Wednesday, December 5, 2012

717 coming our way!

FSX. TFDi Design is currentlu underway on the Boeing717. They say the aircraft will come in 2 versions: full commercial with all systems including FMS and a "lite" version. AirDailyX will be following theit progress very closely over the next year. I myself am a huge fan of the 717, an aircraft Boeing should have never stoped. I still remember seeing the last one roll off the line for AirTran. It broke my heart... Let's hope TFDi brings it justace!

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Anonymous said...

So awesome!!! Finally a 717!

Anonymous said...

To be completely honest, I'm not hyped about this one. It is cool that someone is taking time to build a 717 but from my standpoint it looks like the exterior is being rushed. The nose looks off to me (although they might have used an awkward angle of view in their previews). I get the impression that they began to model the details before they have accurately modeled the noseshape.

I'm not making this post to bash the developers who are working hard on this project. As a 3D-modeler myself, I'm hoping that people who start 3D-modeling keep this in mind before they start working on the details. At this point it is a lot of work to correct the noseshape.

Like I stated before, I'm not trying to bash this project, because I haven't seen the systems yet. I am just concerned about the accuracy of the exterior and therefore not hyped about this project.

Collin Biedenkapp said...


We appreciate the input. Our developers are currently in the process of reworking the nose cone.

Thank you for the interest,

Collin Biedenkapp,
CEO, TFDi Design

Anonymous said...

A 717? This year really has been full of surprises! Loving this news!
Wish the developers all the very best!

Anonymous said...

Good to see developers like you are taking responses like this seriously, there are a lot of companies who will not listen to the user's input. I am thrilled to see how you will correct things. Also, do not be scared to real life pictures. During my current project I used litterally tons of reference pictures just for the nose alone.

Anyway good luck with this project!

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