Monday, November 25, 2013

Prepar3D v2 Released!
P3Dv2. The floodgates are open, Lockheed Martin have just activated their Prepar3D v2 eStore links.

I'm not sure just how much their servers are going to be hammered in the next few hours, but so far everything looks good, I'm hearing that speeds are high and rock solid. This may of course depend on your ISP and where in the world you're connecting from.

We'll be keeping an eye on general eCommerce feedback and will notify you of any hiccups that we hear of.

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Unknown said...

i purchased and downloaded in 25 min and its a 10.6 gig download, and just wiped my pc to do a fresh install of windows 8.1 and then p3d v2 and hope over the next few weeks my addons will follow, cross my fingers.

Live Wire said...

Somehow I think LM is going to be surprised just how many student pilots there are in the world !

Unknown said...

My download link never showed up

Unknown said...

Currently downloading with DAP and getting a rock solid 1.3 MB/s to 1.4MB/s.

Lockheed Martin had their servers ready for this release.

Musjo said...

Nice! Hope of trying it out later...

May I ask, what license you purchased? :)

altstiff said...

What is the best Lic to purchase? It seems a little confusing (not hard to confuse me)

Unknown said...

i just purchased the academic license, just finished a fresh install of windows 8.1 and installing p3d v2 now, i wiped fsx completely off. a migration tool is suppose to be released in the next few days, so i will just have to use ftx global and the stock planes until someone says how to install other addons. the most important ones for me is the quality wings 757,146 active sky and 2 dozen payware airports

Unknown said...

i am not a hardcore simmer like pmdg, but i sure love getting in my quality wings planes and flying, this is an exciting release for me,it's like getting a new puppy, just can't wait for the compatibility issues are fixed so i can use most of my addons, so far i think p3d v2 leaves fsx in the dust, just my thoughts

Unknown said...

academic is what you need, the 200.00 one is for military training, the 60.00 is all you need to replace fsx, i am new to all this as well.i feel like support lol

Anonymous said...

Good morning,

I got into my account...
I bought and paid for version 2
I even got my confirmation mail and receipt with ID and license
there are no downloads available...
and even my previous purchase (version 1.4) has disappeared from my account.

I don't like it already...

Luc Brusselmans


Jerome Zimmermann said...

Salukes Luc,

Sounds like a browser issue to me, have you tried reloading the page content using ctrl + F5?

Best regards,


Michael said...

Does anyone know if the academic licence can be used on 2 pc?

Because I would like to try P3D v2 on my laptop pc before installing on my desktop.

altstiff said...

I am pretty sure it says 1 PC Only for the academic licence.

Unknown said...

Happened to me to! I't gave me basic dev v1.4 instead of basic dev v2. Wes was trying to figure it out. I ended up purchasing developer v2 plus and it showed up.

Karl said...

Is there a watermark on the academic version?

DAndre Newman said...

@Karl, yes. Its always there but so small you dont really notice it and even forget it's there. Have a look at my reviews which are all done in P3D.

Karl said...

Thanks DAndre. Yes, I just took at look at your Twotter first look. I've actually read it before and never noticed the watermark before, I really had to look for it. So you are right, it is hardly noticeable.

Seems as if P3D V2 will be purchased by me once the migration tutorials start to roll in.

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