Thursday, October 4, 2012

The wait is over! Helsinki released!

FSX. A-Flight and Aerosoft has finally released the ultra amazing Helsinki. This has to be one of the best looking products we have seen. But just how good is it? Stay tuned for our exclusive review! Now go get it!
Get it here:,,12241

Thanks Andrew!



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Anonymous said...

Bought it! It looks great but it runs like shit. It STUTTERS like a dyslectic Sloth.

Its unusable unless they can patch out the stutters. Real shame.

I have a very high end PC too.

Anonymous said...

I am to getting bad frames.
also ai planes don't show up unless shadows are turned of.

very slow with pmdg 737 ngx.

Anonymous said...

Yep, there are major performance issues. I spent most of my free time this evening downsizing the 2048x2048 dxt5 sheets to 1024x1024 using dxtbmp and photoshop... There are 180 of these 2048-sized files. Okay, not all load (as there are seasonal textures) but my current guess is that there is quite a load on the graphics system. No other scenery I have uses do many of these 2048 sheets. I normally only see that resolution on aircraft... I get a subjective improvement in performance with the current set of reduced textures, even though I have another 60 or so still to convert.
My tip is to turn off the baggage carts. That is really noticeable, as are the cars...


Anonymous said...

No performance issues here...
Custom AI (mainly FS9 models) about 40 aircraft on the airport and in the sky (100% airline traffic),
UTX Europe, GEX Europe, FSGX 2010 Mesh, OpusFSX live real weather.
getting constant shutter free 20-25FPS with the NGX and locked 30FPS with the C-172.

Intel IB 3770K @ 5.0ghz and a GTX580.
using mainly Kosta's tweaks.

Anonymous said...

I get an okay frame rate, it just stutters worst than anything before it. Something isn't right.
It helps somewhat to remove the cars, trees & ramp trucks but it feels so empty now.

I have a Intel I7 @4.5 & NvidiaGTX 670

I buy lots of scenery & see no problems this bad before.
A little disappointed :(

Chris said...

This is certainly a beautiful scenery but does not work well with other complex addons... There are numerous OOM-Crashes reported with even high-end specs

Commander-AUT said...

Guys, they released a patch against the high video-memory consumption, yesterday.

Give it a try.

Mason Dominique said...

I bough it on Simmarket yesterday. Did not see any patch, did not receive any email mentionning it...

Commander-AUT said...

Costumers who had purchased at AS-store will find the patch after login (shop).

So maybe there is delay in delivering to simmarked and it's weekend, though.

I'd try asking in the AS forums, maybe they'll give you the link for download.

Anonymous said...

This is really bad for a company like Aerosoft to release something like this, smaller developers do better than this.

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