Saturday, November 23, 2013

AirDailyX Interview With Wesley L. Bard
P3Dv2. There have been many rumours and much speculation about the features and improvements that Prepar3D v2 will have to offer. Following Lockheed Martin's official announcement that this highly anticipated release is now only days away, Jerome Zimmermann has had the opportunity to interview Wesley L. Bard, the Software Manager of the Prepar3D Program.
Updated - Prepar3D v2 screenshots added.
Imagery courtesy of Flightbeam Studios.
Thank you so very much Mir!

We trust that the following interview will answer many of your questions of what Prepar3D v2 can and will deliver, and how future developments in technology may influence and shape Lockheed Martin's Prepar3D roadmap ahead.


Jerome: Hi Wes, thanks so much for your time and agreeing to do this interview with me on the upcoming Prepar3D v2. For the sake of clarity and to avoid jumping back and forth between discussion topics, I've tried to group questions by the overall subject matter they would fall under.

Wesley: Hey Jerome, first off, thanks for the opportunity to answer some questions from the ADX team and speak with your readers. We are very excited about v2, we've been at it for quite awhile, and in addition to the amazing new rendering engine you all are excited about, v2 brings an entire host of new features I hope you ask me about down the road, because I'd love to take this opportunity to highlight them all. In addition to myself, I have a few of my rendering engineers helping me out here, Beau Hollis our rendering engine lead, and Zach Heylmun, Rob McCarthy and Kevin Cartrette who are a few of our rendering engineers working on the core engine.

Jerome: Hello Beau, Zach, Rob and Kevin, thanks for joining Wes and me, and with so many engineers present, I'd suggest we start with technology.


Jerome: There have been many rumours and much speculation about 64-bit support. I read an official forum post on your website that mentioned that the initial Prepar3D v2 release would be 32-bit, with a 64-bit one to follow. Could you kindly elaborate where the 32- and 64-bit versions are on the Prepar3D v2 roadmap? 

Wesley: The 64-bit question is a great one, and it's kind of tied directly into backwards compatibility. When we do go 64-bit, most of the currently compiled add-ons won't work. Similarly to how we see people requesting advanced flight dynamics to the core, etc. - that is hard to do and to move forward and still keep backwards compatibility. Customers already have a host of add-ons they are invested in, and we are invested in our developer network members who build content for Prepar3D as well. So what we've done there for v2, is create an all new iSimObject interface. This is an entirely new interface directly to the core of the simulation that let's developers develop and use their own flight-models and dynamics and variables. Literally anything is on the table with this new interface. We really hope developers begin to leverage it.

So, with all that said, v2 is 32-bit. We've put a lot of thought into a 64-bit v2, and will continue to do so, but I can't promise you when it will be done or ready, or what all the hiccups with existing add-ons would be.

Jerome: The developer notes posted on your website have given a fairly in-depth insight into the graphics engine upgrade, especially as far as the move from DX9 to DX11 is concerned. Is it fair to think of this move to DX11 as a graphics upgrade, or would you consider it to be much more than that? Please elaborate.

Wesley: It's a lot more than a graphics upgrade!  By moving heritage work to the graphics card that used to be done on the CPU, not only do we free up the CPU, but certain jobs like terrain paging can happen so much faster on the GPU than they could have been done previously on the CPU. Freeing up the CPU leads to opportunities for more AI traffic, more dynamic simulations, etc.

Jerome: AMD recently announced Mantle, a Low-Level-API that is said to work closer with hardware than DirectX and OpenGL, which promises a more efficient use of all GPU-related functions. Since Mantle is compatible with the shader-language HLSL, which I believe Prepar3D also makes use of, are there any future plans to adopt Mantle on the Prepar3D v2 roadmap?

Wesley: We partner with AMD and NVIDIA and will continue to do so in the future on leveraging all their products to bring the best experiences we can to our customers.

Jerome: Gaming and technology magazines have been raving for months about the Oculus Rift virtual reality headset. Has the Prepar3D v2 development team had a chance to look at this technology and are there any plans to support this hardware in Prepar3D v2?

Wesley: We were some of the first in line for the Oculus DevKits, and this question is a great lead in to something else I was hoping to mention. In v2 we have opened up a brand new interface that allows developers to create their own custom post processes. Post processes are an effect applied to the final rendered image. Examples of these can be night vision, custom effects like motion blur, and also screen distortion, just like what is needed to output to the Oculus screens. We ship with a ton of examples of custom post processes, but this is something that is really amazing for developers as well.

Our new render to texture plugin (which allows developers to render custom graphics at little to no perf impact into the scene) combined with custom post processes opens up some exciting possibilities. Imagine rear view mirrors in your favourite aircraft. Developers can do that now with custom cameras rendered into the mirrors (with the new options we've provided to disable what is rendered in a per view basis so they don't impact performance) and then provide custom post processes to fisheye and blue the mirrors a bit. That's just one small example. Developers can also use custom render to textures in scenery too. Imagine the possibilities of new, more animated and lively airports, custom billboards, etc.

That being said, if another developer doesn't beat us to it and publish Oculus integration with our new tools and interfaces, we can in the future when they are more widely available.


Jerome: One of the most annoying aspects of cloud and weather depiction in Prepar3D is the quivering low altitude cloud problem, which has long been identified as a Z-buffer clipping issue. There has never been a fix for this and to my knowledge this particular problem is due to limitations of the 3D-engine. Will the move to DX11 eliminate this through your inclusion of volumetric fog?

Wesley: We've added volumetric fog and have increased the realism of flying in and out of clouds. They don't screendoor or swivel when you get close, they don't instantly disappear when you get through them, they fade out and part for a much more realistic effect. There are still some legacy cloud issues, but it is much quicker and easier for us to fix these issues in the new rendering engine.

Jerome: Could you tell me about changes that have been made to the cloud and weather system in general, have these been updated or upgraded in any way to include severe icing, dense fog, downdrafts and microburst for example, or will outside add-ons still deliver the best quality weather?

Wesley: We are committed to supporting our developer network developers and community. We primarily are focused on providing core updates that can't be done by the developer network. In addition to two of the new interfaces I've mentioned above, we've created another interface called the PDK that allows another interface into Prepar3D for developers. This allows for much faster calls into the simulation than SimConnect. When weather or other add-on developers request to us the information they need to build great add-ons, and they can't get it through SimConnect, we can now provide them that data now through the PDK. Weather is a great example of this.

Jerome: Although Prepar3D has the ability the show aircraft and building shadows, I have only ever seen cloud reflections, but never actually seen cloud shadows. Is this something that will be included?

Wesley: We didn't quite get cloud shadows in for this release, but will try to get them in for 2.1. Let me show you a screenshot of our lighting page, which shows all our different shadow options for v2:

Shadows are an amazing way to bring new vibrancy and life to the simulation, and really add a great dimension of depth. They are also super customizable in Prepar3D v2. In the previous engine, shadows were baked into the textures based on the time of day. The new rendering engine eliminates that redundancy and we've implemented a new Time Preview UI window that lets you dynamically control the time of day in the simulation, seeing the shadows and lighting and sun and moon and stars pass by dynamically. It really helps to setup those approaches and landings at just the right conditions when you are training. We've even added a play button so you can set yourself up in your favourite scene and pick your time change and press play and watch an entire day night cycle, it's a very nice effect.

Jerome: Speaking of shadows, when I park any aircraft at any airport directly underneath a huge spotlight at night, there are currently no shadows generated around the aircraft, nor do those spotlights illuminate any part of the aircraft. Is this a feature we will see in Prepar3D v2, will night lighting generate shadows and illuminate object surfaces realistically?

Wesley: The moon at night generates shadows; lightning generates shadows. Multiple lighting sources would be a great thing we could work on in the future, but that also comes at a performance cost. We think our customers will be very pleased and impressed with the fidelity and scalability of our new dynamic shadow systems.

Jerome: As far as realism is concerned, there are many features that I can think of that would add to Prepar3D being more realistic, such as aircraft lights illuminating surrounding clouds at night, aircraft landing lights lighting up a runway much sooner, and runway lighting being more exact and realistic (at some airports they seem too large, overly bright and blocky). Can you tell me about any such features and improvements that have been added to Prepar3D v2?

Wesley: I mentioned a lot of the new interface changes above, as well as the differences to the volumetric fog and the cloud rendering. We've also added an ultra water detail setting that with the help of your graphics card will animate the waves of the water surface according to the wind speed. Our goal is to bring increased fidelity and immersion to the sim, and the shadows, new HDR lighting system, and 3D water are great examples of this.

Jerome: This brings me to Pilot Activated Lighting (PAL), also known as PCL (Pilot Controlled lighting) or ARCAL (Aircraft Radio Control of Aerodrome Lighting). This seems to be an often-overlooked feature of small airports and I've seen this included in some scenery add-ons, but very rarely. Is there a way to include this in the Prepar3D v2 airport database to match real-world airport data or does this need to be implemented at an individual airport add-on level?

Wesley: We're going to defer to the addon development community there. We've partnered with many of them for v2, and as they continue to request differentiating features, we will evaluate and continue to work to implement them.

Jerome: Prepar3D scenery has the ability to depict and support sloped runways, but these have been seldom implemented, as AI aircraft apparently cannot use a sloped runway. Has this restriction been fixed?

Wesley: We're going to look at that in a future release.

Jerome: The entire AI Traffic system seems deprecated and most users rely on add-ons such as Traffic X or Ultimate Traffic for simulating real-world aerial traffic. Will Prepar3D v2 feature anything new here?

Wesley: Again, since we ship a limited number of aircraft out of the box, we recommend our customers who require additional AI aircraft and vehicles to either develop their own for their training and solutions, or partner with add-on companies in our developer network.

Jerome: Over the past 12 months we've seen more and more complex add-ons being released, and this appears to be a trend coupled to modern graphics cards allowing users to run Prepar3D at higher settings without the usual penalty on performance levels. Unfortunately these higher settings do have a downside of making Autogen popup a lot more noticeably. It's a known fact that alpha fade was removed early on in FSX by Aces for performance reasons, but sadly never re-enabled, resulting in Prepar3D scenery being plagued with trees and buildings very noticeably popping in and out of view. What has the development team undertaken to remedy this and provide users with a more smooth visual experience in Prepar3D v2?

Wesley: We have a pretty innovative solution to autogen popping. We got a lot of great feedback about it from our beta team, and are excited to reduce the popping effect to add to the immersion and realism training with Prepar3D v2.

Jerome: Replaying a landing or takeoff can be a very useful training tool, since it facilitates a quick and easy way to review these from outside of the cockpit or other different viewpoints. Prepar3D already improved this by allowing different camera angles to be set up, but the animation and playability has room for further enhancement. Will there be any new features that would offer what FS Recorder does for FSX and more?

Wesley: The core Flight Recording system was unchanged from Prepar3D v1.4, but it is on our roadmap for v2 to enhance it.

eCommerce and Software

Jerome: Lockheed Martin currently sells Prepar3D through its online store only. Are there any plans to expand the availability of your products to other online merchants that currently sell Prepar3D related products?

Wesley: We will continue to provide Prepar3D for sale and digital distribution through our website and eCommerce store at

Jerome: Lockheed Martin does not currently offer online payments for Prepar3D to be made through PayPal. As PayPal is considered a much safer online payment method by some of your customers, are there any plans to accept and support PayPal payments in the future?

Wesley: We are unable to accept PayPal. We apologize for any inconvenience this causes.

Jerome: Lockheed Martin has allowed many FSX add-ons to be migrated to Prepar3D without too much of a headache. Will such add-ons that function flawlessly in Prepar3D v1.4 be fully compatible with Prepar3D v2?

Wesley: We worked very hard in v2 to achieve a very high level of backwards compatibility. We wouldn't want users to start with v2 with no legacy content or training material fielded for solutions built with previous versions of Prepar3D. With previous rendering engines being fairly static, developers could find dozens of different ways to use materials and other objects in many different ways which made backwards compatibility challenging. That being said, we are very happy with where we got for v2. While I would say most add-ons will work flawlessly in v2 with the new features, it is best to contact the developer of your favourite add-on to be sure that 1) it is licensed for use in Prepar3D, and 2) if they need to do any updates to it to work with v2.

Jerome: Once Prepar3D v2 becomes a 64-bit application, will add-ons have to be modified to be 64-bit compliant or will they still retain their compatibility as they are?

Wesley: If they have compiled code, they will need to be recompiled.

Jerome: And lastly, is Prepar3D v2 still on track for a November 2013 release, and if so, do you have any more precise release and pricing details?

Wesley: Yes, Prepar3D v2 will be out this coming Monday, and pricing details are available on our website.

Jerome: This concludes our interview. Thanks again for your time Wes, Beau, Zach, Rob and Kevin! D'AndrĂ© and I would also like to express our gratitude to you all for your hard work in getting v2 to us so soon, we didn't really anticipate the release to be so close. We look forward to following the development and post-release updates on the Prepar3D v2.0 site at:

Wesley: Thanks again for the opportunity Jerome. We are very excited about v2 and the opportunities it presents, and we look forward to hearing your and your readers' feedback on v2.

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Dario said...

Nice! Will the wingview come with internal sound? I really hate the external sound when on wingview in FSX.

Sid said...

Good feedback question Dario. I guess at least we'll soon find out if no-one's available to answer.

I'd also be personally interested to know if we'll be able to open multiple windows with different views on multiple monitors over a network, with different PCs carrying different parts of the workload to cope? If this would at all even be possible in any way?

Not expecting any answer necessarily but would be great to hear any answers on these topics should anyone come to know.

Questions placed, my feedback is positive. Great interview Jerome! And thanks to Wes and LM for the valuable information and the insight into the projected roadmap for the future. Some great features announced already with others to come and great expanded and more flexible possibilities for the developer network in future and nice to hear about scope and thought given to additional integration in the future of various existing and future hardware etc. Really great and useful interview.

Thank you again to Jerome, Wesley and al these highly-skilled P3d v2 engineers for the intriguing insight!

Kind regards,

Unknown said...

I need that paypal man

Jerome Zimmermann said...

Hi Dario,

Thanks and out of the box no, but as far as I'm aware it's already possible now to program a different, internal sound with a wingview. The tools are there in the SDK, it's up to the developers to code their aircraft accordingly to provide this. If you look at what RealAir have done with their Duke 2 and the XML sound gauge that was developed for that aircraft, you can see, or in this case hear, that sophisticated sound settings are programmable.

Best regards,


Jerome Zimmermann said...

Hi Sid,

Thanks for your kind feedback and regarding "open multiple windows with different views on multiple monitors over a network, with different PCs carrying different parts of the workload to cope", have you looked at Project Magenta -

They presently offer direct support for Prepar3D and via IPCServer allow you to connect virtually to any data source. They may be able to guide you further with this

Best regards,


Todd said...

Excellent interview, Jerome. Question (tongue and cheek): Why would LM agree to an interview with ADX when P3D is commercial onky? ; b

Jerome Zimmermann said...

Hi Todd,

Thank you kindly and to answer your question...well that's of course because they are great fans of this blog, for where else can they read up on all the great add-ons available to spice up the software they develop ;-)

Best regards,


James said...

Great interview Jerome. All I can say is WOW!

Anyone can answer this...Does FSInn and SB work with P3D?

Jerome Zimmermann said...

Hi James,

Thank you kindly too and there are various instructions on the Internet for setting up FSInn with Prepar3D, though I haven't tried this myself. Some examples:

I also don't use Squawkbox and suggest you look here for some more experienced guidance:

Pilotedge may also be an alternative to look at:

As to how these will work with v2, we'll have to wait for the release on Monday and take it from there.

Best regards,


Sid said...

Hey Jerome,

That's absolutely great to hear for my potential interests in a possible project, if Prepar3D v2 can make it not too difficult to have multiple screens with virtual cockpit views alongside screens with wing views running on a network of shared computer resources! Thanks so much Jerome! I wasn't actually expecting an answer so its so very kind of you indeed to let me know of this, and so quickly. Much appreciated!

I have heard the name Project Magenta fleetingly but never really investigated what it is regarding my ideas but thanks to your advice and info in pointing me in the right direction, I shall certainly be looking into it and requesting guidance in a little time for a future project which I was hoping to do with Prepar3D version 2.
Once again, great and much valued interview and very nice to know the good folks at LM also appreciate and acknowledge the significance of this blog (upcoming website) in this community. Last but not least, keep up the great work in bringing us all these fantastic news and reviews on other add-on products you guys have been bringing us lately...its nice not to forget our hobby isn't on pause as we evolve and transition. Exciting times, eh?!

Cheers so much, again, and best regards,

Sid said...

Like the question Todd ;-)

I guess like Jerome says, where else does one go to find such comprehensive news in one place, so easy and quick to inform oneself and digest. I guess it says a lot in itself about acknowledging us and our applicability and validity in this exciting product and its development, and good for them for doing so. Good on LM! I, for one appreciate it, and wish the best to them with continuing this mutually productive partnership with further development I'm sure you feel the same mate!
Take care,

mike said...

are you kidding me ? not a freaking single question about the EULA or the entertainment license ?
what a joke interview. thanks for wasting my time.

Kristian Holzhausen said...

What part of the EULA do you still not understand, what part of the entertainment license needs to still be clarified for you, are you really that dumb?

Really great interview Jerome and don't mind this guy, he's just an ungrateful troll.

DAndre Newman said...

That would be nice but it won't happen. My true dream would be to find a boxed P3D product on store shelves but so sadly, that will likely never happen either. We need new people to discover our hobby. Back in the day, Microsoft would set up PC stations next to the X-Box stations in video game and electronic stores to promote FSX.

How I wish. Something like that would really help to grow our community.

DAndre Newman said...

Mike, you are clearly not reading the information that has been provided over the past few days. There are no further questions to ask regarding the P3D EULA. Lockheed Martin and Rob Randazzo have both been quite concise on the EULA and licensing matters. As you find our efforts to be such waste of your time, please feel free to discover the many other flight simulation sites out in the Internets. It's folks like you who make our community such a negative and unfriendly place.

Dave Nicoll said...

Well done Mike another well thought out comment.

Thanks Jerome that was a very well informed interview.

Gypsy Pilot said...

Mike why don't you contact Microsoft and see if they will sell you the entertainment EULA. They would not sell it to Lockheed Martin, maybe you will have better luck.

Until you do this why don't you just shut up about it and be happy that someone was able to convince Microsoft to sell them code and EULA.

Microsoft is in the gaming business big time and they do not want anyone with the resources that LM has to compete with them. They sold the code with the stipulation that it could only be used for training and never for entertainment.

Because you receive training with every flight you take LM was able to sell P3D to all of us students at a reduced price.

I bet that you do not know that unless you wrote the code yourself that you do not own a single piece of software but are only leasing/renting it. Violate the EULA in a way to get the producers attention and their lawyers will be happy to explain it to you.

Gypsy Pilot said...

Thanks for the great interview. It answered many of my questions.

Anonymous said...

This is the fucken best flight sim site i check it daily keep this info coming as its addictive to read
awsome post looking forward to P3D V2.0
Great job with the website

DAndre Newman said...

They are actually very willing to actually. But I don't have the money to purchase it. And if I did, it would be an investment of millions to develop it any further to get it to where LM has it today.

Sean McFadden said...

Kudos to Jerome for a very informative interview that addresses many questions on an in-sim and tech level. Glad to see that the topics covered didn't digress to a EULA discussion.

Great stuff, keep it up!

menelado said...

The way I see things about P3D after reading this "interview" is that there is a lot work still required before we see a finished/complete product. What they are selling is an under development 32bit simulator with the ability to use newer graphics cards. They prefer to release a simulator that is compatible with the existing (old) addons so most of the companies will continue to support them. Anyway..better than nothing (fsx)!

James said...

This interview may have just convinced me to move on from FSX and PMDG (hopefully only temporarily) to P3D. P3D is just flat out better! The Majestic Q400 and the Aerosoft AEX should hold me over for awhile.

xavierp said...


great interview.

visual question

I m not sure Jerome ( whom I thank for reading our comments and answering them) has answered sid 's question though.

I read somewhere that v2 improved multiple display performance. I d like to get information from Jerome on this though.

I use for training purposes a triple screen system for front view. the downside is the so called fish eye effect. alsi, the horizon gets messed up if you try to use third party application that try to correct this.

we loose some fps with this though.
will impact on performance when using multiple display lower in v2?

what happens if we run five monitors with one computer with perf? will we be able to have side windows? we can already do that with fsx and p3d great cost of fps.
using a network with multiple computers just isn't a good solution as synchro always is a problem even when fine tuned.

what about v2?
will it allow us to create a 180 or 225 fov field of view with multiple LCD. led screen with one computer or more via a network in a better way than p3d 1.4
easier? better perf? no change?

as prepar3d v2 is for training. a large field of view is really important to evaluate turns, flare...

also with large fov and multiple screens or projectors, we are facing the so called crabbing effect.

this really bothers pilots when they visit our facilities and try a trainer running fsx. will v2 solve this issue. if not, is this something that can be done in the future, is it even possible?

motion data question

are the motion data better than in fsx, or 1.4. as a developer of motion platforms software and hardware, I m always looking for better data. runways take off and landing are just silk so we gave to cheat and implement own data. what about v2.0

best regards
great interview
great to lm and Jerome understanding the community and choosing adx


xavierp said...

somehow I got confused and thought Jerome was from prepar3d team after reading all his details answers to fellow members. so my previous message may be wrong.
I would really appreciate to have my questions answered by lm p3d team

DAndre Newman said...

The P3D team is following the thread. Not sure if they will answer though. We do plan to follow up so your questions are not in vain.

Jerome Zimmermann said...

Salukes Xavier :-)

Merci beaucoup, c'est très gentil.

I'm not from the Prepar3D team, but I do know that team members actively assist to answer questions such as yours in the Prepar3D product forum, which can be found here:

I'm sure they will help you to find answers if you leave them a message in their forum.

Best regards,


Dave said...


Seems you caught the other flightsim sites with their pants around their ankles. Well done guys. In fact, VERY well done.

Green1X said...

I suggest all flight sim devs to make their addons compatible with P3D V2. It'll generate more sales (I'm sure it would).

Ian said...

So for pretty much the last 4 years about it has been pretty common knowledge that the Intel i7/i5 architecture has dominated AMD when it comes to ESP. I am curious with this tweaked, new DX11 graphics engine and better multi-threading can we expect better performance from the much cheaper AMD chips?

AFAC said...

Great job Jerome and D'André! It's been just a month or so since i've discovered ADX and, gotta tell you: take my everyday visit to this blog for granted!
It feels very good to notice that LM is taking a very different path compared with MS/Aces in terms of a closer relationship with the whole community/customers; I can't forget people (mostly ACFT developers) in the recent past telling that FSX was kind of a "dead software", without any room for improvements nor new features; Good for us that LM apparently ignored such arguments and yet saw quite a potential for a good result - despite the need for a lot of time and hard work (i'm no programmer, but i can imagine how hard it may have been for these guys). Needless to say I'm looking forward to P3Dv2, especially in terms of more FPS. My system hasn't the latest available hardware (Q9650 @3Ghz stock, GTX460, 8Gb DDR2), but i can play FSX (with many tweaks alright) nearing 30 FPS most of the time on light sceneries and a "steam gauged" cockpit; On the heavy ones, however, its almost unplayable with 10 FPS or even less. With the news regarding the use of all processor cores and also the GPU, i'm considering two basic possible P3Dv2 results to my case: i might get very happy with a impressive performance improvement; or, very disappointed and sticking with FSX. I'm definitely hopping for the first one. Best regards!

Sid said...

Hey DAndre,

How goes things? Well I see. Been really busy with work for a while but have been enjoying catching up on all the past fortnight's news! Before I forget, thank you so much for such nice comments a couple of weeks back. They were too kind. There's many of us that like to approach and see this as a positive, forward looking, constructively critical and globally inclusive community. Judging from a lot of the comments above that's self evident even when there are the odd negative destructive folks trolling about. Anyway my point is that all the credit for this fantastic endeavour goes to yourself and to Hoff and Jerome and Ian and also to many other guys out there like Adi who help you guys out with emails and articles. I wouldn't have the first clue how to email you and even though I often wish to volunteer help in some form of other my career at this point demands in a way I could not offer such help in a way that could be relied upon in a regular way at this time and I would rather never let you or ADX down. Should things change in time and should you require help again in the future (I think its all covered superbly by these guys now) and should I be able to be relied upon, I would certainly volunteer if such conditions prevailed. That said I'm always in awe at how much dedication, time-consuming hard work and commitment all you guys I've mentioned above put in and how it brings so much to serve our global community. It never ceases to impress and please. So you know you really don't need to bat an eyelid to comments like that of Mike's above...its just not worth the time it takes.

Anyway, having caught up and that said, I actually wanted to add to this issue regarding hardware connectivity an future functionality and potentials.That's great to hear the questions are not in vain, Thank you! I think Xavier almost understands what I was actually trying to getting at above. What Xavier describes is closer to what I actually meant in usability, though I'd like to try something slightly more and slightly different yet the requirements are the same as he comments on. So if he or you hears anything further down the line, it would be very interesting indeed to hear. And Xavier, from what I can tell fro your comments and signature, you know a thing or too about these things. I may be interested in getting in touch in time to see if you may perhaps be able to play a role help with that project should things fit in with the cost/benefit levels I settle on h deciding if I wish to do it. If you provide a contact email, I will make a note of it. Otherwise, perhaps I can try to find on your website if and when the time comes to go ahead. Anyway, enough said for now. I just wanted to indicate really that there are potential customers out here who are also interested in Xavier's question and would love to see this functionality made simple to make projects and plans feasible as soon as possible. So thank you D for acknowledging everyone's interest and questions and your comments indicating your plans to follow things up in due course. It means a lot and we are all very grateful. Keep up the fab work. Good to catch up on all the great products lining up. Really looking forward to the Oslo project...I know you are too. Take care for now!

Best regards,

xavierp said...

Hello Sid,

My email is on my website, just use xavier @ domain name .com


DAndre Newman said...

Thanks Sid. Among the ADX fans out there i'd consider you to be a superfan! You know, like a GE90!!! Ha! Once the new site is launched, we will be looking for reviewers so if you are interested, email me.

Always enjoy your comments. I think we can put all your writing to even better use!

Unknown said...

A review by Sid would be longer than War and Peace :)

Sid said...

LOL!!! Ha! You're not wrong there Richard and Dandre! Vraiment, c'est possible! My other half's sat right next to me and saying "Well that's fucking true!" LOL! Nothing more to say...:-) BUT thank you for such nice and kind words again and would love to help torture the masses with War & Peace one day :-) Not really! Any torturing and misery can always be skipped as it can now :-) On a serious note, would love to help be constructive and useful in the future but in a less torturous and contributory niche way for the website perhaps. Don't know where to find your email address though so you may need to point my simple brain in the right direction? Thank you DAndre.... I am glad you're one of the very few who enjoys such easily skip-able 'essays' and opinions though. Hope to put any writing to a better use, as you hilariously put it, sometime in the future. You take care mate! War and Peace - a lot like what our community can feel like at times eh Richard? ;-) I choose peace :-) All the best to all in this small yet fantastic community! Celebratory days to live it up for us these days! Happy days! Better go...told her indoors I'd be done half an hour ago...LOL!

Leo Tolstoy:-)

Sid said...

Thanks Xavier! Noted. Will get in touch in due course!


DAndre Newman said...

Its in the footer of the blog. I'll be looking to bring you on with the launch of the new site.

Sid said...

So it is. Told you my brain's very simple :-)

Hoping for things to quieten down some time in the new year so that I may assist in some useful but practical and reliable way to help benefit the community. And as always, whatever I may be able to manage, it will always be honest. Of that you can always be assured mate. In the mean time, all you guys are really doing an unbelievable job...I don't know how you do it guys, giving so much back. Again, I appreciate your very kind comments and I'll be in touch. Thanks again mate! All the best to you!

Unknown said...

Sid! You know I was only kidding! :) it's nice to see people like you in this community. And I prefer peace too! All the best to you!

Sid said...

Hey Richard, No worries at all... I certainly did know you were kidding my friend and it tickled me very much and my other half even more so, as she knows me so well :-) I enjoyed it :-)I hope you didn't misunderstand me, I was kidding too. Thank you very much also for such kind words friend...the feeing is mutual and its very nice to see community-spirited and peace-choosing people like you too. There are many positive and constructive (and critically constructive) such people in our community, though sometimes a few others can make it seem otherwise at times...that's what I meant...they can always simply skip our opinions as we can theirs but my focus is always on engaging with those in the vast majority that have the kind of satisfying community spirit that guys like you and DAndre carry, whilst always accepting, however, that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and position on things. Its nice to see we are such a diverse community but its also only nice to engage with those who are inclusive and non-destructive, for me at least.

So please know that I laughed out loud and enjoyed your comment very much (I am fully aware that my comments can get lengthy to say the least but hopefully clear and very precise, so I enjoyed the joke in the good humour it was meant in), it really was very funny and I enjoyed it immensely, sensing it was meant in such a humorous spirit. Here's to all who choose peace, collaboration and team-spirit in advancing our hobby, community, education and simulation abilities/possibilities and innovative ideas and technology (from Devs to LM to us end-users to information providers like the guys here at ADX). All bring something very valuable to the table. I better stop before War and Peace breaks out again, eh? :-) LOL :-) Only joking :-) You take good care and all the best to you too my friend :-)

ALX WNT said...

Now we need 3 people; 1 owns R290X, other owns 780, the other owns Titan

Let the benchmarks begin

Unknown said...

Do you need 770?

DAndre Newman said...

No. My 660ti is compatible. Check your card via nVidia's website. There is a product listing that tells you which is and is not compliant with DX-11

With P3D V2, you WILL want more memory on the GPU though.

Unknown said...

when you will switch to OpenGL so we can have a port to other platforms like Linux or MacOS X?

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