Thursday, June 30, 2011

Diamond Point in winter

FSX. More previews of Diamond Point, the next Orbx scenery for NA BLUE Pacific Northwest.

Microsoft FLIGHT : the "leak"

Ford island, Hawaï.

FLIGHT. An unknown FLIGHT screenshot has been accidentally (or willingly) leaked on the web. Taken by Lorenzo G., a simmer who captured it on Facebook, this new shot gives some informations, on shadows for instance. More explanations here on these websites :

The long (and unfinished) story of the Bell 222

FSX. Eagle Rotorcraft Simulations (ERS), the free developers community, is writing the history of their Bell 222, developed from a 3DS max and remodeled under GMAX...

Centurion T 210 M : virtual cockpit

FSX. Just released. Turbocharged 210 M : Carenado has discreetly released the first virtual cockpit shots. Download on designer's website only.

Central Rockies : new geographists paradise

FSX. Orbx fires another salvo of previews. This is going to be the first GOLD serie in North America. Here are more shots and an information on the perimeter.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

About the new french autogen generator

France VFR new autogen generator is operational. More informations on its functionnalities.

C-17 Globemaster Area 51 : new previews

FSX and FS9. Area 51 unveils new screenshots of his Boeing C-17 Globemaster III. They are now making the final tests.

The arrangement

Conclusion of Latin VFR - Intersim affair.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Aerosoft's Vilnius : our test

FS9 and FSX. The german designer did not entrust this project to anybody. Vilnius Intl X is Andras Kozma's signature...

Bad time for Latin VFR

New development in the Key West affair and an embarassing one. Although Latin VFR has most probably reworked Key West terminal from scratch, Fly Tampa now unveils another story.../..Updated. Latin VFR statement. 

Orbx : avalanche of airfields

FSX. John Venema confirms that Portland Intl is stopped. The australian designer is temporarily withdrawing from heavy airports. Decision was taken weeks ago. In the meantimes, new airfields have been launched. An avalanche of previews too.

Monday, June 27, 2011

France VFR polishing his autogen generator

With dozens of regions and products to update, the french designer has built up a new tool to automatically generate autogen.

Fua'amotu : last shots before landing

Nuku'alofa terminal harbor

FSX. Pacific Islands Simulation is ready to release Fua'amotu Kingdom of Tonga. Will be on webshops in a few hours.

Batman resigns

Please don't misjudge this title. Jay Kae, the respected supervisor of OZx and Orbx (and many others), has announced immediate withdrawing of all FSX activities. It's a real loss for us all and i really wish he will come back someday soon. Yes, Gotham needs you back Batman.
Dom Mason.

Orbx updating his road map

FSX. At last, after eight months, the australian designer finally updates his road map. Of course, it's not as if Orbx is not informing us about new projects but the road map gives us a clear idea of his targets.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Nemeth Design + Milviz = helicopter of the year

FSX. The Agusta Westland AW109 has several limitations. It's for Acceleration only, it's expensive and you can only pay it on Nemeth Design website but this helicopter is unbeatable.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Captain Min, your expert in aircrafts kits...

Any resemblance with...

Monterrey Mexico for FSX : hot test

FSX (and FS9). Taxi2gate has updated Monterrey FS9 and released a first FSX version. This is the main Intl airport of  Nuevo Leon's capital. 

New fantastic previews of Los Angeles

FSX. Maybe the last previews before release in early july ?

Friday, June 24, 2011

Quality Wings Bae146/Avro : a new set of liveries

FS9 and FSX. Two new liveries this time and  the first french one.

Exactly two years ago...

Two years later, nothing. Nothing to download. No news. Is this another wasted freeware project ?

Bornholm X 2011 : release imminent

The FSX version of Drzewiecki Design Bornholm is almost ready. Stanislaw has posted three new pictures of this version. Bornholm is a large danish island, where is located the airport of Ronne.

More previews of Key West...!-(FSX)

Tan Son Nhat : significative progress

FS9. Thai Creation unveils new shots of Ho Chi Minh ville main airport, VVTS. There are now jetways, the tower and many buildings surrounding the airport.

Diamond Point : magical seasonal views

FSX. Heiko Glatthorn (Orbx), has added some previews of Diamond Point, in Washington State.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Comments rules

This Intersim vs Latin VFR thing is boring. The interview of Pacific Islands Sim is way more interesting.

Latin VFR Key West : new screenshots

FS9 and FSX. More shots and informations about partners in this project.

Fly Tampa Athens NEW PREVIEW !!!

FS9 and FSX. George and Martin have just updated their forum with new previews of Greek capital, Athens LGAV.

Good news from spanish team Akesoft

FS9 and FSX.  Jordi Fidalgo has sent us some news of Foronda X scenery. And a picture !

Exclusive : Pacific Islands Simulation, the Interview

Graham Michael, lead software design and developer of Pacific Islands Simulation, has kindly accepted our interview request*
(*) Already interviewed : Overland, Ariane Design, France VFR, Flyhalf (freeware), Live in FSX, Blueprint Simulation, Latin VFR, Tropical Sim and Fly Tampa. Only Imagine Sim refused the interview. 

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

New exclusive shots from Latin VFR

FS9 and FSX. Airdailyx is the first news site to publish these screenshots of Key West. The scenery has now reached beta stage.

E.R.S. : an update of the Bell 222

FSX. Eagle Rotorcraft Simulations, helicopteres designers, put a new screenshot of their Bell 222. Here are some final tests on the paint kit and the exterior model.

Will FLIGHT save us ?

A new video !

About piracy !

Once again Airdailyx will make a clear statement about piracy. This is the ultimate scourge that killing creation. We can even see, under our eyes, days after days, the dammages. Nemeth Design../.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A market in danger

I am not proud of me. I don't have much news today. Nothing relevant. But it's not only my fault. PMDG NGX is delayed, once again. FSDreamteam KLAX has not been released in Spring. Aerosoft is active but is limiting his projects to some redoing. We don't have any news from Elite-Air, Overland, John Gabbert*, SunSkyJet* (KPHL X), Southwest design, A.M.S., Sky High Sim. CLS and Captain Sim are low on projects, Flight Sim Labs is still dogmatically ignoring his fans, and i spare you the worse.
* 4 months ago, i wrote that i will not cover any more J. Gabbert CYVR and SunSkyJet KPHL X. Well, i don't have any regret but all of this is sad.

Another eye-candy for our patience...

FSX. Robert Randazzo himself has post today a new status on the B737 NGX. In short terms, PMDG team is kicking the final test another and last week and is deciding of the release date, price and package...

Aerosoft announced two mid-size airports

FSX (and possibly FS9). The german designer will distribute and/or design Maastricht in Netherlands and Salzburg in Austria.

Monday, June 20, 2011

BajaSim San Jose del Cabo : more previews

FSX. Bajasim, the young mexican team, is speeding up his FSX version of San Jose del Cabo MMSD. The team has not mentioned any release date.

Flightbeam cooking a KSFO V.2

FSX. Amir, chief of Flightbeam, is showing off the new terminal 2 in San Francisco Intl. airport. This will be included in the KSFO V.2 upgrade. Amir still remains silent about the FS9 version.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

B-747-400, a premiere

Impressive first shot of McPhat Studios next project...

Orbx Diamond Point : new previews

2 airfields included ; Diamond point and the small "Olympic Field"
FSX. New original screenshots and a video, Orbx Diamond Point is almost ready for release. Two new airfields for flights around Seattle and the Washington state.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Fly Tampa : The Interview

Thanks again to Leandro, Carlos and Tropical Sim for their time. This "interviews" week end continue and we have a rendez-vous in... Tampa. 

Bajasim San Jose del Cabo FSX

New previews of the FSX version....

Night shots from Aerosoft Keflavik

UK 2000 Newcastle : new previews !

FS9 and FSX. That's what i like with Gary, you can always stand by him to have frequent news and shots on his work. These ones have been taken on a 1080p definition TV. The first ones of FSX version.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Tropical Sim : The Interview !

Leandro and Carlos, despite heavy agenda, have accepted our interview request. It's nice to have some news from Tropical Sim. As matter of fact, we did not know very much about them. 

Imagine Sim : Denver FS9 screenshots

FS9. Released ! Almost reworked from scratch, here is the new Denver airport from Imagine Sim. FSX will follow next month. Remember also that another version might be released eventually, in fall, from Flightdream (Salgo is still working on a new team).

Why Key West will be a hit ?

It is just a single average length asphalt runway of 4,800 feets but this airport will shake up the whole region and enlighten our flights. Why ?

Aerosoft Zurich 2012 : a fair test

FS9 and FSX. Aerosoft had probably an eye on Zurich for a long time. It's a wonderful airport, it's near Germany and it's located, mainly, in a german speaking swiss canton...(hmm). Almost four years after FSDT Zurich, this one ought to impress us real strong../.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Denver KDEN will be released....

The old ImagineSim FS2002/FS2004 version

Imagine Simulations just confirms that Denver FS9 will be released this week end for 30 US dollars. The FSX version will be released in July...

New shots from Canberra cityscape

FSX. Maurizio Giorgi (Orbx) has published two dozens of new shots on Canberra Cityscape.

iFLY FSX : three new liveries at work

FSX. Painters are working hard to deliver new liveries. After the wonderful Air jamaica, Air China and Scandinavian, here are three new projects (almost finished).

Carenado Cessna turbocharged 210M "on final"

FSX. Yesterday evening, the chilian team has published more previews of the Cessna T210M, a turbocharged single engine produced between 1977-1980 (1381 units). No more news on the King Air and the Skymaster.

Ho Chi Minh airport VVTS : now the terminal

Jetways shadows are there already

FS9. After the grounds, now the buildings. And Thai Creation is already presenting the main terminal of Tan Son Nhat Intl in Vietnam.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Coolsky : a short update on the DC-9 classic

FSX. Espen Øijordsbakken has posted a new update on his DC-9 project. Virtual cockpit 3D model and 2D panel are almost done. Espen is even working on the manual.

Anti-piracy fight : a short focus on France

France lawyer voted the Hadopi law last year to fight against piracy. We just received a key figure on this policy.

FSDT ZurichX V.2 : stand back from my playground !

FSDreamteam publishs a communique on Zurich V.2. - the current airport now sold at 9,9 €uros - How FSdreamteam fights back against Aerosoft.

Enigma Simulation radio broadcasts avail.

Enigma aircrafts designers community has produced three radio broadcasts already. The last one, performed on June 11th, was about FS9 versus FSX in aircraft designing, about Microsoft Flight and Blender. Very interesting (except the first minutes of the show about fs geeks idiosyncratic "euh"), (lol).

Luton airport as real as it gets

FS9 and FSX. Terry Smith (Eiresim) has released a whole new set of screenshots about EGGW. The FS9 version will eventually be released next month and FSX in august. It's really about finishing two or three buildings and then, start beta tests.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

MilViz : a dedicated page to Flight Simulator

Now that Nemeth Design and Military Visualization have released the Agusta, MilViz has created a new page devoted to Flight Simulator addons projects (the designer works for many applications). Products and news on their FS addons will be found  there :

The Bronco, all dressed up

FSX. Aerosoft has published more screens of the OV-10 A Bronco this morning, including one under US Marines Vietnam livery and one for the German wing of Bronco Association.

Monday, June 13, 2011

First screens from Tunis Carthage X

FSX. First news of Tunisia Freedom Operation, led by Airdailyx and FSADDON+. Here are the very first shots of the tunisian airport. It still is the beginning (some ground works) of this payware project.

Bad answer, Captain !

The triple seven exterior model is great, the aircraft has been awaited for a long time. So, yes, thanks Captain Sim. But, simmers are just paying a deposit for a non-finished product.  In this reply, on C.S. forum today, a staff replies that, somehow we are lucky to buy an exterior model for free. I don't know if this answer is a clumsiness or a disgrace... You to judge !

May 2010/2011 : Market zoom

Despite expectations, May has been pretty calm, compared with May 2010. See yourself../.

Key West, a couple of days from release.

FS9 and FSX. That's Latin VFR. They don't even give us time to breathe. No need to be a genius to decode these pictures. Key West airport (and island) is a couple of days ahead of release...

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Nemeth Design has just released the Agusta 109 on his website

Released !

Naples for FSX

Gianni Mantellini, CEO of has finished his conversion of Napoli LIRN for FSX, a work started in 2006 under FS9. This is a rare opportunity since we cannot expect any payware LIRN so far.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Quality Wing Bae 146/Avro : new liveries

Lufhansa... at last !

FS9 and FSX. A new set of liveries for the futur British Aerospace 146. It's time for Airdailyx to  congratulate the artist, Samy Fay, who started this huge work (dozens of liveries) five months ago../.

A first preview of the Brantley B-2B

FSX. Eagle Rotorcraft Sim. unveils the Brantly project. The small texan company has developed the famous B-2B pocket helicopter, now manufactured in China. Richard Bakker, who has just joined E.R.S. team will be in charge. Very early pictures here with borrowed gauges.

Blueprint Sim Detroit : hot test

FS9 and FSX. Sad day but enchanted evening. That's how i will conclude this test. Blueprint Simulation doesn't change his habits. No photoreal textures except the usual low definition ground. Pale buildings but at night...  [warning this is the Asia-Australia edition -uncompleted test]

Friday, June 10, 2011

News still come from U.S.A. Presenting.....

Earth Simulations Guernsey : new previews

FSX. The english team has published some screens of the Castle Cornet in the island of Guernsey. Everything is designed with a great care in this promising scenery. It's beautiful and maybe too beautiful, as some pictures look like some fairy tale vision...

Another livery for the Agusta 109

FSX. Iain Emms, beta tester for Nemeth Design, has unveiled the Navy livery. The Agusta Westland release is imminent and will be available on the new "chopper-like" Nemeth website.

New projects from FSADDON+

Francois Dumas confirms that the Fieseler Storch is in its final stage, the manual beeing written. The italian designer Real Earth X is also working on two Sardinia meshs, one freeware and one payware for a higher definition. There is also Ben Gurion FS9. More info here :

Thursday, June 9, 2011

McPhat's secret projects

One of the secret projects.... a Boeing-737 ? 

McPhat Studios, the artist designer, has posted five "guess" pictures on some secret projects.

Ariane Design and the famous Navdata

Ariane Design : new communique [06/07] on the famous Navdata manager. "../.The new NavDATA Manager product represents one of the most anticipated and sophisticated NDM creation product releases to date../...". No release date for this payware.

Detroit Wayne County, at last.

FS9 and FSX. News come from USA. After L.A. screenshots, now Blueprint Simulation unveils his new airport ; Detroit Metropolitan Wayne county KDTW. The secret has been preserved to the last moment. We know that SunSkyJet was also working on this airport but the FSX version was certainly not garanteed (no news from KPHL FSX).

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A devoted community...

Any similarities is purely coincidental...



The famous Tom Bradley intl. terminal.

FS9 and FSX. The last previews of FSDreamteam Los Angeles KLAX on their forum. The airport is very much alike to be released this month. A mega project of 9 months !

Intersim Studios, a new briefing

Junior Puente and David Malinowski made a short briefing on Intersim's forum. That's help us considering the amount of projects and i support the initiative. So here are some news or confirmations.

Asean Airport Scenery

FS9 and/or FSX. [possible project]. The new designer A_A is titillated about Kuala Lumpur (KLIA). Jtanabodee, on his Facebook page, admits that this is a heavy project that could take a year to accomplish... but...

Aerosoft Vilnius on final

FS9 and FSX. Vilnius Tarptautinis EYVI has reached the last beta stage. According to the last pictures, the scenery includes the lithuanian airport and a large area around it. According to Aerosoft team, in charge of distribution, the scenery is very framerate friendly and will include AES very soon.

And now Diamond point

FSX. Each new addon for NA BLUE Pacific Northwest is an event itself. This one has not any name yet but it will add two airfields (Diamond point 2WA1 and Olympic Field WA45) between Washington surroundings (Vashon, Cushman Meadows) and Orcas. Andreas Hegi and Heiko Glatthorn has still some works on night lightings and seasonal textures before release.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Nemeth Design Agusta 109 ; sound preview

Zurich Versus Zurich

FS9 and FSX. Four years after FSDreamteam, it's Aerosoft's turn to launch Zurich LSZH. The airport is a major european platform, it's not very far from Germany the team had all the time to grab all required photo materials. Piece of cake. But what's new, compared with FSDT work ?