Monday, October 21, 2013

EGTF FairOaks: My kinda place!

FSX/P3D. After my amazing discovery of Damyns Hall, I am happy to see that the Orbx England airfields are still in development. I am not much of a fan of grass airstrips and have made my thoughts quite known that what we really need in the UK are the paved aerodromes. It seems another is on the way and based on the recently released preview shots, looks like Fair Oaks is my kind of place indeed. It will be a very short flight over London from the east to the west. Is that Russ' new digital shrubnology in there? 2013 is not going down without a fight. Lots of new products coming in before years end. Do I dare say this has been the best year of FS addons ever? Think about it.

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IFR7700 said...

I agree with your assessment about 2013. I cannot recall a year that has produced so many epic add ons. Trending awesome.

Arnon said...

Any idea where they are with their Norther California project?

CGaft said...

This looks incredible, very nice indeed:)...I don't have have FTX England. I'm waiting for Norway with it's beautiful fjords & allot of paved small airports.

Unknown said...

This looks really good.

Does anyone at AirDailyX know if this will be fully compatible with Steve's DX10 fixer?

DAndre Newman said...

I don't. It's up to the scenery developer to do as they see fit. I suggest you ask the developer directly.

Besides, once P3D 2.0 is released (planned within the next 2 months) DX11 will be fully supported. So I am not giving much attention to DX10 as I do not use FSX.

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