Monday, July 2, 2012

Coolsky, 2 days later...

I sincerely thought that some FS and websites would follow us and denounce the act of violence against Coolsky. Too bad ! All these sites have no interest in this kind of topic. Too touchy. Too disturbing. Coolsky at risk ? A developer in danger ? "We don't care" ! but these very sites will interview Coolsky weeks later on his products. Just like that !
Good luck and good night   :(


Anonymous said...

Seriously who the heck is Coolsky? I have never heard of them mate, the problem with AirdailyX if you follow all these little backyard stringbag developers nobody has ever heard of before, then get upset when these unknown developers fail to release something within their own optimistic deadline, and you follow them like a hungry dog while ignoring probably the BEST and most prolific aircraft maker in the business, A2A anyone? If you started following REAL developers (not backyard wannabes) then maybe just maybe people might start taking your website seriously

DAndre Newman said...

I'll respond on Dom's behalf here.

I am going to publish your comment (so others can clearly see how pretentious, inconsiderate, and rude Mr. Anonymous is here)

First of all, just because you have no interests in Coolsky doesn't mean the other thousands that visit this blog daily don't.

And clearly you do take this website seriously as you are clearly continue to visit so often that you have taken your time to personally write us and complain so passionately.

Thus unless you have your own development company and personally have something better to offer besides your anonymous trolling stupidity, keep your lousy pointless comments to yourself. Or start a blog of your own and see how easy all this really is.

As for your concerns regarding A2A, i'm happy go check their site more often. You see? All you had to do was ask. We will do our best to deliver on the progress of as many products as humanly possible. Even the ones we don't buy because there are followers who do and we have a duty to those followers.

You see? This is a community blog and it is not catered just for you. Now go stand in the corner and think about your behavior.

Advertisers! You too can reach this prime demographic!



Anonymous said...

Ex MAXjet here dude hope you know who it is as I have a passion too for FS. Great blog site as I too check it everyday and thanks for making progress reports easy for us.


DAndre Newman said...

As far as I can remember there were only 2 other people that flew with me at MAXjet that were flight simmers as well... Hmmm... Let me guess, you sim on a laptop and you fly for Delta now?

Anonymous said...

You got it!!

Anonymous said... is now back up, lets get back to flying and waiting for this great DC-9!!!

Mason Dominique said...

Ignoring A2A was a mistake for shure. It was simply out of our field of vision or immediate interest.


Manuel Heinz said...

I wish it wasn't possible to write comments anonymously. It's so easy to yell and complain when you don't have to sign with your real name. In this case I find it utterly disrespectful towards the bloggers and the developers.
Keep up the good work, guys!

Anonymous said...

"Seriously who the heck is Coolsky? I have never heard of them mate"
Seriously who the heck is A2A? I have never heard of them mate!
Maybe u can see the irony:))
Keep up the grate work airdailyX you have the best flightsim blog!

DAndre Newman said...

Sorry! The most recent comment deleted by accident! Please repost.

Anonymous said...

From this anonymous to the first anonymous. Being the internet, you can always make your own website and review whoever you like, you are obviously someone of great social understanding and advanced in the making of Fligh Simulator products, you also show great manners and a good social background to feel you have to speak this pleasantly .

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