Friday, May 6, 2011

April Podcast : new sceneries launches

Among the best sceneries released last month. Some are not there (Bornholm X, GAP, Thai Creation Paro..) but we will fix as soon as possible.


Anonymous said...

awesome work.. love your blog!

how do you manage to have time to fly to all the airports you get? are you retired or just have some sort of magic thing to have so much free time.. I envy you. best from Las Vegas, John.

Mason Dominique said...

Thanks !
My magic wand ? 3 hours of free time a day and a cheap passion. No real flight, no sailing, no racing.. but a true passion !

Anonymous said...

damn you Europeans who can have 3 hours of free time, here in the states if we can get 3 hours in a week we are in vacation!

Mason Dominique said...
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Mason Dominique said...

Yes i know. But even so, i have a lot of competitors (in fs news) that have just 3 hours in vac. week ! lol

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