Saturday, September 21, 2013

Russ the gardener... growing digital plants and stuff...

FSX/P3D. PAEN Kenai. It's Russ White's next destination in the SAK. But that is not the destination in the shot you see above. After his highly successful Elstree release, Russ has continued to spend his time over in the little yet densely vegetated afield of EGML Damyns Hall just outside London. This project is the beginning of a new Orbx budget airport series and also new vegetation/grass technology which will be implemented into it. So heavy on the foliage and easy on your wallet. Good and very good!

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Jap said...

Very competitive price indeed! And looks mighty good.

Unknown said...

I would imagine that most who buy this have FTX England, since they are kind of designed to go together. All that vegetation looks really cool, hope it doesn't kill fps.

Sid said...

Hope they'll do some that aren't so much in the proximity of London. I bought Elstree and its a truly stunning piece of work by the great Russ White of Orbx. I buy all his works in general. Only problem is I'm going to have to uninstall it cos its the only one of all my sceneries (Orbx or non-Orbx) that performs so drastically poorly even in a C337 that its unusable (2-3 fps). Its such a shame and its not the sceneries' fault...its the proximity to the city of London which is renowned for the worst performance area in FSX. So I'll generally buy nothing near London except the awaited new Heathrow. Which one? I don't know yet...I expect you'll have a lot to do with that decision for me DAndre :-) But, any of these, away from London, I'm in once I can get a few issues sorted with my FTX EU addons. That vegetation looks gorgeous doesn't it. What else could it be if its a Russ White creation :-) Love his and Lars Pinkenburg's work always.

DAndre Newman said...

Well Kevin, all I can say it if it doesn't fulfill your needs, don't buy it. But these are FTX sceneries and are meant for FTX regions simply put.

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