Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Herning airfield, another update

FSX. Herning EKHG is small airfield (2900 feets length) in the north of Billund, Denmark. Vidan Design will also developed two more : Sindai EKSN and Soeby EKSA.

Bajasim LaPaz MMLP : new shots

FSX and FS9. This young mexican team makes every effort to share their work. Days after days, new updates are posted.

CLS A330F : VC night lights/textures

FSX and FS9. Commercial Level Simulation has posted several screenshots of the A330 Cargo virtual cockpit at night, including some ECAM.

A new mexican airport ? It's up to us

FS9 and FSX. A well known mexican designer is willing to design the airport of....

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Orbx Fall City available

FSX. Fall City, the first scenery to include NatureFlow feature is now available.

Looks like Carenado has a new project

FSX. Tonight, on his Facebook account, first screenshots of the Jetprop Piper P46T Malibu.

Wilco Pub guess and win 1 : It's a Phenom...

FS9 and FSX. The guess and win #1 has finally revealed a brazilian bizjet, the Embraer Phenom 100. Feelthere, the developer, has already posted some screens from the cabin and virtual cockpit.

Will Air Display change your flights ?

A liner's overhead on Ipad...

Hardware. For some people, Air Display is maybe old stuff but not so much in Flight Simulation. Avatron, a company from Portland, Oregon, specialized in productivity apps, has developed Air Display for Ipad. This adds another screen.

"RAM" : The error has been fixed...

FSX. By choosing Air Algerie as one of the first B737 NGX liveries, PMDG has disappointed a lot of Boeing fans in Morocco and Europe.../.

L.I.F. Corfu : the runway 17 approach

FSX. Emilios, from Life in FSX, has posted another shot of Corfu X. The scenery is still in beta...

Monday, August 29, 2011

FSDreamteam Los Angeles : night pictures

FSX (and possibly FS9 later). New pictures posted yesterday night. This is almost a one year-development.

Aerosoft OV-10 Bronco

FSX. OV-10 Bronco. A short video posted this evening and showing how controls surfaces work on this aircraft.

SimXLive working on a new project...

FSX. John de Young, author of the great Ottawa McDonald Cartier CYOW (freeware), is working on a new project (unknown !). The developer has also created a few months ago, a YouTube channel about past and futur projects. .

Confirmed : Overland is cooking Tokyo Haneda

FSX and FS9. We have just find a few pictures that are confirming Overland's project. Haneda was the oldest airport of japanese Capital but the airport has been drastically extended, with more runways and installations. Airdailyx now reveals the second and third projects...

Majestic Samdim Q400 : night views

FSX. More screenshots have been posted recently to show some night lightings in the virtual cockpit.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

B737-100 and -200 :

FSX. A picture and a release date... At last, some news from .../.

Quality Wings Bae 146/Avro RJ New liveries !

Ex Air California.

FS9 and FSX.  Three new liveries for the Britis Aerospace/Avroliner, thanks to Samy Fay.

Fall City : last shots before release

FSX. Orbx has posted a last set of screenshots. Fall City, another airfield for NA BLUE Pacific Northwest, is located east of Seattle and will include NatureFlow (falling leaves, moving vegetations and some small animals).  UPDATED 17h00 UTC ! More shots.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Quality Wings Bae146/Avro : stunning VC shots

FS9 and FSX. More shots from the virtual cockpit. Maybe a way, voluntarily or not, to answer to CLS announcement this morning...

San Diego KSAN : all the buildings done !

FSX. Sagga Toure ( has posted new screenshots with new buildings and hangars. Things are taking shape.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Overland Finally showing something

FS9 and FSX. In early august, the Japan editor, Overland, has published 3 screenshots of a new airports on its Facebook  account. During our interview, a few months ago, while Japan was shaken by the tsunami, his CEO told us about several airports projects, one in the north of Tokyo and at least another one in Tokyo itself, which is Haneda.

Alro Creations : new project

FSX. The french team, Alro Creations, who created a full lighthouses library, is launching a new project, an offshore vessel with a helipad, like the real Sevenstones, operating somewhere near Guernsey island.

Last minute : CLS announcement

Commercial Level Simulation is announcing a new aircraft, the British Aerospace 146 for FS9 and FSX. More news (and possibly screens) this week end.

Storch Fieseler : Airdailyx short video

A short video presentation of the STOL aircraft, Storch Fieseler, released by FSADDON.
Sorry for the inconveniance. Everything seems all right now. Thanks for your patience.

Some previews of Luton FSX

Terry Smith has posted some previews of Luton EGGW for FSX, 2/3 weeks ahead of its release. The bad news is that Eiresim is going to be dormant for a while since Terry will start a full time adventure.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

C 337 Skymaster : VC night lighting

FSX. Carenado has upload the first previews of the Skymaster virtual cockpit under night lights. The C 337 will be an another HD series aircraft (high definition textures/schemes/).

Storch Fieseler : Hot test

FSX. After the british short take-off Lysander, Simon Smeiman has designed its german opponent [sort of], the Storch Fieseler. This aircraft can take off on 50 meters length and land in less than twenty. Born in WWII, this "STOL" started a second life in France, in Morane-Saulnier factory. Today, dozens of passionates still take care of this vintage aircraft.

Sim-shops : Updated with PcAviator

Our world is globalized for a long time already. We can buy and download everywhere but how sim-shops deal with us ? Which payment method ? What is the size of their "portfolio" ? Some answers here.

Valea Prahovei available

FS9. The romanian Prahovei valley is ready at Romania Scenery Design Team RSDT.

Anacortes, Washington

FSX. Another Orbx airfield. This one has been announced a long time ago. Anacortes is not just about the airfield (74S), it will also include several parts and interesting points of the island, plus a helipad and a private airstrip.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

So good... and so late !

Any resemblance is...

More shots from Tongan kingdom

FSX. Pacific Islands Sim has just posted more shots of Vava'u airport (NFTV), the next tongan stop for adventures. The perfect destination for island hoping. Also included in this new pack (free of charge for Fua'amotu owners), NFTL and NFTP airports. Release soon.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

More from DeVinci

From backstage to front, the terminal 2 (finished) and the terminal 1.

FSX. Eventually we will have a San Diego airport. Sagga, the developer wants to stick to the deadline. The ground work and the terminal 2 are finished and the terminal 1 design has started in mid-august.

Eaglesoft DG releases the Citation CJ1 V.2

FS9. The secretive aircraft designer, Eaglesoft DG, is finally showing off something. The Cessna Citation CJ1+ V.2. is available for FS9. The FSX version will follow soon.

A new canadian project

FSX. Oryx Sim has started a new project : designing some airports in canadian rockies../..

Monday, August 22, 2011

Ariane Design : the HUB philosophy

While some people are still waiting for a full Airac library or a "Navdata", which is today, a standard feature offered in iFLY B737ng and PMDG B737ngx, Ariane Design has invented the HUB concept. You pay for a bunch of flight plans each time you fly on an airline. Today, Ryanair. And if tomorrow, you wish to fly on American Airlines or Westjet, you pay again for two dozen of flight plans.
Ariane announced his Navdata a year ago, then in june, then...

Dash Q400 : some other VC shots

FSX. From Samdim Design, Majestic's partner, very fresh shots of the Bombardier Q400 project.

Tunis Carthage X : more previews

FSX. More screenshots from Tunis Carthage DTTA, the tunisian capital airport. If everything goes well, the airport might be released in early october../.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

More screens from Sao Paulo Congonhas

First, my apologies for the absence of news yesterday. There was nothing relevant and many designers are taking a good rest. Expecting two good posts this afternoon. Thanks.
FSX. Paulo Ricardo is finishing his Congonhas SBSP. He has posted some new pictures on august 15 and 20 in his  forum.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Earth Simulation Guernsey : hot test

FSX. After Shawbury field, Alderney or Isles of Sicily, we could expect another hit from Earth Simulations. Guernsey is a splendid scenery despite its weight. UPDATED 08/22

Aerosoft unveils another FSX light aircraft

FSX only. Published this morning, the first pictures of the Wilga, a cute little STOL aircraft, the Wilga 35A.

Coolsky DC-9 : zoom of the virtual cockipt

Espen Øijordsbakken has posted a small glimpse of McPhat texture. You can zoom and appreciate some microscopic details in his DC-9 (project).

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Tongan airports extension

FSX. Pacific Islands Sim, Graham, has finished his three airports extension of Tonga../.

Bajasim La Paz MMLP : effective transparencies

FSX and FS9. The new mexican team has posted four shots yesterday. Rooms inside the terminal are visible through the glass walls.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A dozen of new screenshots from Antarctica X

FSX. New astonishing screens of LimeSim Aerosoft Antarctica X. 8 GB of datas expected...

Bowerman, unofficial video, official talent

FSX. Uploaded on Orbx this night, the video of Bowerman KHQM, the next free scenery from the australian designer, designed for NA BLUE Pacific Northwest.

Incoming very soon, Valea Prahovei

FS9. "Vishzu" has challenged himself. Making a complete scenery located in the center of Romania, with photoreal grounds from a friend, adding some autogen and landmarks. And Valea Prahovei is about to be released in a few weeks.

And another freeware from Orbx...

Oh Canada... ( not my scenery but my wink to all Airdailyx readers
from Vancouver to Halifax,
sans oublier Quebec et Montreal).

FSX. This is the first Orbx airport for its NA BLUE Northern Rockies. It's 36 nm south of Calgary, Alberta and it's a good departure point to visit Kelowna (Simaddons), or new Central Rockies (Orbx).

Plymouth project still alive

FS9 and FSX. Thanks to Phillip, i have heard some news about Southwest Design. The team is still working on Plymouth airport (EGHD), in the south of England.

A nIght lighting preview VIDEO ! Who ? What ?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Aerosoft DA CRJ : more.

FSX. Some liveries unveiled and three more screenshots of the virtual cockpit.

McPhat Studios : Interview with Terrence Klaverweide

How to run the McPhat studios ? What makes a good texture/painter artist ? What are the next projects ? Why this Airbus 320 curse ? How to improve by crossing different tasks ? For Airdailyx, an extensive interview of Terrence Klaverweide, founder of the well known studio. To read on Airdailyx only

FSDreamteam Los Angeles KLAX : 2 videos !

From Kappa, beta tester, on FSDT forum

Skagit KBVS : first previews

FSX. Orbx shows off two screenshots of Skagit KBVS, another addition to NA BLUE Pacific Northwest. A general aviation airfield with a long runway (5300 feets), located between Orcas, Diamond Point and Concrete.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Quito, new version soon.

FS9 (and later FSX). Each time i am almost ready to give up, a good friend sends me news on a project. This time, Boris Forero sends new screenshots of Quito Mariscal Sucre SEQU. It's exclusive, it's from Ecuador and it's for Airdailyx. Very much appreciated, my friend.

Taxi2gate Kosice LZKZ : hot test

FS9 and FSX. The first serious slovakian airport in FSX. Nice textures and models. Lack of static objects. Original destination.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Coolsky DC-9 textures : the skin concept

FSX. McPhat Studios has posted the first screenshots of his work for Coolsky DC-9 project. While Aerosoft is working on a brand new CRJ virtual cockpit (without any dust traces), McPhat's textures look like a piece of leather, an old skin.

Bump/Specular maps with FSDreamteam

Angle of attack, (too ?) ambitious training program

FSX. Flyaoamedia has launched a few days ago his official NGX training videos. Four extensive training programs for simmers who just bought PMDG's beast.../.

FSL A320 : another glimpse !

FSX. Flight Sim Labs founder, Lefteris Kalamaras has posted another glimpse of the A320. An interesting detail from the external view.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

UK 2000 London City first shorts

FS9 and FSX. Just a few early shots of an unfinished work, the airport of London City EGLC. To be released in october. The scenery will also include all the surroundings.

Majestic and Samdim Design : new shots

FSX. No news about the Bombardier Dash 8 Q400, but some canadian and french liveries.

KLAX : a large (and last) view

FSX (and FS9 maybe). Incoming very soon now.

The A380 virtual cockpit... released

FS9. The A380 base package is now completed with a virtual cockpit. FSX to follow soon.

Friday, August 12, 2011

First textures set of New Zealand south

FSX. Matt Tomkins from Orbx has posted a whole set of ground textures. High quality green country !

What about a free brasilian airport ?

FSX. Paulo Ricardo is almost ready to deliver his Sao Paulo Congonhas airport SBSP. According to Terra-Brasilis, the brasilian FS community, the airport is at 95% finished.

Another enchanting view from Corfu

FSX. Corfu X, by L.I.F. and Aerosoft is now on beta stage and will most probably be launched in the last week of august. In the meantime, another view...

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Tonga adventure goes on...

FSX. Pacific Islands Sim is still working on Tonga islands. After Fua'Amotu, this is Lifuka Ha'Apai, already finished (screenshots).

[BtoB] First half year : complete market zoom

We have now full datas on the first half year and july. Scenery production is growing. FS9 platform resists.

VIrtualCol install process, unorthodox ?

For I tested the VirtualCol installation system, and i am still shaking. About awful security systems. ../..

NGX : my first flight

Just finished my first flight yesterday. Incredible impressions. With my "low" quad core 2,33 GHz, i am stuck around 10 fps on the apron BUT...

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Track&Shot, a new cheap tracker

FS9 and FSX. A small belgian developer, Miseo, has just released Track-Shot utility. This program is easy to handle, helps you track your flights and will be continuously enhanced.

! Why don't you read Airdailyx on Airdailyx !

[ Dear readers, this is just a short message to alert people who might find my posts on other websites. An article is an intellectual property. Articles from a blog are not to be divided and isolated on other websites, especially if these websites are unethical or perceive money from advertising.] Thanks!

KSAN X : terminals under construction

FSX. Sagga Toure, founder and developer of Devinci Design (3De) is now showing us San Diego Lindbergh KSAN with some terminals. The first payware of 3De might be finished in september.

The King Air C90 is alive

FSX. It's still not flying but the twin-turboprop aircraft seems to have a soul already. Carenado has just posted new shots with some advanced texturing.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Ibiza 2011 for free, soon

FSX. Thomas, who designed Palermo airport a few weeks ago, has started Ibiza LEIB. New screenshots have been published today on FSdeveloper.  He is also working on Palermo for FS9. Aerosoft released an Ibiza but it's almost (!) two years ago.

McPhat's PMDG 747X : full info disclosed

FSX. We have all the informations now about the incoming Pmdg 747 HDT livery pack. Expected for release this week, it will include../.

Aerosoft DA CRJ : Hot Hot !

The original Digital Aviation CRJ 700/900. Project driven by Aerosoft.

FSX. New incredible shots of the CRJ project. Back in business.

The Orbx freeware disclosed...

FSX. Now that the Orbx team has completely terraformed Washington state, the second step is to add here and there dozens of cute airfields and surroundings. Bowerman KHQM will be free. The scenery seems almost ready and will include Hoquiam and Goose lake on the Pacific coast.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Delays finally explained ?

Any resemblance is...

Guernsey almost done

FSX. Earth Simulations is about to release Guernsey island. A masterpiece from what we have seen on the last screenshots.

Fly Tampa Athens : Best seller

Simmers want quality, quality and also... quality. They prouve it. Fly Tampa Athens airport is now number one seller on Simmarket, ahead of.... Pro Farm. Athens is ahead of the harvester. This also tell us that any airport in the world can be a best seller if it's based on quality.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Bangkok city slowly emerging

FS9 and FSX. The project is still at an early stage but there are enough proofs to thing that it will be finished. Yes, Asean Airport Scenery (AAS) is designing Thailand capital, Bangkok. In the meantime, "Jtanabodee" keeps working on Samui for FSX.

Ponta Delgada Joao Paolo II : hot test

FS9 and FSX. Tropical Sim strikes back with a gorgeous airport. The first scenery of Azores #2. The whole island designed.

Topcat not abandoned but...

The take-off and landing calculator has been a great develoment for the Flight Simulation. But its developers are now very busy with the new flight planner PFPX.../.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Orbx NatureFlow !

It appears that LeavesFlow was only the top of the iceberg.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Bajasim LaPaz MMLP : views of the cargo area

FSX and FS9 (later). The mexican team has posted three new screenshots of incoming LaPaz MMLP in Baja California Sur.