Monday, December 17, 2012

Airbus Extended Released!

FSX. Aerosoft has finally released the long awaited Airbus Extended and it's just in time for the holidays!,,12065

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Unknown said...

released !!!!

Anonymous said...

Aerosoft forums states it is released.

Anonymous said...

Argh Christmas,too much money needed. I'm waiting till after xmas & hopfully after a few bugs have been squished.

Anonymous said...

You can go to SimMarket to get it also if you can't get to the aerosoft website

Mason Dominique said...

Remember that there is a discount for previous owners of the first Airbus X.

Anonymous said...

This is odd... looks rushed too me (FSlabs coming also)... let us begin checking the posts on the forum to hear the bugs...

Mason Dominique said...

Agreed !

If you read Aerosoft Airbus Xtended forum, first comments were enthousiast. But on this kind of product, feel free to wait a day or two.
My opinion is that, this time, Aerosoft did not want to miss or spoil this event. The beta team really worked hard.

DAndre Newman said...

We will run it through it's paces till the wings fall off. If it's great, we'll know it. If it's crap, we'll know it. Were very busy but we are on top of it.

Unknown said...

I just bought it. It still kinda feels like the previous version. I love the RAAS though and the sound environment (People coughing, papers fliping, etc) Currently flying it now from Helsinki to Zurich. No problem so far.

Unknown said...

Flying her right now between Helsinki and Zurich. She still feels like the previous version in terms of realism. Nice modeling, smooth flying, love the sounds of paper flipping, F/O coughing, RAAS system, etc. So far so good!

Anonymous said...

Did a quick circuit at my local field in this bird and I think she handles a lot better than the old one and I was on the beta for the last version (not the extended however). Didnt get a chance to do software checks but more just a hands on flight. I am impressed for now so well done Aerosoft!

Anonymous said...

Feels nothing like the old one to me. Full of new features that are very enjoyable. MCDU is full featured, autopilot is robust and FBW actually feels like FBW and aircraft is very controllable especially on final.
The framerate is exceptional for me, almost as much as default FSX aircraft. The sound features are really nice and allow me to ditch FS2CREW, FSPassengers all together.

I'm impressed with Aerosoft this time around.

Mason Dominique said...

Thanks everybody for your comments !
We are downloading it too now.
Your reports are precious to all of us

Anonymous said...

I love it, is unflyable at 4x speed however.

Unknown said...

wait FSLabs )))

Anonymous said...

Very impressed so far!

Anonymous said...

I'm extremely impressed! It's the best airbus around at the moment :) small bugs but they'll be fixed in an SP

Anonymous said...

So, for all that talk on wanting to get it "just right", they kick it out in time for Christmas with a few known bugs...
Not sure what to think here...


Anonymous said...

It works fine, the few bugs don't detract from normal operation of the whole sim


Mason Dominique said...

Lost a few hours on my Saitek Pro Flight Yoke but so far so good. Impressed.
We are working on a review.

Anonymous said...

Hotfix 1 is out....

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