Monday, October 22, 2012

How dare you !

FSX. Flight Sim Labs is definitely not understanding what is this market and simmers insatiable curiosity. But apparently, we should not even ask for screenshots. 3 months without a shot and we dare asking !!  We are just asked to remain silent and wait patiently like children ! That's FSL spirit.


Anonymous said...

I believe both Andrew and Lefteris have been very clear in their Avsim interviews, so why the fuss!

Anonymous said...

FSLabs A320 vs Aerosoft A320, PMDG 777 vs CaptSim 777 .... Lots of competition, rising the stakes and pressing from curious customers is creating tension. That's what you get now. Similar to your note, I'm afraid to ask anything about update at the PMDG forum these days, to avoid being "back slapped"...

Mason Dominique said...

Oh yes they are always ready for interviews and projectors on them. But for the fans of the A-320 ? Very few things...
They are so up in the sky, stars like PMDG staff but what ? Just one aircraft in 3 years ? Sorry, they are not gods, not yet.

Mason Dominique said...

I can understand that, Kevin.
There are a lot of new released these last days.
But the last time FSL posted pictures was several months ago.
Seriously, i am on Aerosoft Airbus Xtended now. I am definitely not buying their aircraft. That's too much sacrifices and waiting. PMDG desserves to wait for their work.
FSL ? They have so much to prove and they behave like prima donna !
Dom Mason

Mason Dominique said...

And that will be the only motive for a full unconditionnal apology from me.
But ... from my experience, FLS is far far from beeing a PMDG. If they think so or behave like it, that is very presumptuous...
And even PMDG gives regular news.

Mason Dominique said...


Hi My name is Dom
I am french, i am arrogant.

It's important to share, to inform, to communicate with people. Or what ?
Are they (FSL) just processing developing programming machines ?

Anonymous said...

well, say hello to Airbus Extended

Anonymous said...

What's that saying? 'Stick a million monkeys into a lab in front of computers, and sooner or later they'll code you an Airbus'?

DAndre Newman said...

But imagine if they could?! :)

Anonymous said...

We have to remember that we have no rights in this game. They are under absolutely no obligation to show the potential customer anything at all. They are under no obligation to release their work even. I prefer to see the stuff just prior to release. If it is up to scratch, then I buy, maybe.
I take what FSL shows. If it turns out to be a must-buy, then I will go ahead, any reservations, I won't be bothering, not at the likely price it is going to sell for. Same goes for a certain Q400 by the way.

I am all for news, but not at the expense of badgering developers.

ADX is my first port of call these days for project info


A Believer. said...

And you do realise who it was wrote all those funky PMDG planes?

Anonymous said...

What on Earth are you complaining about Dom? Someone asked for updates, and as far as I can see - FSL have said they'll be posting some updates soon?

And what's with the screenshot? They've said a number of times the A320-X has got several innovations they can't show us - I think that's very fair given the imminent release of the Aerosoft bus.

I enjoyed reading both of the long features they posted on Avsim last month - if they can deliver anything like what they say they've done - it'll be a master piece for sure.

Give these guys a break and let them do their jobs. Plenty of other news to report until we see something again from FSL.

Sam said...

So what promises/assurances have FSL let you down on?

You make continuous comparisons to PMDG who in my experience over the last two years have made many promises/assurances that have never come to pass. The 737NGX was nearly a year after their published time scale with the odd update to say 'it's nearly finished, it won't be long'. Some might call that stringing their fans along. We where told we would have a 777 before the year is out. Where is that?

So you accuse FSL of treating you like a child by acting like a child. Put your dummy back in.

Anonymous said...

I think it's perfectly fine for FSL not to post screen shots if it gives away some of the secret stuff they've been working on. I come here for news but it's a bit rich of you to demand screen shots from a developer and then state that you won't be buying their stuff just because you don't like them not posting a screen shot. Also based on the thread going in the FSX part of AVSIM, it does indeed look like they have the experience and crew behind them to act like a prima-donna or have their heads in the stars if they so wish. They've proven themselves already.

Anonymous said...

Guys come on just calm down.Have anyone of you invested money for that?No absolutely none of us.They are not obliged to show anything at the moment.They are many competitors in the market.Just think
PMDG 777
Aersofot Airbus Ext
Majestic Software Q400
Blackbox Box Simulation

even The Professional Flight Planner X


They have to wait to see what's going on with market right?

All regards

Anonymous said...

Any standard "Arrogant French" probably wouldn't have a clue - and this one obviously doesn't, either :-)

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