Saturday, April 30, 2011

Stavanger X : some new screens

FSX. Jo Erlend Sund has put some more screens of the new norwegian Intl airport on Aeorosoft forum. Probably not the most interesting ones...

Resistance is futile ?

Friday, April 29, 2011

QW : Time for new liveries

FS9 and FSX. New liveries for the Bae 146/Avri Rj.

Eiresim polishing some taxiways in Luton...

FS9 and FSX. London Luton. Four new screenshots from Terry Smith just to show some new work on high definition grounds and taxiways. Inoming in June-July.

New shots of the B-737 NGX

FSX. PMDG has released 4 new shots of the Boeing NGX from external views.

Pico / Santa Maria

The music is of J. Brel a belgium-french singer but it has been censored by UMG. Here is the link. Some of you will be able to hear it.

About the scenery itself, i will come back tomorrow with a full test but i would say that the airports are really nicely done with a great care and a lot of small details. I just regret - but its not Tropical Sim's fault - that only a small part of the island of Santa Maria is interesting. The rest is full of the same boring autogen made of trees. I would have liked a real package with Santa Maria, Pico and Corvo in order to make some good flights from island to island. It will be possible, once Corvo is released but... And buying these two airports now is a hard choice as there are a lot of new releases these days. Let's see that tomorrow.

The Enstrom 280 FX choper : Available !

FSX. The amazing choper from Enstrom manufacturer, designed by Eagle Rotorcraft Simulations is released since a few hours. According to E.R.S, it is the first../.

Tropical Sim Azores "Pack one"

FS9 and FSX. Tropical Sim has indeed released Pico and Santa Maria islands in Azores. Airdailyx is working on a short video to show some details of Santa Maria. Carlos Pereira (T.S.) has just published a post with some explanations. It appears a third island is almost ready, Corvo, finished at 80%. People who bought Pico and Santa Maria (there is an interesting price) will receive Corvo for free. Later on, a first pack will be launched including these three airports...

Thursday, April 28, 2011

France VFR Corsica "Photo" range..

FSX. French designer France VFR has put new pictures of his incoming product, Corsica. This is part of the new "Photo" range family based on a 19 meters NEXTmesh and 1m/pixel textures.

A long long time ago...

FSX. Captain's log, stardate 2282. I am zooming on my Google Earth v.55 auto dynamic-satellized screen just to take a look at our Pacifica ocean. Nothing. All has been engulfed and overwhelmed by water for a long time. Sad. But suddenly..., i remember of an old scenery simulation from the 21st century, picturing some islands. Let's fly there and explore what they called the Marshall...

And a last one from Drzewiecki !

FS9 and FSX. The polish team "D.D.", has just unveiled two new screens from Bornholm X 2011. A few days ago, the danish developer Vidan design has also launched its Borhnolm airport but if you have to make a choice, you might consider how deep these two teams have depicted the whole island. So, Stanislaw, if you read my post, maybe 1 or 2 shots of other places in the island [granted]?

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Stavanger X : the norwegian airport taking shape

FSX. Jo Erlend Sund, designer of Stavanger Sola airport (ENZV) in the south west of Norway, has published three new screens of his work, early this morning. Jo also developed Trondheim and Oslo in the same country../.

Carenado : assembly line speeding up

FSX. Things are moving on at Carenado assembly line. First, the Commander 114 is almost done and has started beta stage. Second, the CT Centurion../..

Who's who page updated

In the Who's Who, you will find most of developers, painters, designers and CEOs of the flight Sim market main platforms. Now included ; Thai Creation, Nemeth Design, Lionheart, Alro Creation, Eagle Rotorcraft.

Orbx Cushman Meadows now released

FSX. Cushman is the 7th Orbx payware scenery in Washington state, USA. These products need NA Blue Pacific Northwest (like a basic layer) but they represent today the finest quality in simulation when its about depicting the nature and life around airfields../..

McPhat studios : first preview of the 747X HDT package

FSX. Something i missed last thursday : the first preview of McPhat's studios PMDG 747-400 High definition textures. We already know that the package will include Cathay Pacific Cargo, Northwest Orient, Lufthansa of course and probably a canadian livery and/or Delta. Release date unknown.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

About calendar...

FSX. Fukuoka RJFF is already available on CD-R disk. If we want to know about the download release date, we need to quest about Japan holidays. The asian country has a May Day... in november. But, if we look at "matsuri" calendar (holidays), here it is, there is a "Hakata Dontaku Matsuri" in May 3 and 4, celebrating Fukuoka.
It's 22h UTC here in western Europe, and a big hello to Asia.

Tropical Sim Azores : Ilha de Santa Maria preview

FS9 and FSX. Yesterday, i promised 4 or 5 posts. Ouf, here are the 4'th - and a good one -

LPAZ airport. This is of course a work in progress. We can't see all the static and dynamic objects. Thank you Leandro and be careful with "April congestion"...

OV-Bronco : new pictures unveiled

FSX. The Famous OV-Bronco aircraft from North American Rockwell. Aerosoft is showing new screens of the turboprop exotic high performance light attack and supervision aircraft../.

My traffic V.5.3 : but what's new ?

FS9 and FSX.
" MyTraffic X Version 5.3 Professional is a giant step forward compared to previous versions ", says the slogan from MyTraffic editor. So, does that mean that it was completely dumb of me, buying versions 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 ?

Las Americas MDSD : full test

FS9 and FSX. Las Americas airport has something special : thanks to tourism business, it has grown so fast that there are plenty of different kind of hangars and terminals. It's a motley place but a real unavoidable airport located  here in the very center of Caribbean. And at last, FSX users can enjoy the place. I am not even shure there were any decent sceneries in FS 2004 (DomAero ?) and in FS 2002../..

Monday, April 25, 2011

Thank you

Despite Easter, despite the true lack of good news, a lot of you still came into the blog this week end. So, i am very grateful for your faithfulness. I am promising 4 or 5 new in-depth posts tomorrow.


Viva Santo Domingo : new pictures

FS9 and FSX. RELEASED ! Yesterday, Latin VFR has released a new serie of pictures from "Viva santo Domingo" Las Americas. And this time, yes, the team shows us how large will be the scenery. On this shot, above, we can see the airport size../..

The CRJ on the road again

FSX. According to Mathijs Kok (marketing manager, Aerosoft), the CRJ project is still progressing. As a matter of fact, Hans Hartmann, originally in charge of Systems, FMS and XML animations, has recently resumed his work on the CRJ. The aircraft will include -700 and -900 versions.

Thai Creation next airport

FS9. After Paro Intl VQPR in Bhutan (RELEASED) , Thai Creation will design Tan Son Nhat Intl, the new airport of Ho Chi minh city in Vietnam (ICAO VVTS).

Sunday, April 24, 2011

A review from Espen

FSX. Espen  Øijordsbakken is publishing a new review on his own Precision Aerobus PAOB Fokker 50. Not really a new aircraft but a review on this one, specially if you don't know it too much...

Ps : With Easter holidays, there are not to many new on the flight sim market.
I hope this will get better tonight !

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Santo Domingo 2011 on final approach

FS9 and FSX. Latin VFR has released this morning new pictures of Las Americas airport in Santo Domingo republic. To be released../...

The jewel of... Thailand ?

FS9 FSX. Tanabodee takes all his time. He is so right. Samui island and airport are going to be a must. The airport and surroundings are finished but "J" is now working on some temples near the runway final approach.

Nice view. A happy week end, thanks for coming and come back this evening for real news

Friday, April 22, 2011

Airdailyx's black list is growing...

After Mexsim and Fly wonderful islands, Two new companies are now joining my black list ;

The last jewel of Himalayas

A special hello from Airdailyx to my asian friends. Asia is almost at sunset (in 2 or 3 hours), Americas are still sleeping and its around 28 degres here in Paris. It's 08h UTC. (big hello to Australia too !)
FS9. The last jewel of Himalayas is Paro VQPR in Bhutan. Thai creations has definitely learnt to work nice and fast and Paro shall be available in a few days now../.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Captain Sim unveils a Boeing triple seven project

FSX. The exterior model is already available at a discount price. We still know little about this new project. Is it a whole new aircraft or an upgrade from the B-767 ? Unclear. The external model is of the -200 variant. The full project will include -300 and 777-F versions.

Agusta 109 in advanced beta stage

FSX. Nemeth Design launched the Agusta 109 project in september 2010. This chopper will include two versions, "Business" and "Lifesaver".../.

Bornholm Ronne : a fierce competition

FSX. After Drzewiecki Design, now it's Vidan Design's turn ! The danish Ronne airport (EKRN) with a last set of pictures. Vidan company is a continuation of, founded by John Jensen. Vidan means Virtual Danmark. Updated 14hUTC. They were in a hurry. Bornholm is even launched already at some simshops !

Marshall Islands : T minus 10

FSX. Wow. That was fast. Pacific islands Simulations will go for beta stage this week end and expects a release next week. New fantastic screens from Pacifica.../.

KLAX, a raw modeling

Thanks to "Kappa", developer and beta tester who sent us yesterday evening.

FSX. A developer from FSDreamteam unveils a new shot from Los Angeles airport. It is just a raw model (the team is much more advanced on this project) but this gives a nice preview of the whole airport with main terminals.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Static aircrafts and PeopleFlow full interaction

FSX. Announced in november 2010 and now available, the first upgrade including the new feature combining static and animated aircrafts (liners) with PeopleFlow ground staff on a large airport, the australian heavy Brisbane YBBN. This upgrade is available on Orbx support today and will be generalized to other heavy airports. It can replace your AI traffic, providing a better framerate.

Fukuoka : last update before release

FSX. Here is a nice way to support Japan. Aerosim, the most active japanese designer is almost ready to release Fukuoka, a heavy intl airport in the south west of the country, Kyushu island.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Blueprint Simulation releases KIAD V.2.

FS9 and FSX. Blueprint Simulations releases today a new version of his Washington Dulles KIAD. This version 2 is available as free for version 1 owners. According to the communique, this is "an entirely new product that incorporates latest B.S. latest modeling and texturing techniques../.".

The hawker Harrier...

Quality. When it's about making the buzz, Wilcopub is a champ../.

New photoreal scenery for Malaysia

FS9. Malaysianwings website is a useful resource for FS9 flyers found of Asia and south asian trips. This new work comes from "Merlina" who is ordinarily making videos.

Drzewiecki Design, new shots from Stanislaw

Static aircrafts from Drzewiecki-design's aircrafts library

FS9 and FSX. The polish team has presented us with some new pictures of Bornholm 2011, the danish island, that is located in the south east of Sweden.../.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Ariane Design : Status

FS9 and FSX. Several people took a look this week to our's Ariane Design interview. Hsshhhh... Everytime i write about this aircraft designer, it's a heartbreak. Okay, on march 9th, CEO "Ed" announced a beta navdata in his forum and this new program was to be beta tested.  On march 18th, Ed seemed to announce good news but on April 18th... flat record. I don't want to be in bad faith  but...

First shot of Keflavik BIKF

FS9 and FSX. Cold news but warm news. A first screen from Thorsten Reichert about the first Iceland Intl airport. We just see the photoreal textures.

The seven dwarfs who pull the strings

These men have made the flight sim market, with some others, but seven is a magic number, like the seven dwarfs of the tobacco cartel... No grievance, no flattery here. It's just interesting to know who are behind this small market../.

Orbx Ozx / Ian comment

When a new reader is telling me i am wrong about something, i am a bit suspicious. When two readers tell me i am wrong, hmm okay. I might have misjudged the situation. So i am changing my title "Orbx gulps down Ozx" to "Orbx warmly welcomes back Ozx". And let's take some times to judge of the new situation.
By the way, tonight on Airdailyx, come discover who pull the strings of the flight sim market : the seven dwarfs !
Here is Ian's full comment ;

Authentical replica of B737NG displays

FS9 and FSX. A few weeks (or months !) ahead of PMDG and iFLY FSX NGs, this is a screenshot from a real professional simulator with two interesting views of engine fuel and air schematics../.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Antartica, worst virtual place ever.

A few months ahead of Antartica X release (LimeSim and Aerosoft), this is a small zoom on South pole in FSX. Everybody knows that in FS9 (FS2004), if you fly to this point, you simply hit a transparent wall. But in FSX, things are much more complex and difficult to explain../.

Happy sunday (nop i didn't say bloody sunday)


A small wink to my new friend Terry... but any resemblance is...

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Scenery production, FS9/FSX ratio : a small market report

Business. On the flight sim market, the year 2010 has mostly been described as a gloomy period. We can record 34 launchs in first term (trimester), 30 in 2nd term, 40 in 3rd term and 43 and the last one../..

Oakland FS9 FSX. Release imminent. New screens.

It's Flightdream first scenery, it's free, for FS9 and FSX. Oakland Intl. KOAK in California shall be available in a few days on the designer's own website. Beta stage 2 is over.

BAE 146/Avro Three more !

NWA Airlink, regional air service from domestic'hubs at
Minneapolis, Detroit and memphis.

FSX. Quality Wings, the american designer published this morning liveries N°13, 14 and 15. The British Aerospace 146 is expected for this year, 3rd quarter.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Varadero MUVR, three more...

FS9 and FSX. Cesar (Taxi2gate) released three more shots yesterday evening.

Last news from Asia

FS9 and/or FSX. Samui airport, Skysoft ZUZJ, Thai Creation../.

Orbx warmly welcomes back OZx

FSX. Announced this morning, freeware developers of OZx will join - reintegrate - Orbx development team. Two advantages : they will have access to Orbx libraries and imagery plus the technical resources of the payware development team. Second, talented OZx developers will have the opportunity to develop their first payware. Officially, OZx team will continue to work autonomously../.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Antartica X : a first serious preview

South Pole, O'Higgins station. (this screen doesn't show final rendition yet)

FSX. Here are new consistent screenshots of Antartica X project. Something looking like Iceland Aerosoft scenery, but on a XXL scale. Limesim was to resume his work after US Cities Cleveland. And as a matter of fact, there is no better moment to release Antartica X in.... spring or summer, when we, simmers, are dying under hot temperatures.

The Aerospool Dynamic by Lionheart

Avionics Dynon, Garmin SL-30 nav/comm transceiver and the nav system is an EKP-IV.

FS9 and FSX. A  modern light aircraft, a tow airplane, with latest composite material technology. Despite a max cruise speed of 138 mph, this WT-9 Dynamic gives a lot of pleasure, especially over high definition textures sceneries, where you can enjoy the simple joy of a short restful flight../.

Corfu versus Corfu

FSX. Greek Airports Project (GAP) had the right to make a Corfu airport. It's a free market and they were working on Athens LGAV when they learned about Fly Tampa initiative. No, what's interesting here is too compare with Live in FSX (Aerosoft) ongoing project.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Varadero, a closer look...

Juan Gomez MUVR cuban airport

FS9 and FSX. "Cesar" himself, chief of (ex ?) Taxi2gate, has published today these new screens of Varadero airport main terminal. Closer... closer.. to release. Maybe this week end ? And here, a closer look.

Wilco funny guess game..

FSX ( FS9 ?) As we wrote it a few months ago, the unknown aircraft is the Hawker Harrier Siddeley. Rather an easy game considering the typical geometry of this VTOL aircraft ordered by the British RAF in the early seventies and produced by British Aerospace and later on with McDonnell Douglas../.

Help, i am Orbicted

The free airfield of Vashon island

FSX. I continued to investigate on these Orbx addons. And what happened ? I simply discovered that all the american airfields developed until now are concentrated in the region of Seattle in NA Blue Pacific Northwest product. This was totally unclear to me as Orbx also developed two others NA Blue, Pacific fljords and Montain Rockies. So for VFR flights, the place is finally fantastic.../..

Let the battle of light engines begin...

FS9 and FSX. Katana, Dimona and now the Aerospool WT-9 Dynamic... After six months of complete silence, William Ortis, founder of Lionheart World (Epic Victory...), has just "dropped" his next aircraft, the WT-9 Dynamic.
Too bad, mister Ortis didn't take the luxury to inform us regularly of his project. I will test this aircraft and i hope that the flight model will be much better than Epic's ones, that was not totally realistic.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Stavanger in preview

FS9 and FSX. Here are two early previews of the norwegian airport Stavanger Sola ENZV, to be released by Aerosoft in a few months. This picture here just shows the high resolution texture applied on the taxiway.

Corfu X and... Corfu X

Dear readers. I am angry. Really.
- First, i can't access Aerosoft forum's pages and nobody can answer me. Do you have this problem too ?
- Second, One of you just told me that he wanted to reinstall AMS Cancun 2011 FS9 but since he rebooted his computer, now he cannot re-access the scenery anymore. He requested some help at AMS email support and no respons (as a matter of fact, this email is still not working, i tried too)../..

Monday, April 11, 2011

After Aquitaine and overseas departments, Corsica.

Although we still don't have any hard release date (in april), here are some shots from the new France VFR Corsica island, second generation with 1 meter/pixel.

Its in Cuba, It's in a touristic place, it's ?

FS9 and FSX. To be released very soon now (was expected in february-march) but the timetable of Intersim and Taxi2gate changed a bit.../.

Guayaquil FS : our test

FS9. After several months of absence, Boris Forero is re-designing its range of products, mainly airports of Ecuador. Before releasing a complete rework of Capital city Quito for FS9 and FSX, here is Santiago Guayaquil SEGU.../.

Bornholm 2011. Signed... Drzewiecki Design.

FS9 and FSX. At last, good news in the flight sim planet, Stanislaw, chief of polish team Drzewieki is announcing Bornholm 2011. The scenery will include../.

New feature : THE BAROMETER

Very quite morning today and very few infos. I hope this evening, american and latin editors and designers can show us some more news !
This is the opportunity to show you my new feature.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

How France VFR is changing... Aquitaine and french Caribbeans.

The Aquitaine region and city of Bordeaux.

FSX (and FS9 ?). The french designer unveils today dozen of new screenshots from Aquitaine package, a large region along the Atlantic ocean and a mega package "D.O.M. Islands", french overseas departments. Of course, these new sceneries will have custom autogen. To be released from april to...