Saturday, June 22, 2013

FlyTampa Copenhagen! First shots!

FS9/FSX/P3D. Finally we can spill the beans! Yes, as many of you have already guessed, FSDG Copenhagen is now officially a FlyTampa product. And personally, I could not be more pleased. The FSDG guys are very much still on board with the project, but now we will get it FT texture-bake style! So i'm sure many of you will be happy! This takes FT now up to 4 airports in production that we know of. Sydney, Toronto, Copenhagen, and...

Oh, you didn't think I was going to give you that fourth one did you?...

Great to see Emilios, George, Thorsten, and Martin all working together!

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Sid said...

OMG!!! Another great day for flight simulation the world over...and another great addition to the FlyTampa's great global portfolio (The best of anyone IMHO)! Can't wait...Day 1 purchase.

FT & FSDG pair up...this could be the start of some great things to come for us all (these 4 guys working together...they were awesome enough on their own) and possibly more much-needed varied and global airports and sceneries of all shapes and sizes for the FTX Global era of flight simulation ahead. Who knows...whatever happens, this is wonderful news indeed.

Thanks ADX for delivering it!

PS. Probably missing something obvious but "4"? What's that about?

Cheers again, Sid

DAndre Newman said...

Nope nothing obvious. FT is busier than ever!

Hithere said...

I wonder what the fourth project might be.... it was never mentioned before?

p3 said...

Why Copenhagen ?

Nobody hardly flies there..
THey should have went a solid US/CA intl airport like KSLC.

I will still buy that airport though, just because I want to support FT.

Commenting Simmer said...

Sorry for asking, but when was it confirmed that FlyTampa is working on Toronto?

We just have a spot on the map. Nothing has been confirmed yet.

If I am wrong, could you please post a link where this was confirmed?

Thank you.

DMac10121 said...

So FlyTampa is doing Toronto? If so, very great news.

Anonymous said...

Maybe US is I need a better market for fs addons, but you know America is not the center of the universe. So please stop being so ignorant. There were people blaming them for Athens also, but that airport sold very well. So Copenhagen might turn out to be a very good bet also.

Anonymous said...

US airport are pretty boring. Always the same old Liveries.

Anonymous said...
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Chris said...

You're from the US - right?Let me quote for you "It is by far the busiest international airport in Scandinavia (21.5 million passengers per year in 2012)" - so nobody flies there.....
Believe me, there is a world outside the US/CA.

Anonymous said...

So what happened to the Wilco TBM850, you had reported a June 15 release date?

Øivind Skau said...

Perhaps the busiest, but not by far. Last years numbers are 23 million at Copenhagen, 22 million at Oslo, the latter expecting to bypass the former by 2014/15. Note that both these airports have numbers that place them within the top 10 US airports.

Øivind Skau said...

And Salt Lake City has less than half of this.

Dave W said...

Hi P3,

You ask a fair question and to answer, I live in the UK and since Aerosoft released the Airbus Extended I have spent a lot of time flying around Europe and from the UK. EKCH is a great airport to fly into in less than 1 to 1 1/2 hours from the UK and has some great scenery around including the Malmo Bridge - go take a look on Google! I currently have freeware scenery for the area and personally I will buy it for that reason alone!


Dave W

DAndre Newman said...

The release date is now June 30th. They set the dates I just reported it. Don't be lazy, go look for it yourself. And next time you post anonymously, you will not be published.

DAndre Newman said...

You are right man. I'm so sorry.

First you didn't do any homework before leaving such a dumb comment, and second, no it's not Toronto.

It's a dirt airfield they are making in the same area.

DAndre Newman said...


Commenting Simmer said...

Why was the comment "dump"?

You do not have to be rude.

Unless your post is sarcastic. If this, then, there are hundreds of airports in Canada. A dot somewhere around Toronto, does not have to be Toronto itself.

Ryan said...

Let Aerosoft take care of the EU market, they are pretty good at that. FlyTampa should come back and stay in the US/CA market. Starting with Seattle. They did Dubai rebooted, why not a Seattle rebooted? There is a demand for Sea-Tac in FSX. Actually, here some US airports that need to be done (or redone): Denver, SLC, Seattle, Portland (PDX), and MSP.

DAndre Newman said...

I'm being sarcastic. Just a bit of common sense my friend. Just the same as it was obvious this project was Copenhagen.

p3 said...

I think FT should focus on airports that their surrounding textures were done by ORBX, then we shall have the perfect simulation experience.

Wilton said...

Not to worry my friend as it looks like either MSP or SLC will be FlightBeam's next airport. Have a look:

flyer said...

Yes! Looks awesome! Copenhagen is one of my favourite airports

highways1 said...

I know this isn't the place for this but your dates are wrong on the daily updates to the right side. The last few have started using 7/XX instead of 6/XX as it's still June. Just wanted to point that out if it is fixable.

DAndre Newman said...

Thanks much! I'll fix that!

Commenting Simmer said...

How many times do George & Martin have to stress out that Seattle CANNOT be done due to performance (fps) reasons?

And that if it is done, it will turn out to be a fiasco in performance like FSDT Vancouver did?

Compare results (performance and fps) between the latest work (Vancouver & Dubai) of the two developers (FSDT & FlyTampa), and judge for yourself which of the two (developers) do you trust more, for good performance and good fps?

Commenting Simmer said...

It is good that FlyTampa is focusing in Europe again.

They did two masterpieces there, Athens and Vienna.

And EKCH is an airport with a very interesting layout, and very interesting surroundings and approach (the bridge).

Sid said...

Come on DAndre! I get the feeling you know something us mere common folk don't...Spill the beans! :-) LOL.

highways1 said...

I see the update, just wanted to avoid confusing anyone. I really enjoy reading all of the updates and information on the site.

Sid said...

I do the very same as Dave W. Flights out of various-sized UK international airports (the smaller of which I personally wish ORBX would make by the way, rather than little GA grass strips) around Europe.

I have the freeware Aerosoft Oresund bridge too...The scenery is spectacular around this part of the Baltic Sea. Enjoy these spectacular scenic nordic flights too: Stockholm Arlanda or Oslo to Copenhagen Kastrup.

To say who flies there is either unbelievably ignorant or just plain child-like hideousness & selfishness in thinking or believing that all quality businesses should only develop for one particular region. How on earth can nationalism come into this? It only keeps coming from a particular corner too and how ugly it looks but more than that, its a tune that's just so old and boring now.

I have so much respect for Fly Tampa in how they do things and choose their own sceneries themselves and keep surprising and wowing us all over (and in having sense and not listening to nonsensical arguments and ridiculous assumptions) and boy do they pick amazingly diverse and damn exciting sceneries. Not one has EVER become boring for me...not one is only the same old US airport just to have a tick box...there's not one I still don't love using after all this time. That's a perfect formula in my book...which developer wouldn't want that said about them (and I'm sure many users believe this if they think about it even if they don't voice it) Keep up the great work Fly Tampa...some of us will keep buying any FT legendary masterpiece anywhere in the world and loving every flying minute of it...over and over and over again. You have the ultimate formula (whatever it is) and are the ultimate developer in every way in my book. Don't ever lose that unique formula and special magical touch that makes Fly Tampa a leader (not a follower) and a phenomenon in itself, not just any leading developer. Thank you for Copenhagen...a truly wonderful choice...yet again! Keep surprising us the way only you do!

Cheers respectfully and admiringly,

(Fly Tampa fan, who isn't, dare I say? wait for it...)

DAndre Newman said...

Thanks highways. So many complain these days but few take time to just say thanks.

DAndre Newman said...

Patience my young padawan!

Sid said...

LOL! Ok...I'll try Master! May Fly Tampa be with you...and soon! Lol.

Dave Boeing said...

Anyone know how Sydney (YSSY) is going???

Live Wire said...

P3, like many Americans (I assume he/she is of that nationality) NEVER fly out out of their country in their simulator of choice. The observation " Nobody hardly flies there" is not only bad English, but worse, ignorant.

As Chris has alluded to in a post above there IS a world outside the US ... time you recognised that, did your homework and not insult the intelligence of other simmers.

Live Wire said...

Whilst I agree with most of what you have said Sid I despair that since FSDG is involved as prime contractor/developer we may NOT expect the standard of execution we all expect from Fly Tampa, namely detail yet with good FPS. FSDG have a dismal record in this regard.

Hoping for the best yet expecting the worst I'm afraid

Unknown said...

Yup, a little lame comment from p3, but maybe he'll be surprised over how great CPH/Kastrup is, that he actually also will like to fly there... ;-)

Unknown said...

FT doing my local airport!!! where i've spend much of my life, looking forward to see the details + surroundings ;-)

Anonymous said...

I have 3 of FSDGs airports & they all run great. I think you need to upgrade your mom's welfare computer dude.

I'm sure they will learn a few tricks from Flytampax.

Anonymous said...

It's nice to here a non US airport get done by quality developer. they get done so often and the same airport redone by other developers. It's a big world out there lots of airports.

Anonymous said...

I love varied AI so Europe is the only place to fly. The US looks so boring after all the airline mergers.Americans just shout louder for their own airports, Europeans don't have to, ours are just better, in or out of the SIM.

Anonymous said...

Flytampa suck! I prefer Blueprint.

DAndre Newman said...

mE TOO!! Blueprint is way better!!!! And Blueprint's texture baking methods are far more advanced too!!

Brian Simpson said...


Review please DAndre.

DAndre Newman said...

Sure thing! I'll get on that right away! Holding your breath?

Honestly, I would live to do a Blueprint review but I know I would come under fire for doing it from some of our readers...

DAndre Newman said...

Because the review would be pure satire...

xavierp said...

Question for the pro.
When checking out this airport in google earth, YOu have 2 airplanes on very final approach, looking at the shadow, one is not like 1000 feet above the other one so they are very close to each other...

looking like a go around to me...
what do u guys think

Wilton said...

LOL! The Blueprint and Wing Flex comments on this blog always make me laugh!

altstiff said...

Actually DAndre I hear they are creating CPS2 (Elmhurst Resort on Rice Lake) ;)

xavierp said...

runway 22L

Chris said...

You should learn how Google generates their photos. it is the very same airplane!

Chris said...

The comment wasn't "dumb" indeed. how do you know what airport in toronto it is? cyyz or even cytz? or even something completely different...

Unknown said...

LOL you're right, it must be a go around, you can stand there on the road and take pics at the planes landing RW 22L - and go arounds too - it happens everyday ;-) Sugiii

Chris said...

Please see my post above. You can see the same "phenomenon" at EDDF Rw 07C. It looks like even 3 747 are taking off only few hundred yards in between, even though it is again the very same aircraft.

Sid said...

LOL! Hilarious crazy banter. LOL!

To Live Wire: Don't worry man. I'm sure FT have pretty decent quality control for their products and nothing will be compromised. Besides, once they've done it once, got a little constructive feedback, they'll be even more awesome in producing more quality sceneries faster. I can understand your worry but I have faith all will turn out well in the end. Lets give them a chance mate! It'll be all good!

Anonymous said...

Its been cancelled in favour of Salt Lake City.

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