Wednesday, July 17, 2013

AirDailyX Exclusive: NA Airstrips Vol.2!

FSX/P3D. Misha Cajic aka mcaDesigns is very heavily underway on his North American Airstrips Vol.2 package. If you bought Vol.1, then you are very well aware of the talent and quality these airstrips represent. This time around, Vol.2 wall come with twice as many airfields and yes, you can expect at least one of the approaches to challenging in a similar way that Hilltop is. As for quality, the building objects will have full texture baking. What airfields will be included? Check out the first renders!

Here is a list of the airfields in development listed in red. As for the last 2 airfields to be included, those will be announced at a later time :)

The Vernonia coverage area is finalized and will include 50km sq of photoreal textures which cover the airport, town, surrounding farmland and WA90 Bero Field a little further south. 05S Vernonia sits in a 'bowl' in the terrain with hills immediately either side so approaches will be challenging :) Kind of the opposite to Hilltop 98TE.

We will keep you up to date as progress continues. 

In the mean time, be sure to pick up Vol.1 if you haven't already!

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JayZee said...

As D'André knows, I'm a big fan of flying the Duke Turbine in and out of Hilltop 98TE, great fun!

Misha is a superb designer and developer, I'm really looking forward to this next installment of NA Airstrips :-)

DAndre Newman said...

It's so funny you say that! After you texted me your climb-out video from 98TE with the Turbine, it's been my fav plane there.

But you should try it with the Lanclair on approach. Very challenging!

JayZee said...

That's great to hear :-)

Yeah, the Duke Turbine is unbeatable for short airstrips!

I haven't tried the Lancair yet. I'm wondering if the Blackhawk XP52 King Air with fairly empty fuel tanks would make it in and out of there too...I've got to give it a try this week.

Misha Cajic said...

Thanks for the compliment man, and if you don't mind I'd love to see that video LOL.
I also tried the Lancair into 98TE a few times........tried ;D
I find keeping an aircraft out of the grass at 95OR the most challenging thing. They always go to the side a little!

DAndre Newman said...

Yes total happy feet on the rudder pedals at this airport!

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