very well. One pair of east/west oriented runways and another single north/south oriented. A huge airport. I just discovered this picture on a magazine and it will be unveiled on october. It is...

Bajasim LaPaz almost ready

FSX and then FS9. The mexican team is already announcing the soon release of LaPaz General Marquez MMLP airport. Here are some comparisons between FSX defaut ground textures and Bajasim custom ones.

Friday, September 16, 2011

****** L.A. KLAX RELEASED !!!


The Flylogic case...

Sooner or later, the swiss team Flylogic will finally release one of its scenery project, maybe Grenchen or Lugano for FSX. But../...

News from Orbx

Anacortes 74S, another airport for Pacific Northwest popular scenery.

FSX. Essendon YMEN, the australian airport near Melbourne is now on short final according to John Venema, Orbx CEO (Airdailyx will try to get an interview). Some night screenshots have been posted. There is also a nice view of Anacortes in Washington state.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

More previews of the Wilga 35A

FSX. Aerosoft is posting 14 more screenshots of the small STOL (short take-off and landing capability) aircraft. The team developing this polish aircraft is flying on it too. The project is almost on beta. Great framerates announced.

NGX livery and McPhat's special touch

Another comparison published on McPhat forum. Picture shows how much can be improved the external look of the PMDG NGX.

Microsoft FLIGHT not on hold...

Confirmation From Edelman Seattle to Airdailyx (by email) that FLIGHT "is still very much in production and we are excited to share more about the game soon". (Dom : a game ? it's so not a game). Edelman Seattle is one of Microsoft's press agencies, specialized in games and XBOX.

Captain Sim B737-200 external model released

FSX. The B737-200 version "expansion model" is now released on website. It will include six "ultra" high resolutions liveries , wings flex and vortices models, self-shade, hundreds of animation and DirectX 9/10 compatibility. No previews of the VC cockpit, yet.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Bad days for Drzewiecki Design...?

Another bad news for our flight sim world. According to Vidan Design, the polish team has used some textures to build its Bornholm Island 2011. Whole story../.

Corfu X : our own screenshots

FSX. Aerosoft has posted a whole bunch of pictures. Here are mine, with some wide views and details.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

New previews from Microsoft...

FLIGHT. Airdailyx update 07:45 UTC. No denial from Microsoft but the development team is already announcing new screenshots coming next month. Wait and see...  Interesting explanations here on the new weather engine.

FSDT Los Angeles KLAX : A new video !

FSX (and maybe FS9). An ultimate video before release ? Just posted on FSDreamteam forum a few minutes ago.

Incoming training packages

Announced a few days ago, a first training package for Flight Sim Labs Concorde X. The editor is also working on another aircraft.

Corfu X on final approach (release tomorrow)

FSX. Kerkyra airport LGKR. 10 new pictures. A whole island and its airport. Imminent.

Curious sense of communication

I am not prejudiced against AeroFiles. As a matter of fact, i was among the first ones to buy Billund last year and this airport is a great work, especially the main terminal. But what is this sense of communication ? I don't get it...

Monday, September 12, 2011

August 2010/2011 : market zoom

After 8 months of consolidated datas, year 2011 is still promising. August was a rather good month but with uneven quality.

Akesoft : significant progress in design

FS9 and FSX. The spanish team is improving his technic. New previews of Vitoria-Gasteiz Foronda LEVT are showing much better textures.

Corfu X "very close to release"

FSX. Aerosoft has published four more pictures of Corfu X Kerkyra LGKR. Status of the scenery : "very close to release", according to Mathijs Kok.

Danish airfields X : more previews

FSX. John, developer of Vidan Design, has posted five new screenshots of Danish Airfields X. Seems he has almost finished Herning Lufthavn EKHG and will start the second airfield.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Quality Wings Bae146/Avro RJ : statement

FS9 and FSX. From the voice of Corey, today,  we are informed that the Bae146 Avroliner will be released in three steps. Project seriously delayed.

The european T.S. airport is finally...

FS9 and FSX. Secret unveiled. Dozens of screenshots of L***.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

SimStop Connect is born !

FSX. After weeks of beta testing, the new application has its website. SimStop Connect has been developed as a new service of FLIGHT1 to connect sim pilots all around the workd during flights.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Carenado A36 Bonanza... Another one...

FSX. Beechcraft Bonanza again and again. Announced two weeks ago, this is the fourth version from the chilian team and the third for FSX after the F33A and the V-tail V35B.

McPhat 747X livery pack : Lufthansa

FSX. We were waiting for Lufthansa livery in volume 2 presentation. Here it is.

Tropical Sim : the guess game

FS9 and FSX. The brazilian team has announced an european airport. The project is well advanced. Here are the clues : A very beautiful airport - in a capital of european country - and L is the first ICAO letter.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Eiresim Luton : Hot test

FS9 and FSX. A challenger in UK2000's backyard. One of the most european simmers favorite airport in UK. The last scenery from Eiresim ?

Taxi2gate Merida : the tower

FS9 and FSX. Cesar from "TTG" has posted a first screenshot of Merida MMMD tower.

McPhat 747X World Airliners vol. 2 in the pipe

FSX. Available in a couple of hours, the second 747X high definition liveries package will include Air New Zealand, Quantas, KLM, Air France (new colors) and Lufthansa. From my selfish opinion, i would have liked maybe six or seven liveries but i know that these paintings take a great amount of time...

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Akesoft Foronda X in beta stage

FSX. A dozen of new screenshots from the spanish airport, Vitoria Foronda LEVT.

Taxi2gate Merida : news already

FS9 and FSX. Thanks to Cesar, two early screenshots have been posted already.

Plymouth, bit by bit !

FSX. Southwest Design has posted an update of Plymouth EGHD on Promising pictures of this airport on the coast of Devon, England.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

PMDG 747X HDT Vol. 2

FSX. McPhat studios first plan was to hold on 747X packages projects considering 737 NGX release. But, eventually, the second livery pack will be released rather soon. With these companies...

Simaddons Kelowna : discover Canada western

FSX. Simaddons. This small developer who is apparently operating from Switzerland, has developed Kelowna CYLW, a couple of months ago and released an update.

Bajasim LaPaz MMLP : new pictures

FSX and FS9. The mexican team is posting new screenshots of LaPaz MMLP in Baja California SUR.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Anchorage X : our own screenshots

PANC Intl, Alaska, USA.

FSX and FS9 (soon). The fourth airport-scenery marvel of this year after FlightBeam KSFO X, Fly Tampa Athens and incoming FSDT KLAX. An incredible multi-purpose airport : seaplane base, GA base, Intl airport, heavy cargo hub. More info and test this week.

Microsoft FLIGHT : a remark

We have received some anonymous comments about relationship (and evolution)  between Microsoft (Games department/staff) and third part developers. To publish something more detailed, we need more informations and facts about it. Thank you.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Aerosim is working on a B787

FSX. Thanks to Silverbird, a very well known contributor in FS community, we have just heard that Aerosim will design a B787.

Airdailyx / Last Minute !

Urgent. Intersim Studios to close (again) its design studio. All current projects (Miami City, airport and La Havana) will be transferred to Taxi2gate team.

No denial from Microsoft

So that's it. FLIGHT is on hold. And if Redmond's company eventually aborts the project, that's a whole new deal for this market. A little bit prematured but let's think ahead of futur events. Here are 10 possible consequences....

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Airdailyx no longer covering...

Due to a total lack of informations (or very erratic-), Airdailyx is not following these projects anymore :
- A.V.S. Cancun for FSX,
- Next level Simulation, A380,
- FSWC, FS Water configurator +.
- Simcheck new FMC.

Months ago, we also stopped following SunSkyJet KPHL FSX and Addicted to Airspace Vancouver for the same reasons.
Dom Mason.

Captain Sim B737-100 Screenshots published

Interesting detail of the fuel tank entry

FSX. Captain Sim base pack. Several screenshots now published on the externa model.

Orbx Fall City : hot test !

FSX. Fall City. NatureFlow premiere. 9th payware scenery for NA BLUE PNW.

Scansim Copenhagen : new shots

FS9 and FSX. Claus Kludder has posted a dozen of new shots from his incoming update.

Captain Sim B737-100 external model released...