Wednesday, January 29, 2014

STOP! It's Phenom Time!

P3D. I have never liked FSX. So thank God for the guys at Lockheed Martin for delivering Prepar3D! Otherwise, i'd still be using FS9 exclusively which means AirDailyX would be pretty much dead given the fact that the majority of ADX followers are dedicated to products from the likes of Orbx, PMDG, Carneado, Majestic and the like. Carenado is fully committed to P3Dv2 and the Phenom just looks great under the shadows! The screens are still dark thus I imagine they will be all lit up in the next preview. Here are some interior shots to hold you over! Honestly, it looks damn good!

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Unknown said...

Their best looking add-on to date. They must invest more time on systems this time. Make it worth it's 3d model.

pico said...

What the hell can you do with a nice looking bird, if the systems don't work ????why always get excited over empty packages like that when we know whats goin to happen with quality. If we don't start ignoring these companies, and provide them "free" advertising like that , they keep on producing the same type of crap...system wise. its a real shame. Our hobby is not an arcade game, its a simulation platform!

DAndre Newman said...

My best advice is if you see a product that does not suit your needs, ignore that particular product on news sites if it does not appeal to you...

Unknown said...

Why the hell are they not doing the cockpit of the fslabs 320??? It would so freaking awesome to mix the combination of the developpers !!

Todd said...

I don't need 100% systems. All I want is a proper G1000 with navdata. The cockpit looks amazing, by the way.

Pirx said...

I do love those yokes. I don't know it they are comfortable enough but they are really cool. And with that parts in white... awesome.

About the flight dynamics and systems, I will be pleased if this plane is as good as the Citation Mustang from Flight1

phenomphlyer said...

I can asure you that the flight dynamics will be even better than the F1 Mustang FDs.

K_W said...

Well Pico....

If you are capable you doing something better ....why don't you create your own, or keep your negative pie-hole shut. If you want high definition visuals and complex systems, then this may not be the platform for you. Folks of your mindset continually bash the Carenado guys about their products because they are not to your liking....I don't ever recall Carenado stating that they develop complex system aircraft, and by now you should be aware of that.

From a business perspective...they would not be much benefit for both sides of the development as profits would have to be split...and sales may not properly justify a venture of that type.

Tristan said...

De Andre did they mention the depth of their systems. It seems a lot of folks are upset with their lack of systems? The only thing that upsets me is x plane gets the best coding of their products due to less limitations. Any insight will be much appreciated.

Aggressorblue said...

Well, their latest release (the B1900D) does include an FMS. They're taking baby steps.

Plus, if they were going into the systems depth of A2A or PMDG, this wouldn't be a post about the Phenom, it would be about -maybe- the SR22, as they'd be years behind where they are now.

Seriously, these guys turn planes around FAST. This is their second(!) release of the year. It's still January!

Don't misunderstand me, I love PMDG and A2A too, but the long incubation time for their products is a major annoyance.

Of course, if you don't like it, feel free to fly one of the many other high end, system rich micro-jets on the market...

Anonymous said...

Agreed with maRRt1n, shame fslabs doesnt look this good. Now if the two came together!

CGaft said...

IMO it's good for the community, that we have a company like Carneado that are putting out airplanes in an incredible pace! Not everybody are in to "deep systems" & people have to respect that....I'm sure people that bash them would also whine if they stopped their development!
BTW the visuals are excellent on this bird:)

shadow said...

No I personal would not miss them, as I work for real deal not rush out.. It´s like Microsoft stragegy from this company.. as long as they can keep a good incom they contiue the path whit out care what the do, just they produce something that has enought visual to go along to sell..

As ex I can find issues that was found in some of the privius planes and is the same in the new ones no update to fix it in the next one.. this is sure prove how you can develop so fast..

but I don´t think thats the way, to keep you flyeing it. look at some of the most popular planes why does people stay whit them because they are joy full and still handles like a plane and has what most costumers want. as well as proformance

whit complex airports and all this a very visual plane in the end would give you oom sooner and sooner and not a good way, there need balance.. so turn down the development range and make less visual and get the feel of the endividual plane thats what the most want.. then they would use it for more flights then just a limited period.

I dont understand all those that say the dont want more complexity well. why not get navdata and such it´s not hard to use. i would say a GPS is more complex to navigate and edit then a FMS as an EX..

Unknown said...

Yes, Carenado, who do you think you are??? Producing aircraft that don't cater to the demands of the REAL virtual pilots, who have many, many hours in an office chair piloting a REAL virtual aircraft. The nerve!!! (That bird looks smashing btw)

Bill E. Bobb said...

"Deep systems" are for people that don't have jobs, these people fulfill their need to "be somebody" by becoming accomplished pretend airline pilots. For the rest of us, there aren't enough hours in the day to drag our asses home from work, program an FMC, go through a checklist a mile long, and if lucky get into the air by bedtime before we have to X out and hit the hay so we can get up and do it all over again tomorrow. We're also the ones with the money to buy addons incidentally. Carenado is not stupid, they build airplanes for the masses, and in case you hadn't noticed they aren't exactly faltering.

This looks good to me, I hope you can start it with Ctrl+E...

DAndre Newman said...

I agree with Bob there. With a full time job, wife, kid, and keeping ADX going daily, I only have time for a "fully simulated" flight a couple times a month. what little time I do get the fly that in not for testing aircraft and sceneries, the easy to fly Carenado's serve me perfectly. And let's not alienate newcomers to the hobby with 100% advanced systems with everything released....

shadow said...

Well we can agree it is time demanding to go throu cheklist and all that, but the main point i dont get. Is it´s not difficult to fly PMDG ngx as ex. The eng are running and you can fly if you like or use option to load what you like. I cant se thats complex.. to say the true story as i have been using x-plane 10 here it get tricky if you dont follow checklist but i don´t se the same for FSX at all, there is only a few that gives you eng shut down in flight.. thats my main point you can use it both way as the flightplan is only what you need like a gps flightplan. you even have the option to import a flightplan from external just like it was build as a gps route.. so where is the hard part the plane is running and no i never follow checklist only turn on lights and such.. It´s funny to se the funktions you are missing in the FMC of a 747 or 737 i know many funktions that you dont have as they are not used / implementet.. it´s all a ballance..

as i have been at a pilot school i asked a pilot about a specific question you know what he could tell me why.. the plane he fly he only use 40-60% of what the mashine can do just to give an ex that even some say complex we are far from what the plane can do in reality..

This a point in the realworld and simulation world and even some might find many funktions you are far from the real deal.. but whit that said the 737 ngx and other have plenty of short cuts.. Why to get less experinced guys use the plane to reach all needs.. some companys do more simplifyeing like QWsim 757 they mastered a ballanced way at some steps..

But to say if to complex you have to do much..not at all as they made shurt cuts.. els we have to start read the original manual to even get off the ground..

Futher the dash 8 q400 I see some say it is difficult to start and all that not at all it´s as easy as the airbus only a few buttons like the 737.. a youtube video and off you go.. nearly as easy as cntrl+E

But i also want to thank Carenado for using default Autopilot that a thing i like of there products. since i guse GF mcp.. so good and bad.. i just whish they would go the last few steps to reach at least the updatble navdata to render the realworld. but also a FPS freindly plane whit displays and such as we all know a few planes that is full digital is a bit heavy onthe fps and might be the worst. even give them a lower sale as i know there is 1 plane i have in mind that disserpointed a lot FPs wise

Todd said...

I actually think there is a middle ground here. I am a father with a full time job and just a busy life in general. Yet when I fly, I desire to gave full navigation abilities to shoot approaches, etc. I could care less about whether the pressurization system works, nor do I care to waste my limited time simulating an engine fire. I do enjoy actually flying from A to B, flying a hold or procedure turn, programming an RNAv approach, etc. I get Carenado's market, and it obviously makes them succesful, otherwise they would have gone out of business a long time ago. What makes the G1000 so nice is it's easy to program, much easier than an FMS. What makes guys like me frustrated is this aircraft looks so amazing, yet the G1000 will be so basic. Even if it would compare to the G1000 in the F1 Mustang, I would be happy. Or if they would allow 3rd party G1000 integration I would be happier. In fact that would capture both sides of the market. But, hey, Carenado is obviously successful at what they do.

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